Task 13. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words. 

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Task 13. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words.

5. The variety of courses at universities and colleges is extensive but many young people (не имеют четкого представления) about the career they wish to fol­low.

6. There are a lot of Technical Universities within Russia and abroad (чья основная задача) is to train engineers, to popularize (технологические достижения) and (руководить технологическими исследованиями).

7. The course of study of the future Civil engineers (длится) 5 years.

8. After 5 years of training the graduates (получают квалификацию)as Civil Engineers.

9. (Объекты изучения) of such specialists include строительные материалы и составные части здания); (строительные работы и усовершенствование строительных работ, составление сметы).

10. Students study modern management in the construction industry; (архитектурное проектирование, сопротивление материалов; материаловедение и технологию строительных материалов)

11. They are familiarized how to carry out building surveying; construction project management and (строительный менеджмент).

12. In1994, when the specialized field of Civil Engineering was adopted in Russia there were some educational establishments (обучающие) such specialists, (находящиеся) mainly in central Russia though there was and still is a great need for them in many regions of our country.

13. Besides, every region, and the Murmansk region as well, needs civil engineers who (знают) of local conditions of a certain region and (способны) of taking them into consideration in their work.

14. Russian universities that teach civil engineering are located in central Russia and of course they (не учитывают) the local aspects of (съемки на местности, экспертной оценки, проектирования, строительства and реконструкции) of the objects in the Murmansk region.

15. All these facts must be familiar to the specialist who is going (применить навыки и умения) in this field, otherwise coming back after graduating from central universities newly-made engineers (придется) to fill in the gaps in their knowledge to (соответствовать) for the environment they operate.

16. When teaching industrial and civil construction in Murmansk, (целесообразно) to pay attention to (местные условия), concentrating on certain (технических решениях), acquaint the students with (проблемами региона)) and have practical training during their studies.

17. The students study general professional subjects such as (начертательную геометрию, механика, электротехника и электроника, сопротивление материалов, материаловедение и технология строительных материалов) and so on.

18. As for special subjects they are: (гидротехнические сооружения, службы коммунального строительства, building materials engineering; проектирование зданий).

19. In the course of studies students gain the knowledge and skills in (архитектурном проектировании) that meet both aesthetic and technical requirements.

20. They get appropriate knowledge of (рабочем проектировании and градостроительство), and (навыки в области)of planning process, in the field of structural designing connected with complex designing of interiors, buildings and systems.

21. They have (достаточные) knowledge of physical and technical problems of functioning and preservation of buildings (чтобы оборудовать) them properly and fully for inner comfort and climate protection.

22. Every academic year students (проходят практику) that follows the courses.

23. While studying at the university students (сдают сессию) twice within the academic year) and the finals including thesis.

24. The practical work forms (важную часть курса обучения), so the students (приобретают) the required the standard in the laboratory course work before they graduate.

25. At the end of the 5th year of study the students (защищают диплом, сдают гос.экзамены) and are qualified as Civil Engineers.

Task 14. Complete the following sentences:

1. The variety of courses at universities and colleges is extensive but many young people don't have any clear idea ….

2. …… was not often recom­mended with any enthusiasm by school teachers, politicians, TV, newspapers or teenage magazines but situation has changed …. and engineers tend…..

3. There are a lot of Technical Universities within Russia and abroad the main task of which is...

4. The specialized field of Civil engineering in Russia …. by the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation on March, 3, 1994.

5. The course of study of the future Civil engineers lasts …..

6. The objects of study of such specialists include ….

7. The Murmansk region needs civil engineers who are aware …

8. Russian universities that teach civil engineering are located in central Russia and of course they do not consider ….

9. All these facts must be familiar to the specialist who is going to apply skills and knowledge in this field, otherwise ….

10. When teaching industrial and civil construction in Murmansk, it is more feasible to pay attention to …

11. The syllabus of training of civil engineers was worked out …. and includes the studying by the students the following groups of subjects ….

12. General humanities and social-economic subjects include ….

13. General mathematics and natural sciences are as follows …

14. The students also study general professional subjects such as ….

15. As for special subjects they are ….

16. During the first two years, students study …..

17. They begin to specialize in the field of Civil engineering …..

18. In the course of studies students gain …. in architectural designs.

19. They get appropriate knowledge of …, and skills in the area of …, in the field of … connected with …

20. They have appropriate knowledge of … in order to equip them properly and fully for inner comfort and climate protection.

21. They are familiarized with a profession of an engineer and his role …, which is especially helpful in planning the projects that consider historical and cultural values as well as social factors.

22. Every academic year students do … that follows the courses.

23. The five -year training includes …

24. The laboratory work trains students …., …..

25. Besides it gives students … and familiarizes them ….

26. … forms a very important part of course, so the students …. before they graduate.

27. There are three types of students` practical work: ….

28. All students … this practical training.

29. At the end of the 5th year of study the students … their theses, … finals, and … as Civil Engineers.

Task 15. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as: I think/suppose/ consider/believe; to my mind/ in my opinion; as far as I remember/ know/ understand; Let me see...; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think..; Let's put it this way...; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question. Let me see...

1. Why is it a problem for some young people to plan the next stage of their education? What helps make your choice?

2. Why is it easy for some university courses to attract students?

3. There are different kinds of higher schools in our country and abroad. What kinds of schools do young people prefer to study at? Why?

4. What is the main task of Technical Universities?

5. When was the specialized field of Civil Engineering adopted in Russia?

6. How long does the course of study last?

7. How are the graduates qualified?

8. What are the objects of study of such specialists?

9. Why was it decided to establish this specialized field at our University?

10. Was the beginning of teaching wastewater engineers in Murmansk practically proved?

11. What subjects do the students study? Give example for each group of subjects.

12. What knowledge do students gain in the course of study?

13. What does the five year of training include?

14. What does laboratory work / practical work train students in?

15. What are the examples of students` research work? Have you ever taken part in research activities? Would you like to continue your research work?

16. What do students receive after graduation?

17. The status of engineer in society is not high, isn’t it? Why? What is your view on the state of education for the civil engineers?

18. Highly educated people do much for their country, don’t they? What helps to make a person educated? Why do you think it is important that everyone should be educated?

Task 16. Explain in your own words the following expressions:

· Technological achievements

· Extensive

· To be held in higher regard

· Building components

· To be aware of local conditions

· Hydro technical construction

· Municipal construction

· Detail planning

· Town-planning.


Task 17. Find in the text and put down key words to speak about:

· Objects of study of civil engineers.

· Feasibility of training civil engineers in the Murmansk region.

· Education of civil engineers in Russia/ in the Murmansk region.

· Training of civil engineers at the MSTU.

· Importance of the profession of a civil engineer.


Task 18. Speak on the following topics:

· Education in the field of civil engineering.

· What helps students to master their future profession.

· Education of civil engineers in Russia/ in the Murmansk region.

· Training of civil engineers at the MSTU.

· Importance of the profession of a civil engineer.

Task 19. Act out dialogues according to the following situations:


1. You have read an advertisement for applicants who want to enterMurmansk State Technical University at the faculty of Natural sciences specialized field of Civil engineering. Discuss with your friend attractions and drawbacks of this speciality, dos and don'ts for entering, if you meet the requirements of the advertisement, perspectives after graduating.


2. You have recently graduated from the Murmansk State Technical University with honor and you are invited to hold the interview for a job in a very good company. Discuss with an interviewer personal details - full name, address, phone number, date of birth, marital status, your work experience (if you have any) witha brief description of your responsibilities, your educational background - the schools and colleges you went to and the examinations you passed. Mention any profess­ional qualifications that you have, details of any training, somepersonal particulars which are relevant (foreign lan­guages, voluntary work, interests and so on). Ask about your future responsibilities, salary, perks and prospects.


3. Imagine that you are a dean of the faculty of civil engineering who is making a speech in front of the applicants. Give briefly some facts about reasons of foundation, skills and abilities needed for this profession, future responsibilities. Answer applicants’ questions.



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