What things contribute to success? 

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What things contribute to success?


Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun. Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had. People travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car, by bike and on foot. People travel to have a holidays or to have business. If people have business trips they choose the fastest transport. They often travel by plane or by train. It is very expensive but it is very fast. And if people want to have a rest they choose traveling by boat, by car, on horseback and etc. When you travel by car or by bike you can stop where you want. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. If we are fond of traveling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes. I like to travel. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. If we want to see the countryside, we have to spend a part of our summer holidays on hikes. It is useful for all members of our family. We take our rucksacks, we don't think about tickets, we don't hurry up and we walk a lot. During such hikes we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people. I like to travel by car. It is interesting, because you can see many things in a short time. When we go by car, we don't take tickets and we put all things we need in a car. We don't carry them.





As the saying goes “Tastes differ”. It may be referred to the ideal of beauty. An attractive person produces a better impression on others at least at first sight. Later the attitude may change. But for this moment a pleasant-looking man looks a winner. Attractive applicants have a better chance of getting jobs. People show preference for attractive people as friends, dates, spouses.

For me personally the model of men’s attractiveness is Daniel Craig’s appearance. He played James Bond’s part. A well-made imposing figure, broad shoulders, straight nose. Merlin Monroe is an excellent example of beauty. Her blond hair, good figure(she wasn’t so slim as models of our time), plum lips, pretty face are worth admiring.

There exist certain cannons of an attractive human form. But a person may appear different from the classical standards of beauty but still to look charming. I consider ideal appearance which is in fashion today. I am a product of the time I live in and there is no wonder I prefer those looks that are advertised on the screen. People are influenced by the media. Many advertisement use attractive celebrities to promote their products. They want to build up an image of success through attractive appearance. For women to have attractive face means to have large than normal eyes, higher arched eyebrows, small nose and chin, prominent cheekbones. Arched eyebrows and a big smile and a gentle face are associated with attractiveness in men.

The ideal forms changes over the centuries. In middle ages slim body, white faces were attractive. In renaissance slim body, white skine,long blond hair were attractive. In Borocco period fat ladies were in fashion. In classicism again slim bodies were popular.

Attractive women of all the time is Cleopatra.(Merilin Monro)

The build sometimes determine ur character. We believe in what is beautiful is good. There is belief that physically attractive people posses such desirable characteristics as intelligence, competence, social skill, confidence. We associate a stout man with a heavier eater.But a man may suffer from desease. A person who has worked a lot is likely to look older than that of the same age who led a luxurious life.

Any woman would like to look pleaant and attractive. I take care of my beauty too. I try to eat nourishing food, go to gym and swimming pool if I have time, use masks for my hair, creams for my face, arms, legs.

If u can’t change ur physical appearance which is inborn u should put more emphasis on improving ur character. It is the only way to be a permanent attractive person.

I think that beauty is a state of mind and in the eyes of the beholder.

People’s character


During our life we meet a lot of people. Character is the most important thing in a person, which attracts or don’t attract other people. Each of us has bad and good features of character. Great influence on character has a society and signs of zodiac.

A broad-minded personality, intelligent and well-read will attract everyone. Conversation with such person can enrich u spiritually, to broaden ur knowledge. An ill-read, unreasonable, shallow man is hardly able to produce a good impression on u. I consider that innate qualities in a man is more important than intellectual abilities. A heart-to-heart talk, a friendly conversation with a cheerful but at the same time serious and rational person makes u forget about troubles, to escape the boredom of life. I consider more attractive such characteristics as faithfulness, gentleness, honesty, politeness, responsibility. A person who is impolite, fussy, mean, cruel, cunning, boring, rude more likely to repel and less likely to come to contact with someone.

As for a good friend he is one who ready to help by word and deed, posses such qualities as warm-heartedness, kindness, sense of humour, enthusiasm, honesty, reliability.

Everything is changed and my character will change with time I think and hopefully only for the better. Great effect will make my work, people I am dealing with. Teachers are supposed to be calm, persistent, strong-willed,give a good example to the pupils. I will aquire professional skills, abilities, qualities required from a teacher.

I haven’t been to England and I know about their culture and characters from books so I cant judge myself. They are devoted to their country, homes,passionate gardeners, honour traditions and family values.They are conservative and have a specific sense of homour.



One of the first duties for us is to keep our bodies in perfect health. If our body suffers it won’t make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties which are required of us in social life. There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A constant supply of pure fresh air is indispensable to good health. To secure this, nothing impure should remain either within or near our homes, and every room in the house especially the bedrooms, should be properly ventilated every day.

Perfect cleanliness is also essential. The whole body should be washed as often as possible. The skin is full of minute pores, cells, blood vessels and nerves. It "breathes" the way the lungs do. Therefore it should always be clean. Besides its importance to health, there is a great charm in cleanliness. We like to look at one who is tidy and clean. If the skin is kept clean, the teeth thoroughly brushed, the hair neatly combed, and the finger-nails in order, we feel pleased with the person, even though his (her) clothes may be coarse and much mended. A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disease. Therefore labour and study should succeed each other. The best way of getting exercise is to engage in some work that is useful and at the same time interesting to the mind. It is most essential for the old and the young to do morning exercises with the windows wide open in your room or, if possible, in the open air. Remember that exercises warm, invigorate and purify the body. Rest is also necessary to the health of both body and mind. The best time for sleep is during the darkness and stillness of the night. Late hours are very harmful to the health as they exhaust the nervous system. We should go to bed early and get up early. Most essential to our body is food. Our body is continually wasting, and requires to be repaired by fresh substance. Therefore food, which is to repair the loss, should be taken with due regard to the exercise and waste of the body. Be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food wholesale — you are provided with teeth for the purpose of chewing your food — and you will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. The evils of intemperance, especially of alcohol, are too well known. Alcohol costs a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. The mind is stupefied by drink and the person who drinks will, in course of time, become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined. Thus we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essentials lay the foundations for good health and long life.


Buildings and Homes.

As the saying goes “East or West Home is Best”. The expression is used mainly in terms of our Motherland, our native country. But it in full measure may be referred to the very place we live in; not only to the psychological spiritual notion of home, but it’s very embodiment–the house. I completely share the idea that there’s no better place than home, the house where we were born, grew up, celebrated family events. Whenever I leave for a long time for the summer period, I always want back home in my dreams. But to tell you the truth for me it’s more important not the house itself, the design or smth of that kind, but the friendly atmosphere, relationships between the members of the family.

Still I should say about my flat. It consists of 2 rooms (living-room and bedroom), a kitchen and a bathroom. My flat is well-equipped and well-planned. It goes without saying that it has all modern conveniences. I do in fact love my flat, I like for example to tidy it up, to clean the carpets, to water the flowers, to dust the furniture. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of time to arrange everything in perfect order and after cleaning I’m still full of energy to spend fruitfully the rest of the day.

What are the differences between homes in this country and Britain? No visitor to Britain can help being struck by the many building sites and the relatively large number of new houses and flats that he sees in the suburbs of towns and cities all over the country. The overwhelming majority of these dwellings are two-story houses built either in pairs (semi-detached), or singly (detached houses) with a small enclosed garden at the front and the back. In recent years a considerably large proportion of new housing has been built in the forms of flats and blocks of flats have not become a common feature of the urban scene. Nevertheless, the traditional British prejudice in favour of house has only been modified, not fundamentally changed. An increasing number of people chiefly elderly men and women and childless prefers to live in bungalows. Almost everybody in Britain dreams of living in a detached house – that is a house that is a separate building. The saying: “An Englishman’s home is his castle” is well-known. It illustrates the define for privacy and the importance attached to ownership. Their houses are the opportunity for self-expression. People like to choose the colour of their front door and window frames, for example.

What things would you like to improve on your room, flat or house? Firstly, I’d like to say that the room I like best is my bedroom. It’s rather big but it’s not so light as there is only one window in it. There are two bedside-tables and a big bed between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp with a pink lamp-shade are on the table. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing table with a big mirror. At the opposite there is an entertainment unit. In my room there is also a built-in wardrobe with coat hangers to hang clothes on. There is a thick carpet on the floor and plain dark-blue curtains on the window. I’m fond of photos and that’s why there are lots of photographs on the walls and on the table. In the right-hand corner there is a floor standing uplighter, I like it very much. Still there are a lot of things I’d like to change in my room. First of all the flat design, the size of the room itself. But I realize that now it’s impossible and the only way out is to buy a new flat to my taste. I’d also like to change my kitchen completely and to make a kitchen every woman dreams about, because any woman spends most of her time in the kitchen cooking the dishes or smth else. It should be large and rather big. There shouldn’t be too much furniture but it should be as cosy as all other rooms in the flat. Beyond all doubts, there should be a gas-cooker and a sink-unit with a draining board and some cupboards. In the cupboards which form the lower part of the sink-unit, scrubbing brushes, floor cloths, soda powder and other things should be kept. On the left hand side cupboards stretch the whole length of the wall. They should contain saucepans, frying pans, jugs, mixing bowls, teapots and food. There should be a washing-machine, a fridge, a microwave, a cordless kettle.

What is your dream house? I would like to live in a detached house with a view over the river. It’s so pleasant to look at such a marvelous view! In my opinion it shouldn’t be too large, just for my family. Maybe a two-storied building with 4 or 5 rooms, a basement, an office, a big kitchen and a bathroom on each floor. It will be enough to have the spiral staircase from the lounge up to the gallery room that should win me over. The semi-circular windows should let in loads of light and the rooms of the house will be very bright and roomy. Of course, I can say that it’s a good idea to have a house with home automation. F.ex. when the windows will open and close themselves depending on the weather. When it gets dark, the curtains will close automatically. Or other features like an intelligent kitchen which will show you how to cook and measure the ingredients, and a central cleaning system that sucks up dust as soon as it lands. The security system will get in touch with the police if necessary. So in a few words the house will be governed by 1000 computers, sensors and electric switches. It goes without saying that it’s very convenient and it surely protects people’s lives.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with your parents?

I’m a good example of those living with parents. It’s a universal truth that everything in the world has its weak and strong points. This case is no exception. On the one hand what can be better than living at a place where you were born, celebrated family events, you don’t suffer from nostalgia. I don’t have to bother about food. But because of different generations there exist conflicts and disputes.




There is a wide range of nutritious foods in the world. However eating habits differ from country to country. At different times in different countries there have been different ideas of beauty. The rich would always want to look fat in a society where food was scarce and to look thin where food was plentiful. The current interest in losing weight is because of fashion as well as health. However, overeating causes a variety of illnesses.

You need the right kinds of food in the right amount to have a healthy life. Food is important in our life. Consider all celebrations where food is important: weddings, birthdays, national holidays, when people meet for pleasure or business.

Eating habits differ from country to country. Some people eat snakes, dog meat, insects. Often the difference among cultures in the food are related to the differences in geography and local resources. People who live near water tend to eat more fish, sea food; in cold climate people eat heavier and fatty food. With the development of global economy food boundaries are beginning to disappear. Mcdonalds is now on every continent except Antarctica, yogurt is served all over the world.

a well-balanced diet contains daily servings from each of the basic food groups: meat, vegetable and fruit, fish, bread and cereals. Some excellent snacks that should always be available are plain yogurt, carrots, pieces of apple, cheese and natural fruit juice.

"One should eat to live, not live to eat" instead of going on crash diets they are learning to educate their stomachs by eating sensible food. They can still enjoy chocolates and cream cakes once a week or so, but they know they have to cut down their intake slightly the next day.

Research is indicating that "we are what we eat". Recent work shows that Italians, who tend to eat lots of fruit and vegetables that contain vitamins C and E, have low levels of heart attacks. The Scots however tend to have a diet which is high in animal fat and lowin fibre.Heart diseaseis awidespread problem in Scotland.

Eating the right food every day not only nourishes our bodies but also nourishes our spirits, creativity, thinking.



Work. Job Satisfaction.

Having a job and having a career are two very different things. A job is something you do to make money. You may enjoy the job, work hard at it and do well, but you are primarily doing it for money to satisfy your other interests outside of the work environment. A career is something that integrates your desirers and interests so what it gives you satisfaction above and beyond the money you make. It is up to each individual to decide whether a job or career is best for them. People may share the same talent and interest but other aspects of their personality will dictate which direction to go with that interest. Whether you decide to get a job or plan a career, the job market today is quite different from that of your parents. Now, not only are there no guarantees after university, institute or school, but available jobs are scarce and difficult to secure. The young person in today’s world faces a very competitive job market.

Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had time to consider this question, or put it to others, you might well have heard some or all of the following. «It’s the money of course», “Work is power and a sense of status”. But you can make your job work for you. Don’t let the salary be your main reason for taking the job. Sometimes a lower paying job with the right company and the right contacts can do a lot more for you than a higher salary. Decide what is the lowest pay with which you can be satisfied. Than decide what other things can be important. How much training or experience can you get on this job? Some companies give their new employees priceless training. On-the-job experience can be very valuable to you when you apply for your next job. It gives you the practical experience that no school can offer. This can lead to a much higher salary later. Another very important item for you to think about when you apply for the job is the type of contacts you can make. OK, so now you have the job and you want to make an impression-you want people to notice you. What can you do to become a valuable employee? Do a little bit more and do it well. It really isn’t that hard to be successful in your life. It’s too bad, but many people try to do as little as they can on the job. Take advantage of that – do just a little bit more. Do remember that other employees can be helpful to you. You should at least try not to score points by being critical of a fellow employee who is also doing his or her best job. Ambition, jealousy, and personality differences are encountered on any job, but the more friends you make and the fewer enemies, the better position you are in.

With unemployment in many countries so high, and often scores of applicants chasing every job, you have to account yourself lucky to be called for an interview. If it’s your first you are bound to be nervous. How you dress and act during an interview can be as important in creating an impression as what you have to say. While many employers encourage individuality, let basic good taste determine how you dress for an interview.



Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. Traditions make a nation special. Some British customs are known all over the world: bowler hats, 5 o’clock tea and talking about the weather, fish and chips. Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Easter and others. Like our traditions there is also in Britain St Valentine´s Day in February and April Fool´s Day on April 1st.

In a real English breakfast you have fried eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and mushrooms. Then there´s toast and marmalade or apple pie for dessert. Every English family has five o'clock tea.

Pubs are an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there. They are open at lunchtime and again in the evening, but they close at 11 o´clock. Holidays: New year - is celebrated in a family with a traditional apple pie.
the catholic churches in this day give concerts of organ music.
In England Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival. It’s the most colourful and merry holiday. Christmas meal is really traditional: stuffed turkey, boiled ham, mashed potatoes to be followed by plum pudding, mince pies, tea or coffee and cakes.

Another popular holiday is Guy Fawkes Night -it commemorates the discovery of the so-called Gunpowder Plot and it is widely celebrated throughout the country.

St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on 14th of February.

Easter is a time when certain traditions are observed. Easter eggs always grace breakfast tables on Easter Day. Sometimes they are hidden about the house for children to find them.

Superstitions in Britain

Superstitions can be defined as, "irrational beliefs, especially with regard to the unknown", can cause or fortell an event. If a black cat crosses ur path u will have bad luck, dropping a knife/fork means a company is coming. Many superstitions deal with important events such as birth, death, pregnancy, marriage. A person born on Sunday will have good luck. A bride and groom will have bad luck if see each other before the ceremony. Burning ears mean smb is talking about u.13th Friday – unlucky day. It is human nature to believe in smth.

Habits in USA came from UK so they are in some things similar, but the most of people in USA celebrate all festivals in private in their homes. Each of holidays is in American opportunity for inviting a lot of friends, but also strangers, to your hose, which undergoes a thorough cleaning and is decorated, before the party, in keeping with the celebration.

New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day

There are only a few customs kept by general public in the USA. There are some days dedicated to important persons of the past in American calendar: Martin Luther King's day, Lincoln's birthday or Washington's birthday. Easter is not a national holiday and most of Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family. Like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny - usually a person dressed up in a large, colorful rabbit suit - brings gifts of brightly colored eggs, candy and chocolate eggs and rabbits to children. Then comes Mother's and Father's day - days dedicated to our parents because they really worth it. Between these two days is Memorial Day celebrated. It honours Americans killed in all past wars and most recently all the death. Flowers and flags are replaced on the graves of the war-death. Quite antagonistic is Independence day. It is the national birthday. There are parades, band concerts, speeches by public officials, and fireworks displays in the evenings. Labour Day, Columbus day, Veteran's day and Halloween is followed.

Thanksgiving day: The thanks were not only for the bountiful food, but also for the help of teaching them how to plant, hunt, fish, and then cook foods that were strange and unknown to them. It became a national American holiday many years later. Nowadays it is celebrated by a traditional dinner which main course is roast turkey.

Christmas: Every year on Christmas eve, the American President turns on the lights of the huge Christmas tree situated near the White house. Around the Christmas season churches, various organizations, and newspapers ask for donations of money and food for the needy, In the USA Christmas are not a family holiday, families invite friends to join them at dinner and often have give parties at Christmas-time.

Origin of Superstitions

The origin of superstitions can be connected with beliefs people held, in the old times. Fear about the unseen, less knowledge about the forces of nature and lack of general awareness laid the foundation of certain beliefs in society. These beliefs might have lacked logic, but there was nothing that could convince people otherwise. They were passed from one generation to another. There are two categories of superstitions, good luck superstitions and bad luck superstitions. for instance a black cat, a dead bird, an open umbrella, the number 13 and spilled salt symbolize bad luck, while a falling star, a horseshoe, a rabbit's foot and the number 7 are popularly associated with good luck.

Superstition in my opinion is a belief that an event is influenced by certain factors.

Tradition, are stories usually stored and transmitted from generation to generation. It is a system for transmitting information. Traditions are very important for a community facilitates relations between them. The whole community has the same traditions but each person of this community has his own superstitions different from others. At one point, superstitions are common with the traditions, Some traditions have evolved from the superstition. For example, somehow became a tradition to put something red to baby, not to be overlooked.

I think superstitions were born in some people's fears and after happenings that they could not explain.

traditions are made of pleasure and superstitions by fear.

We all are superstitious in our own small ways. We have these little notions of a particular color, number, object or person being lucky for us. We believe these little things can do us good. None of us is completely non-superstitious. Superstitions are our little support systems.



Philosophy of life

Life is beautiful and we shouldn'tmiss it,shouldn'tmortgage our lives to some future dreams. We often tell ourselves just as soon as we have got past this or that stage that now we will be able to devote our energies to what we really want to do. Thus we live on the never-never. I’m happy to say that I’m not a master of the never-never. I realize that it's a wrong approach and I’m sure that we are the makers of our destiny.

The concept of life is being not a rehearsal, has to do with the saying: Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. That's what I try to follow, especially when it comes down to exams. Thus, though being an absolute adherent of the theory I fail to be its true follower, either for the fact of being lazy or for the fact of being failure or for in fact not really willing to achieve smth. At the same time I'm far from being a follower of going where life takes me as more or less. I apply efforts to reach certain goal.

My ambitions

Like any human being I dream about certain things: about having a family, giving birth to children. These dreams are quite likely to come true, though not always easy.

Another dream which is possible to realize, but at the same time to be unfulfilled has to do with traveling. As visiting one country still leaves a possibility and gives way to a burning desire to see another land.

The Auditory Learning Style

Auditory learners gain the most knowledge from what they hear. Therefore, they should be encouraged to read aloud, to summarize orally what they have read after they have read it. songs and poems spoken aloud can help auditory learners remember dates and events of importance.Videotapes and audio tapes may also help auditory learners to gain the necessary knowledge. Study groups where topics can be discussed and debated aloud can also help auditory learners grasp the information they are learning. It is believed that 20% of the population are Auditory learners. They do very well in lecture situations and oral testing.

The Visual Learning Style

Visual learners retain knowledge best by what they see. These types of learners should use notes that they can read and review later on. They should color main information so it is more visually appealing and easier to read. Flash cards are also a great source of learning for visual style learners. Maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, patterns and shapes—these are some of the best tools for visual learners. This category also includes learners who prefer learning through reading and writing. They prefer to see what they are learning and might close their eyes in order to visualize or remember something. Visual learners also benefit from illustrations.

The Tactile Learning Style

Tactile learners retain knowledge the best when they learn through hands on activities and move around while learning. Therefore, it is more difficult for the tactile learner to retain knowledge by reading a textbook, they should be encouraged to get up and move around the room while reading. Computer usage can also help tactile learners by allowing them to use their sense of touch. they can listen to while they move around.

Origins of the Cold War

The Cold War is the term applied to the period of confrontation and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union from the end of the 2d WW to the end of the 1980s. The origins of the Cold war lie in the 1917 Russian Bolshevic Revolution. The Cold war was rooted in the mutual mistrust, misreading of intentions, non-cooperation, opposing interests of the Soviet and the Western blocs. The Cold War tentions intensified because the Soviet required a buffer zone of eastern European states which would offer some guarantee against future invasion from the West. As the West refused the Soviets a role in the post war reconstruction of Japan, Italy, so the Soviets excluded the West from Eastern Europe. Us foreign policy believed Soviet intentions were to extension territory.In response US adopted policy to prevent the Soviet spreading communism. In 1949 NATO was created. The Soviet response to NATO was the creation of the Warsaw pact in 1955. The Warsaw pact was designed to maintain the communist regimes of eastern Europe against the threat of internal opposition. Until 1959 Cuba’s leaders had supported the USA. After the revolution that brought Fidel Casttro to power, Cuba adopted communism and received help from USSR. The Soviet sent weapons to Cuba. American military also began practice moves in the seas around Cuba and built troops in nearby Florida. There were nuclear missiles in Cuba and Castro feared there would be an invasion to capture these. People feared that a nuclear war would start. Khruschov sent letters to Kennady suggesting that he would remove the missiles from Cuba if the Americans didn’t invade and remove US missiles from Turkey. Kennady ignored and said that Americans invade if the missiles remained. The Soviets accepted. The USA and the USSR realized how close they had come to nuclear war and worked to improve relations.

Factors contributed ti the ending of the Cold War included: The Soviet economic stagnation, the impact of 10year military intervention in Afghanistan, the leadership of Michail Gorbachev. The end was finally signaled in 1989, when Gorbachev accept the rejection of communist rule. The fall of Berlin wall in 1989 signalled the end of artificially constructed east Germany state, and by 1991 the Soviet Union had itself collapsed.


Courts and trial

Become a criminal Reasons. Many people steal things they couldn't obtain. Others, such as drug addicts, steal to get money to buy drugs or other things they need. Some shoplifters steal for excitement, but others do because they are poor. Many car thieves take cars for joy riding.To meet some personal needs. The motives. A robber may kill the victim to avoid detection. Some gangsters blackmail people to obtain money. A man may beat his wife in a fit of rage during a quarrel.

2 Common criminal and civil offences. "Crime" is an offence against the state or individuals. The 1st group is crimes against people or property. Crimes against people include assault kidnapping, murder, manslaughter, and rape.Crimes against property include arson, car theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, trespassing and vandalism. The 2nd group is crimes against public order and morality. They include disorderly behaviour, gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness. The 3rd group is organized crimes - activities of groups of gangsters or racketeers. They specialize in gambling, blackmail, prostitution, drug peddling and some others.The 4th group is called " white-collar crimes". These are fraud, cheating in the payment of taxes, petty thefts by employees. One of the most common "white-collar" crimes today is a computer crime. The last group is political crimes. It includes acts of terrorism and assassinations of political figures, airplane hijacking, assassinations, bombing and the taking of hostages have become more frequent.

5 Capital punishment In the USA, 85% of the population approve of the death penalty. in Britain, people are against the use of capital punishment. The use of the death penalty should be only available for murder and serious violent crimes. The pro-hanging lobby uses four main arguments.First there is the deterrence theory (potential murderers would think twice before committing the act). The idea of retribution( before committing a crime, a murder should accept the consequences.) The arguments against the death penalty. If the deterrence theory were correct, the rate should have fallen. A matter of
individual conscience and belief. Innocent people are sometimes wrongly convicted. Capital punishment is carried out by hanging; electrocution, gassing or lethal injection, beheading or stoning, shooting. It deters others from committing such crimes. Opponents argue that execution is crueland uncivilized.

6 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY There are two kinds of juvenile delinquents. One is the status offender. This is a young person who has been truant, has run away from home, has not abided by parents' rules. The second kind of juvenile delinquent is one who has done something like robbery, rape, or murder. Punishment is usually more lenient. Boys are much more likely than girls to get into trou­ble with the law. Children who get into trouble early in life are more likely to get into deeper trouble later on. Stealing, lying, truancy, and poor achievement




For some people love is a complete devotion. Love is smth that everyone needs in order to survive in this world. For me love is how I feel about that special someone.I think it is important to have some life experience, personal growth before marriage. The most important in marriage is love, commitment, trust, to have the same values. Building a happy marriage is the result of mutual efforts.

Marriage is one of the basic institutions of society. Marriage is a lifelong commitment between 2 people.Thraditionaly marriage has been an economic arrangement in which husband work to provide financial security for the family,wives cared for the children. Today both parents work.

People marry for different reasons:economic security, preassure from parents and friends, lonliness, desire for a family.

Some people choose to remain single. These are people who value freedom and independence. For women greater career opportunities have brought more economic independence. But singlehood has its disadvantages: single people have difficulties in emotional needs, in parenthood. Cohabitation, an arrangement in which 2 people live together without marrying, has become more common in our society.Some young people who are aware of complexities of marriage prefer to live together first. Some people are against cohabitation because of maral or religion.

small, two-generational family is dominant. the most popular model is family with 1 or 2 children, which is proof that familes are smaller than in the past, democtratic family relation. Economical independence made wife’s social position equal with her husband. Relation between wife and husband became more equal and authority in family is divided between them.

Parents wants to give it more than they used to get in their childhood (mainly good education and work experience).

So, speaking about weddings, I would like to mention first that I don’t understand people, who are getting married at the age of 17-20, it’s hideous. Because they don’t realize that they’ll break their lives by divesting themselves of the greatest years. Cause at that age they all are still children and children can only play representing a family but it’s wrong to transform such a game into a reality, because they are too young to do it. The same I can tell about weddings the reasons of which is pregnancy, such wedlocks exist for a short time as usual.

As for me I decided that it would be better to get married when I’ll be 25-27 years old. I think that nowadays marriage is only the way to bring up lawful children. And it would be better and admissible for me to live in civil marriage with a beloved person. And only when we’ll be sure in each other, in our joint future and our financial stability it would be possible to speak about our marriage and children.

I’m an atheist, so I want to have a humanist wedding and after it a ceremony in a register office. As any other girls I want my wedding to be as unusual as possible, I want us to recite our own vows, and to invite a crowd of friends and relatives.

Getting older you look for real, true love. You simply fall in love and want to make the other person happy too. And so you marry and take on the responsibilities of married life. In this new life you learn to take care of your partner, and you expect to have a family and bring up your children in the way you know to be right. As parents, you wish to provide them with everything you know a child needs: love, protection, safety and understanding. By rearing children and being a good partner you yourself feel needed and loved. The self-realization in marriage and parenthood is the key to happiness, although it is still associated with effort, sacrifice and hard work. If the decision to get married does not result from an unpleasant domestic situation you have a great chance to succeed in marriage.

Radio and television

Beyond all doubts, TV and radio play an important role in our society, though the former, undoubtedly, fold the first place. “A picture speaks louder than a hundred words”. TV is a view into the world. It provides us not only with information but also with vivid visual examples which go faster to the mind than just auditory perception. That’s the main advantage that TV has over radio. For decades we have seen many parts of our world rapidly going through changes in technology. Today's society has been transformed by means of communication and the available information through mass media. Most people rely on television for news, sports, and entertainment. Television is just one of the many examples of how technology has changed our lives. Since the invention of the television at the beginning of the 20th century, it has played a very important role in our lives. Having a television set at home has become very essential in today's society. We depend on it to entertain us with its sitcoms and to inform us about current world issues. The problem is that sometimes what we hear or see on television is not always accurate or correct. Sometimes news stones give us the wrong information and we believe that it is true because it is being said on television. They may give you a story, but they may leave out some details to prove their point or to make the story more interesting.

TV is powerful enough to make our shopping easier. Actually, it is making us lazier by making shopping as easy as dialing some numbers on a touch tone phone. People are also convinced to buy a certain product because a celebrity is presenting it. For example: if supermodel Cindy Crawford presents make-up, ladies will buy it and wear it because they believe that it will make them look like her. As a television viewer myself, I believe that television has us all trapped in a world where we believe everything that is being said.

The most common genres are commercials, news programs, situation comedies, soap operas, documentaries, sports shows, talk shows, action adventure programs, detective shows, science fiction shows, hospital dramas, and westerns.

The choice of program to watch depends on my mood. Commonly I prefer musical programmes which make me feel release and escape the boredom of everyday life.

The main reason why people watch TV is entertainment. When you don’t have anything better to do, you just turn on your TV set and sail away where everything is different. You can rest from everything and everyone.

In the decade of crisis news is the most important segment of TV program. Politics, economy, events in the country and abroad, cultural events, sports and weather forecast are the plot of the news shows. That is, news covers everything which is significant for everyday life. Digested stories about the events in country and abroad make them inevitable.

Soups are also popular especially among women. Unlike soap operas, sport is a program segment connected with males.




Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern way of life. No other art has the impact on our lives as the motion pictures have. The movies appeared in th 20th century. Everybody like to watch films.At present movie is somewhere mass culture and high art. The cinema going habit is still the strong one. I realized it when one day decided to go to the cinema to watch Anna Karenina,but was shocked that the tickets were sold till the end of the week. After such situation I book tickets beforehand. Lots of people find watching films one of the best ways of spending their free time. It is a good place for a the first date. Sitting in a comfortable chairs we can enjoy watching detective films, westerns, adventures, horrors, drama, romantic, comedies, musicals. People need to escape from reality and to plunge into fantastic amusing atmosphere.

I like to watch comedies, detectives, romantic films. The last film I watched was The great Gatsby. It is a screen version of Scot Fidgerald’s book. The film was based on the love story with a lot of flashbacks. Leo dicaprio was the protagonist. He felt in love with a girl but the war began and he had to go to fight. Then he disappeared and this girl married a wealthy man, who cheated,betrayed her. Soon Gatsby appeared. He had a great mention where every week parties were held. He bought the house on the one side of the river,on the other side lived this girl with her husband. One day they met again and love filled their hearts. But unfortunately she didn’t leave her husband. One night they driving a car and she brought down s girl. People said it was Gatsby because it was his car, but that night she drove a car. After this accident the husband of this woman killed Gatsby and himself. Nobody came to Gatsby funeral ecept one man.

Tis film is full of action, special effects, wonderful music and actors, vintage, style, love.

I try not to miss a chance to go out and watch a new film.



Science and technology

It is difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. It accelerates the development of civilization and help us in our cooperation with nature. Scientists investigate the laws of the Universe, discover the secrets of nature and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Modern technology is rapidly spreading all over the world. One can hardly imagine our present life without food-processors, air-conditioners, vacuum cleaners, fridges, phones, TV, computers, camera, microwaves and so on. Chemical industry brought new medicine, spray.

I am absolutely sure that all these things make our life comfortable, save a lot of time and help to avoid health problems.

Millions of investigations and discoveries were made in the 20th century. There was atomic age due to the discover of the atom, age of conquest of space, when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and and entered the Universe. Now we live in information era, when the computer network embraces the globe and connects people all over the world. All these things prove the power and progress of science in our life.

But every medal has its reverse. The rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems. These are ecological problems, the nuclear war threat. I hope that humanity will be able to use technology in peaceful purposes. Still we are grateful to outstanding men of the past and present who have courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.

Darwin investigated the problems of creation. Newton discover the universal law of gravitation.

Recent advances in technology have allowed to make great progress in genetic engineering.Genetic engineering is a highly controversial subject. We can't really be sure whether it is a good or bad thing. If scientists can find and modify the genes for certain diseases like cancer, they could cure those diseases. It helps us to understand why people have predispositions to certain diseases. Even birth defects could be almost totally eliminated if doctors were able to change a childs genes before birth. The process could also be adapted to cure hereditary diseases and prevent them from passing to future generations. Genetic engineering can improve the health of society tremendously then as it is known today.

animals and plants can be made to have desirable characteristics which could help solve some of the world's problems. For example in trees, genes could be manipulated to absorb more carbon dioxide. This would help reduce global warming. Many people are afraid of genetic discrimination. Only humans with genetically perfect DNA could be allowed to reproduce or work in certain, high-level jobs. This would disrupt our entire economy and employment system.

Genetic engineering would cause a greater gap between wealthy and non-wealthy nations. The wealthy nations would have the technology to make stronger, smarter, superior humans while the other nations would continue to fall further behind. it could end individuality. Everyone would want to be muscular, beautiful, smart and so on. When your DNA can be shaped, who would choose "inferior" traits? It could make everyone predictable, indentical. Terrorist groups or armies could develop more powerful biological weapon. These weapons could be resistant to medicines, or even targeted at people who carry certain genes.



Vice and virtue

Vice and virtue are 2 concepts that have been presented in society for thousands of years and they are used to tell us what we can and cant do.

vice – 1) (U) criminal activities; 2) a bad habit; 3) a bad or immoral quality in someone’s character;

virtue – 1) (U) moral goodness of character and behavior; 2) a particular good quality in someone’s character;

Vices Virtues

aggression sincerity

pride reliability

obstinacy generosity

meanness honesty

greed moderation



Our character traits can be good or bad or somewhere between. Character traits are habit-like tendencies that are deeply trenched. They are our second nature. They are not iinate. People become good or bad according to their habits they develop throughout their lives. To become better we should practice virtuous acts regularly. We are mastered some essential skills at the beginning of our education. They have to do with10 Biblical commands: don’t kill, don’t lie, don’t steal, love ur neighbor, don’t say God in vain…These are principles to be followed by religious and non religious people. Religion teaches us how to act and behave, makes people disciplined. Moral and ethics should be taught in our school. To teach children basic skills that maybe a family doesn’t: to say sorry when u hurt somebody, don’t hit people, return what u borrow, be punctual, be patient, respect others.

Nobody is perfect and we need to develop admirable traits of our character and practice virtuous act during all our life.




No other art form has had quite the impact on our lives that the theatre has. Everybody loves a stiry and narrative told in visual image. Theatre perfomances nourishes our minds, challenges, the intellect with thought provoking ideas.however in the world dominated by films and TV theatre loses its supreme role. But even today there are true theatre goers. Some people find it a pleasure to go to the theatre. The theatre is one of the most ancient kinds of arts. For centuries people have come to the theatre for different aims: to relax, to be amused and entertained, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favourite actors and actresses.The theatre presents a synthetic art as it combines literature, music, dance, comedy, tragicomedy, melodrama, domestic drama, symbolic drama.

London must be the world’s capital of drama and shows. There are about 40 theatres, many of them have a fascinating history. For ex. The Globe Theatre has taken its name from the famous playhouse where Shakespeare’s dramas were produced 400 years ago. Some words about our theatres – The Gomel Regional Theatre, Puppet theatre, Youth theatre.

If u want to visit a theatre u should know that plays start at 12a.m. and 7 p.m. You can buy tickets at the theatre box-office. You can put ur coats off in the cloak-room, and buy a program to know the cast. Then u come into the hall and take ur seat. The better seats at the theatre are in the stalls and in the dress circle. During the interval u can go to a buffet to have snacks or u can go along the foyer where u find tha photos of the stuff. Usually the theatre is full on 80% but on weekends especially when the first night is on, the hall is full.

Many people believe that it's much more convenient to watch a performance on TV at home, because you don't have to bother about the tickets, a baby-sitter and transport and so on. As for me I think that it is dull and boring to death. The main part of the theatre and theatrical performance are the atmosphere of a play, scenery and halls.

The actors were playing excellent. all performed so realistically, so true to life that I began to feel for them like in real life. There was a storm of applause.



There is music everywhere: at home, in music halls, in concert halls, in parks. People can't live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. Music is an art, which reflects life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. There are lots of kinds of music: classical, folk-traditional music from a particular country, jazz, pop, rock, heavy metal, rap, hip-hop etc. Music is an international language. The most popular kinds of music among young people nowadays are: rock and pop. The are local versions but the beat and the rhythm are the same. A new technology is sweeping pop along new avenues. Band have become more proficient with their instruments, electronics and studio techniques have become more sophisticated. The huge open air festivals of music sprang from this movement.

When speaking of different forms of music I'd like to mention classical music. Classical music gives me pleasure and delight. It is always a complex of emotions, excitement. Classical music gives me the possibility to remove from tiredness and tension, to find new strength. Sometimes I prefer classical music, because it fills my mind with new ideas and makes me think. While listening to classical music I have to combine all my feelings into one and to give it name-it will be happiness. And finally it's a source of joy, inspiration and relaxation.

Only once in my life I had an opportunity to go to the concert and I would never forget it. That time I was in Moscow, in BOLSHOI THEATRE. It was so called mixed concert, performed by the grant companies: the Orchestra of the Theatre and the spectacular young traditional folk music and dance group. The Orchestra of the BOLSHOI THEATRE presented its programme first. It was a fascinated demonstration of Russian tone and Russian interpretation. They played well-known peaces of such great composers as: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Glinka, Thaikovsky. They played robust compositions, a vigorous music that roused senses and never stood for a moment. The musicians performed on different instruments, including violin, cello, viola, even oboe, bassoon.

The epitone of everything we have come to expect was from Russian folk dance group-the endless variety of colourful and beautifully embroided costumes and most important of all-boundless energy and enthusiasm. So the concert made a deep impression on me, the music give me pleasure, satisfaction and relaxation.



Sport and games

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. It is common knowledge that it is necessary for people of all ages to go in for sport because it keeps everyone fit. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If u do daily exercises u will feel refreshed, have a good figure. Going in for sport prevents from different illnesses and improves physical state. It develops the strength of the body and character. It trains willpower, makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. Finally sport makes our life more interesting.

Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, squash, canoeing and snooker were invented in Britain. Britain's national sport is football or soccer. Baseball is the most popular game in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer by schools, colleges and professional teams. Football is the most popular game in the autumn.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are hockey, skating, skiing, ski-jumping, tobogganing, hunting.

Summer offers excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest. This game is played in all countries all over the world. The other popular games are: golf, lawn tennis, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, snowballs. Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, table tennis, draughts, chess, darts, cards.

All the year round people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls, it helps them to be slim and healthy. I am also fond of aerobics and attend gym when I have free time, it is a kind of entertainment for me. I like to watch gymnastics, figure skating because it is beautiful and charming kinds of sport.

I’d like to mention there are extreamly dangerous kinds of sport such as boxing. I cant understand those spectators who come to see how one of the participants was knocked out at heavyweight,come to see the murdering. I think such kinds of sports should be banned in order not to lose our human face. On the other hand men have fought durng the centures, it is in their nature to prove the strength. People need some extreme to feel that our life is going forward. Many people try jumping from buildings, parachuting. Some say that people who do risk sports are reacting against society, which they feel has become dull and constricting. People turn to risk as aan escape from all boring things in their life. Risk sport can help to overcome fears that affects us in reality. People invented a lot of possibilities to make their life more interesting and exiting.


22. Painting

Art is an all embracing notion. Art had the most important role in the development of the mankind. The first were found on the walls of ancient caves. So we can guess that painting was the first way of art. Painting is the most understandable way of art, because it gives us the most full and vivid impressions.

I think that art has many functions and it’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. Art has great influence on our souls, feelings, forms, our moral values. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. Art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is an ideal of beauty, what is love. Art helps us to understand people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of mankind. Art has a great educational significance. Art brings people up, makes them more humane and kind. The language of art is universal. Everybody in spite of age, nationality, occupation understands what is said by the painter. But I think that not every painter becomes famous. Only talented, genius people can create great, eternal art, a real masterpiece. Art is great only if it has links with people’s lives, interests, ideals. If it hasn’t, it won’t be understood or acknowledged.

My favourite genre of painting is portraiture. My favourite picture is perhaps the most famous in the world-the mysterious portrait of Mona Lisa. The masterpiece is executed by an outstanding artist, a genius Leonardo da Vinci. He was a representative of Italian Renaissance. Leonardo's paintings, drawings show that he was the most famous creative mind of his time. His contribution to Art is enormous. He was the first painter whose pictures conveyed a sense of space. The half-length portrait of Mona Lisa depicts her sitting de the window. Her figure is placed against the background of a mountain landscape. The silhouette of the woman merges onto a single entity with nature. The artist portrays Mona Lisa in a modest black dress, without useless frills and jewelry. Thus, he emphasizes the beauty of her face and hands. Her eyes are following you however you look at her face and her smile produce a magnificent impression. Leonardo perfectly combines form and colour into harmonious unity.



Clothes and fashion

Every girl dreams to look stylish. Fashion is a thing that we have to keep up with. It is important to look attractive. Clothes should suite u and the occation.Ur clothes should always be clean and neat. Nice looking people have advantages. It doesn’t mean u should be fashion-conscious. It may turn to a waste of money. People choose clothes according to their personalities. Somebody want to stand out in a crowd by wearing smth unusual. Some people don’t know how to partner clothes and look terrible. Matching ur clothes properly is a matter of taste. If u don’t have taste it is better not to wear a lot of bright colours,rhinestones.Calm black and white, beige colours’re the best. Natural make up is in trend nowadays.

I ejoy wearing jeans, dress, shoes,Tshirts. I try to follow fashion and buy fashionable clothes.But also I prefer to wear closes that will not go out of fashion (black/white Tshirt, classical suits/jackets) When I have an official meeting I try to wear formal. The main criterion in choosing things is comfort. I care about my appearance as I think every girl should look beautiful. I like classical and casual style. I like to read fashion magazines to know about trends nowadays.




We have to deal with shopping whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. They make a list what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Some times they don’t care about the price. There are people who goes from store to store looking for goods of better quality and price.

There are many kinds of shops in every city. Most of them have a food supermarkets, department stores, grocery,bakery, butchery. Department store is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, souvenirs, jewlery. In the women’s clothing department u can find dresses, blouses, skirts,bags,jeans,bluses, coats,beautiful underware. In mrn’s departmens u can find ties socks, suits, trousers Tshirts, pullovers, coats.In a food supermarkets we can buy sausages, meat, fish, sugar, macaroni,tea,coffee, sweets, bread, cakes,fruit,dairy products, vegetables.


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