Exercise 3: Fill in the words from the box and read the recipe. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 3: Fill in the words from the box and read the recipe.

put (x3) cut eat slice(x2)

Tomato and Cheese Sandwich

… to open the bread roll,

… the tomatoes.

… the cheese.

… tomato slices on the bread.

… some cheese on top.

… the top of the bread roll on top.

Now … your sandwich. It’s delicious!



Grammatical Topic

THE ADJECTIVE (Прикметник)

Особливі випадки утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників
Основна форма Вищий ступінь Найвищий ступінь
Bad good far (далекий) old   little worse better farther older elder less the worst the best the farthest the oldest the eldest the least


Форми elder та eldest вживаються, коли йдеться про членів сім’ї (my elder brother – мій старший брат), але якщо при порівнянні є слово than – ніж, то вживається форма older, а не elder (he is three years older then his sister).


Exercise 1: Make the right degrees of comparison:

Tall, high, dry, clean, good, pretty, long, short, hot, polite, young, old, little, big, small, bad, interesting, huge, wide, far, strong, difficult, attentive, helpful, cheap.


Exercise 2: Translate into English:

1. Його машина дешевша, ніж моя.

2. Наша кімната найменша в квартирі.

3. Моя сестра молодша за мене.

4. Їхній будинок найгарніший.

5. Її сукня гірша, ніж моя.

6. Зима холодніша ніж літо.

7. Його будинок вищий мого.

8. Це питання складніше ніж минуле.

9. Найкраща пора року – літо.

10. Візьми це крісло. Воно легше.



(ст.. 28 Барановська)






Заняття №12

Прийоми їжі. Прикметник


· a snack – закуска

· to have a snack – перекусити

· breakfast, dinner, lunch, tea, supper – сніданок, обід, другий сніданок (ланч), чай як прийом їжі, вечеря

· substantial meal – суттєва їжа

· to have breakfast, dinner, supper – поснідати, пообідати, повечеряти

· raw, sour, spicy, sweet – сирий, кислий, гострий, солодкий

· tasty, tasteless – смачний, несмачний

· strong tea, weak tea – міцний чай, слабкий чай

· to consist of – складатись з

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

There are four meals a day in English: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and consists of porridge with milk and salt or sugar, eggs – boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. You can eat also a cornflakes and toasts. Some people like to drink tea, but others prefer coffee. Instead of porridge they may have fruit juice, or they may prefer biscuits. For a change you may have a fish.

The usual time for lunch is 1 o'clock. A businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he gets to a café or restaurant. This meal starts with soup or fruit juice. Then follows some meat or poultry with potatoes – boiled or fried, carrots and beans. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer cheese and biscuits. Last of all coffee – black or white. Englishmen often drink something at lunch. Water is usually on the table. Some prefer juice or lemonade. Sometimes we can have steak and chips with a glass of light beer with lunch.

Tea is the third meal of the day. They call them «afternoon tea». It is between 4 or 5 o'clock, the so-called 5 o'clock tea. Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. On the table there is tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam.

Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. The usual time is about 7 o'clock, and all the members of the family sit down together. Dinner usually consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables – potatoes, green beans, carrot and cabbage, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits. Then after a talk they have black or white coffee.

But the greater part of the people in the towns, and nearly all country-people, have dinner in the middle of the day instead of lunch. They have tea a little later – between 5 and 6 o'clock, and then in the evening, before going to bed, they have supper.

So the four meals of the day are either breakfast, dinner, tea, supper; or breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.


Exercise 2: Complete the sentences:

1. There are … meals a day in English: …

2. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about …

3. You can eat for breakfast: …

4. How can you understand: For a change …

5. The usual time for lunch is …

6. For lunch people eat …

7. For lunch people drink …

8. … is the third meal of the day.

9. Afternoon tea is …

10. We can eat during tea time …

11. … is the biggest meal of the day.

12. Dinner usually consists of …


Exercise 3: Answer the questions:

1. How many meals a day do the English have? What are they?

2. What is breakfast (time, products)? What can we eat \ drink for breakfast?

3. What meals is lunch?

4. Why is so hard for businessmen to go home for lunch?

5. What can people eat \ drink for lunch?

6. What is afternoon tea? What other names can it have? Why?

7. What do people have during tea time?

8. Why is tea time a pleasant moment during a day?

9. What is the biggest meal of the day?

10. What can people eat \ drink for dinner?

11. What meals are there in Ukraine?

12. What do you eat for breakfast \ dinner \ lunch \ supper?



Exercise 4: Make the right degrees of comparison:

Old, little, careful, happy, beautiful, pretty, bad, good, far, big, short, difficult, wide, long, comfortable, cosy, strong, weak.


Exercise 5: Translate into English:

старший друг найдовший шлях сильніший спортсмен

гарніше плаття складніший приклад найзручніша кімната

найгарніша дівчина цікавіша книжка кращий день

найменша проблема найнебезпечніша дорога гірший фільм


Він хороший учень

Студенти виконати складнішу вправу.

Я купив гарну книжку. Я купив кращу книжку. Я купив найкращу книжку.

Моя кімната найбільша в квартирі.

Наша кухня найзручніша в світі.

Це найсмачніша страва.








Заняття №13


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