Task 14 Match the following definitions with the terms. 

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Task 14 Match the following definitions with the terms.

Metalwork ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers
Fabrication objects made by shaping metal
The fabric things that people do in order to achieve a particular aim
Activity the process of making or producing something
Technology is basic structure of building, including walls and the roof

Task 15 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

from at of in after
to out with on  


1. Modern market conditions … the field of civil engineering need a close cooperation … all participants, engaged … this process: … the stage … project documentation development … the project commissioning.

2. Knowledge received … the University helps students to estimate and to solve these problems.

3. Having graduated …. the University newly made engineers are able to work…, to coordinate and to carry … the idea … building that is deeply rooted … human traditions.

4. They also deal … detail planning and town-planning.

5. Their future activity is concerned … design works … reconstruction, restoration … buildings and constructions, elaboration … design estimates.

6. Engineers are engaged … construction … industrial and civil buildings and constructions, … the use … new designs, materials, products, and advanced methods … work.

7. So, … graduation … the university the activities … civil engineers are very wide and these specialists are supposed to carry … technological, designing and research work.

Task 16 Complete the following sentences:

1. Modern market conditions in the field of civil engineering need ….

2. Having received a degree a graduate becomes a civil engineer dealing with …

3. … helps students to estimate and to solve these problems.

4. Having graduated from the University newly made engineers are able to …

5. They also deal with …

6. Their future activity is concerned with

7. Civil engineers apply advanced methods of …., …, … and...

8. They deal with … of municipal formations, their ….

9. Engineers are engaged in …, with the use of ….

10. Civil engineers ensure …

11. One of the most important and demanding task is concerned with … and …

12. So, after graduation from the university civil engineers are supposed to …

Task 17. Read the following statements and express your agreement or disagreement.

When you disagree give the correct information.

To express your agreement use such expressions as:

I think, that exactly so; How right you are; Speaking frankly, you are quite right; Exactly, just so; I quite agree with you/ I fully agree with you/ I cant agree more; That is my opinion too; That is very true; etc

To express your disagreement use such expressions as:

I am afraid you are wrong/mistaken/ not quite right; noting of the kind; it is unlikely; it is doubtful; I don’t think you are right; Well I think that’s not so; Are you sure?; That’s your opinion, not mine; I don’t believe that; etc

To give the correct information and to express your opinion, use such expressions as:

I think/ suppose/ believe/ consider/ feel/ guess; In my opinion; From my point of view; Frankly speaking; as far as I understand; The matter/ the problem/ trouble is that; etc


1. There is no need in close cooperation of all participants, engaged in the process of building: from the stage of project documentation development to the project commissioning.

2. Having graduated from the University newly made engineers are able to work out, to coordinate and to carry out the idea of building that is deeply rooted in human traditions.

3. They are not allowed to create architectural designs that meet both aesthetic and technical requirements.

4. They never deal with detail planning and town-planning.

5. Their future activity is concerned with design works on reconstruction, restoration of buildings and constructions, elaboration of design estimates.

6. Waste water engineers apply advanced methods of management, processes of building, reconstruction and operation of buildings.

7. Engineers are engaged only in reconstruction of civil buildings and constructions.

8. They are not allowed to use new and advanced methods of work.

9. Task concerned with the assembly sequence of a prefabricated building and cost control is not very important and demanding.

10. So, after graduation from the university the activities of civil engineers are very narrow and these specialists are supposed to carry out only designing and work.


Task 18. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as: I think/suppose/ consider/believe; to my mind/ in my opinion; as far as I remember/ know/ understand; Let me see...; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think..; Let's put it this way...; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question. Let me see...

1. What do modern market conditions in the field of civil engineering need?

2. What problems do graduates from the university deal with?

3. What activities are newly made engineers able to do?

4. What do they deal with?

5. What is the future activity of civil engineers concerned with?

6. What methods do engineers apply?

7. What are they engaged in?

8. What are civil engineers supposed to do?

9. What is most important and demanding task in activity of civil engineers?

As, you have already found out that one of most important and demanding


Task19. You have already found out that one of most important and demanding task in the activity of civil engineers is cost control.

1. So, in pairs look through this discussion on the application of cost control to building contracts and complete these notes:

a) Phase 1 …. - ……stage.

architect submits … …

client sets a …......

cost limit broken down into … ….

architect completes … and ……

specifications sent to …

b) Phase 2 …. - …. stage

regular checks made to compare …

with …. ….. of …..

all information filed to help …….

Read and translate the dialogue and be ready to describe the sequence of events in the application of cost control to building contracts. Pay attention to the following words.



Continuous process непрерывный процесс
Pre-tender stage этап на котором рассматриваются заявка на подряд
Cost-limit лимитная цена
Cost target планируемый уровень издержек
Price each item in a specification оценивать каждую деталь в отдельности
To file away запоминать



interviewer: At what stage in the design and construction of a building do you apply cost control?
architect: Well, we actually apply it at all stages, because cost control should be a continuous process throughout the complete programme of a con­tract. But it usually occurs in two phases. Firstly during the design or pre-tender stage, and secondly during the actual construction oper­ations or post-tender stage as it is also known.
interviewer: I should think a client wants to know at a very early stage how much a building will cost him, doesn't he?
architect: Oh yes, of course. You see, an architect will usually give him an ap­proximate estimate when he submits his preliminary plans. This then enables the client to set a cost limit above which he is not prepared to go.
interviewer: So the first step is to set a cost limit. Umm... What happens after that?
architect: Well, err... the cost limit is broken down into cost targets for various parts of the building. Using this you can make sure that you don't spend too much on only a small part of the building. After agreeing the cost targets, the architect completes the final design of the building and the specifications.
interviewer: Could you explain what specifications are?
architect: Oh. Yes, certainly. Well, these are a list of items which describe the work to be done in a building contract. When the specifications have been completed, they are sent to a contractor who prices each item and then submits a tender.
interviewer: Does that complete phase 1 of the cost control process?
architect: Yes it does, but then we go on to the second phase. You see, regular checks must be made during the construction process to compare the estimated cost with the actual cost of construction. You try and finish the building with a cost as close as possible to the tender figure.
interviewer: I expect you usually spend more than you estimated. Is that true?
architect: Err... Well, unfortunately, yes, it is true. However, all this infor­mation we have collected about costs during the construction of a build­ing is filed away and it is a great help in estimating the cost of a similar building when it is in the pre-tender stage.
interviewer: Thank you very much for talking to us. That was most interesting.


4. Answer these questions:

1. Why is cost control applied at all stages of the building contract?

2. When does the architect give the client an approximate estimate?

3. What is the cost limit broken down into? Why?

4. What are specifications?

5. Who receives them?

6. What is the aim of cost control?

7. What is the final stage in cost control? What is the reason for
doing this?

Task 20. Find in the text and put down key words to speak about:

· The problems civil engineers deal with.


Task 21. Speak on the following topics:

· Activities of civil engineers.

· The sequence of cost control



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