Task 21. Translate the following sentences. 

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Task 21. Translate the following sentences.

1. Жаль, что вы не рассчитали нагрузку на фундамент.

2. Он говорил, что уже 5 лет работает инженером проектировщиком.

3. Мастер хочет, чтобы использовали только современные материалы при отделке офиса.

4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы знали все о современных строительных технологиях.

5. Цемент использовался египтянами при строительстве мостов, дорог и городских стен.

6. В соответствие с планом тестирование должно начаться ровно в 9.

7. После того как все расчеты и чертежи были сделаны, архитектор утвердил план строительства.

8. Известно, что выбор участка под застройку, является одной из основных проблем.

9. Вес конструкции уже рассчитан, а сейчас рассчитывают рабочую нагрузку.

10. Рытье котлована, возможно, только после удаления верхнего органического слоя почвы.


Unit V

Construction Materials

Task 1. In pairs answer the following questions.

1. What materials are used for construction purposes?

2. What is the most popular construction material?

3. What are the functions of building materials?


Task 2. Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation and read them aloud.


Task 3. Learn new words and phrases.

to grow произрастать, расти
to vary with меняться в зависимости от чего-л.
to vary изменять(ся), менять(ся) разниться; отличаться, различаться, расходиться
to consider pассматривать
sheet material листовой материал
rigid жесткий, твердый,
rod Стержень, прут, брус, рейка
framed structure каркасная конструкция; рамная конструкция; фахверк
to fill with Наполнять, наполняться
to possess иметь, обладать
to support поддерживать, подпирать; нести нагрузку
to make into переделывать; превращать во (что-л.)

Task 4. Translate the following words and phrases.

high heat insulation  
tensile and compressive strengths  
to suit the requirements  

Task 5. Make up your own sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 3, 4, 5

Task 6. Read and translate the text using a dictionary. While reading, complete this table by putting ticks in the boxes to show the functions of the following components:

  Function of components
Form of material Structural support only Space dividing only Both structural support and space dividing

Construction materials

Materials used for construction purposes possess different properties. They differ in durability, strength, weight, fire- and decay-resistance and cost.

Wood, timber, brick, stone, concrete, metals, and plastics belong to the most popular building materials used nowadays. They all have their advantag­es and disadvantages that must be taken into account when designing a structure.

Wood belongs to naturally growing materials. It is known to be the oldest construction material and is still widely used for different purposes. Wood is popular as it has low weight and is easy to work. Besides, it grows naturally and is cheap. But its usage is limited because of its disad­vantages: it easily burns and decays. As to stone, it also belongs to the oldest building materials. Among its advantages there are strength, high heat insulation and fire-resistance.

Brick belongs to artificial construction materials. It has been used in many countries and in different climates. In modern times bricks vary wide­ly with the method of production and temperature of burning.

Concrete is known to be one of the most popular building materials. It is produced by mixing cement, gravel, water, and sand in the proper amounts.

Building materials are used in two basic ways. In the first way they are used to support the loads on a building and in the second way they are used to divide the space in a building. Building components are made from building materials and the form of a component is related to the way in which it is used. We can see how this works by considering three different types of construction:

In one kind of construction, blocks of materials such as brick, stone, or concrete are put together to form solid walls. These materials are heavy; however, they can support the structural loads because they have the property of high compressive strength. Walls made up of blocks both support the building and divide the space in the building.

In another type of construction, sheet materials are used to form walls which act as both space-dividers and structural support. Timber, concrete and some plastics can be made into large rigid sheets and fixed together to form a building. These buildings are lighter and faster to construct than buildings made up of blocks.

Rod materials, on the other hand, can be used for structural sup­port but not for dividing spaces. Timber, steel and concrete can be formed into rods and used as columns. Rod materials with high tensile and compressive strength can be fixed together to form framed structures. The spaces between the rods can be filled with light sheet materials which act as space dividers but do not support structural loads.

So, every building must not only be practical and safe but also beautiful in appearance and proportional in various parts. The interior should be planned to suit the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple without any excesses. To achieve it, different materials and different types of construction are used.

Additional vocabulary

Planar construction планарная конструкция
Frame construction каркасная конструкция
Mass construction монолитная конструкция

Task 7. Look at these diagrams and say which paragraph discusses:


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