Які особливості порядкових числівників проявляються в наступних прикладах? 

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Які особливості порядкових числівників проявляються в наступних прикладах?

1 You go over there with the kids to Eighth Street and wait around those cars (Th. Dreiser). 2 The city was about to pave Fifty-fifth Street (Th. Dreiser). (Пор.:... there was another knock, and Mr Hubbard himself, the celebrated frame-maker of South Audley Street, came in with a somewhat rough-looking young assistant (O.Wilde)).



Вправа 11

Проаналізуйте комбінаторні властивості порядкових числівників у наступних прикладах:

1 Here is the first passionate love-letter I have ever written in my life (O. Wilde). 2 On March the thirtieth, spring visited her room with southwest airs, a small bowl of the first spring flowers, some pussy willows and a sprig of gorse (J. Galsworthy). 3 Then for the first of the two times in their lives he saw her cry (W. Faulkner). 4 He went to all the first nights and all the private views (W.S. Maugham). 5Jago was an English scholar, and had published articles on the first writings produced by the Puritan settlers in New England (C.P.Snow). 6 Beyond a short avenue of elms lay a park landscaped in the manner of the late eighteenth century and dotted with trees which had had space to expand into full magnificence (J. Wyndham). 7 I... received without embarassment the Driffields’ congratulation on my clever­ness in riding a bicycle the very first day I tried (W.S. Maugham). 8 He belonged to the fine flower of the peaceful nineteenth century (C.P. Snow). 9 «Yes», answered Mrs. Gerhardt, with her first and only note of defiance (Th. Dreiser). 10 He went to all the first nights and all the private views (W.S. Maugham). 11 «A man run us away», was almost the first greeting that the perturbed George offered when the mother made her inquiry about the coal (Th. Dreiser). 12 This is only my third lesson (W.S. Maugham). 13 Madrid is probably the first and best place for the hurried traveller to visit, for it contains all Spain, like an anthology (L. Lee). 14 When I was lent my first book, by a rich old neighbour I thought she was off her head (L. Lee). 15 He had told her since that he was crazy about her on that first evening (W.S. Maugham). 16 Sebastian's first im­pulse was to jump and run...(Th. Dreiser). 17... we were both the inheritors, after centuries of darkness, of our country's first literate peasantry (L. Lee). 18 The Maintenon wore blue stockings, and mi­nistered to Louis the XIV-th (J. Galsworthy). 19 A moment later, Despard Smith, in clerical hat and overcoat, walked across the front of the building from the third court (C. P. Snow). 20...if he had been living back in the days when fathers called the shots in the matter of their daughters' marriages, would have forbidden the banns without a second thought (P.G. Wodehouse). 21... and don't try to persuade me that the first good action I have done for years...is really a sort of sin (O. Wilde). 22 «Yes», answered Lord Henry, dreamily, «the costume of the nineteenth century is detestable...» (O. Wilde). 23 For the first time she laughed (W.S. Maugham). 24... and don't try to persuade me that the first good action I have done for years...is really a sort of sin (O. Wilde).


Вправа 12

Визначте синтаксичну функцію порядкових числівників у таких реченнях:

1 Не wrote a second novel (W.S. Maugham). 2 Just before she married, begin­ning to lose her first freshness, she had looked tired and drawn (W.S. Maugham). 3 Darius always preferred gold to glory - no doubt on the excellent ground that the first can always buy the second (G. Vidal). 4 And, certainly, to him Life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts, and for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation (O. Wilde). 5 «Yes», answered Lord Henry, dreamily, «the costume of the nineteenth century is detestable...» (O. Wilde). 6For the first time she laughed (W.S. Maugham). 7 … the American and English reading public followed suit and bought so many copies that Martin compelled the conservative house of Singletree, Darnley and Co. to pay a flat royalty of twenty-five per cent, for a third book, and thirty per cent flat for a fourth. (J. London). 8 … the American and English reading public followed suit and bought so many copies that Martin compelled the conservative house of Singletree, Darnley and Co. to pay a flat royalty of twenty-five per cent, for a third book, and thirty per cent flat for a fourth (J. London). 9 But her third husband, Lord Henry! You don’t mean to say Ferrol is the fourth? (O. Wilde). 10 If I don’t hear by the tenth of each month, I’m going to give the detective the word (W. Faulkner). 11 But two are dead and the third is sickly (G. Vidal).

Вправа 13

Складіть 6-7 речень із порядковими числівниками у різних синтаксичних функція х.

Вправа 14

Визначте лексико-семантичний клас опорного іменника при порядковому числівнику:

1 «You knew his first wife, didn't you? (W.S. Maugham). 2 His third book was a failure (J. London). 3 He was finishing his second glass of sherry (C.P. Snow). 4 Your first thought when you looked at the Mother Superior was that as a girl she must have been beautiful... (W.S. Maugham). 5 Before the end of the first fortnight he was so deeply in love that it was impossible for him to think of his life except as bound up with Gwendolen's (George Eliot). 6 The distance to the Senator’s room was only a short way along the hall of the second floor (Th. Dreiser). 7 In the eighteenth century it had been worth exactly the same figure... (C.P. Snow). 8 It was the end of June, the twenty-eighth, and the days were long (W.S. Maugham). 9Then, on the tenth day of November, Denny unexpectedly rang him up (A.J. Cronin). 10 A notice came round, summoning a college meeting for a Monday, the first Monday of full term (C.P. Snow). 11Born in the kingdom of Saxony, he had had character enough to opose the army conscription iniquity, and to flee, in his eighteenth year, to Paris (Th. Dreiser). 12... on the morning of his twenty-seventh birthday he waked and looked down his bordy toward his foreshortened feet...(W. Faulkner). 13 A copy of the third edition of The St. Jame's Gazette had been placed on the tea-tray (O. Wilde). 14It's the frontispiece in the third volume of the edition de luxe (W.S. Maugham). 15 It was a novel experience to find himself headlined, on the first page at that... (J. London). 16 It was not till the third day that he ventured to go out (O. Wilde). 17 Her watch had been pawned a second time... (Th. Dreiser).


Вправа 15

Проаналізуйте статус числових позначень у таких прикладах:

1 Take this round to 152, Hertford Street, Francis, and if Mr.Campbell is out of town,get his address (O.Wilde). 2 «He’s in twenty-two. Here», he added writing out the number (Th. Dreiser). 3 The will was dated two days after Harry’s birth in 1910... (W.Faulkner). 4 It's 2, Melton Mews, off Malmesbury Square (J.Galsworthy). 5 He reached for the red-backed volume. «Page 258 - here you are, my dear» (J. Galsworthy). 6... and the story of her feud with Miss Butcher who let lodgings at number fourteen was a great comic saga that went on year in and year out (W. S. Maugham). 7 The favourites of James I. wore earrings of emeralds set in gold filigrane (O. Wilde). 8 Somebody somewhere, I was sure, must have it in hand – unfortunately it was a somebody who had forgotten all about Room 48 (J. Wyndham).


Вправа 16

Елементом якої конструкції виступає порядковий числівник у наступних реченнях?

1 «I’m fine. Did I interrupt you in the middle of your tenth cocktail?» «My third», I corrected (P.G. Wodehouse). 2 Or, better, meet me at Fourteenth and Broadway at two o'clock (J. London). 3 I had to give two supervisions from five to seven, and when the second was over went straight to the combination room (C.P. Snow).

Вправа 17

Вставте пропущені порядкові числівники або числові похідні у таких прислів’ях. Складіть ситуацію, щоб проілюструвати одне з них.

1 Whom Gods would destroy, they … make mad. 2 Trouble never comes …. 3 The … duty of a soldier is obedience.4 The … wife is matrimony; the …, company; the …, heresy. 5 The … blow is half the battle. 6 … impressions are half the battle. 7 It is the … step that costs. 8 Punishment is always a … sword. 9 Among the blind the … man is king.

Вправа 18

Для чого в мовленні вживаються порядкові числівники? Проілюструйте прикладами.


Вправа 19

Прочитайте уривки з тексту. З’ясуйте роль порядкових числівників у реалізації текстових категорій.

1 Seating himself, he signed for his first case to come in. This was a man who asked simply for a certificate - adding, as a kind of afterthought, «Beat knee». Andrew examined him, found him suffering from beat knee, gave him the certificate of incapacity for work.

The second case came in. He also demanded his certificate: nystagmus. The third case: certificate, bronchitis. The fourth case: certificate, beat elbow...

Even so, it was half-past ten when he got through his last case (A.J. Cronin).


2 Insensibly he hastened his pace, taut with anticipation, exulting in the realization - this, this was his first case...

He reached 7 Glydar Place, knocked breathlessly upon the door, and was at once admitted to the kitchen, where in the recessed bed, the patient lay. She was a young woman, wife of a steel-puddler named Williams, and as he approached the bedside with a fast-beating heart he felt, over­whel­ming­ly the significance of this, the real starting-point of his life. He was alone, confronted by a case which he must diagnose and treat unaided. All at once, with a quick pang, he was conscious of his nervousness, his inex­perience, his complete unpreparedness, for such a task.

While the husband stood by in the cramped, ill-lit stonefloored room, Andrew Manson examined the patient with scrupulous care. There was no doubt about it, she was ill. She complained that her head ached intolerably. Temperature, pulse, tongue, they all spoke of trouble, serious trouble. What was it? Andrew asked himself that question with a strained intensity as he went over her again. His first case (A.J. Cronin).


3 The winter passed...As days lengthened, without speaking of it to him, she began on the wilderness that was the garden. Jennie, the maid,... became Christine's assistant. Manson, crossing the dilapidated bridge, found them down by the stream-bed one March afternoon, starting an assault on the rusty salmon-tins that lay there...

In a few weeks she had grubbed out the weeds and cleared the neglected paths. The bed of the stream was clean, its edges were cut and trimmed. A new rockery, made from loose stones lying about, stood at the foot of the glen. Vaughan's gardener, John Roberts, kept coming over, bringing bulbs and cuttings, offering advice. With real triumph she led Andrew by the arm to view the first daffodil (A.J.Cronin).


Вправа 20

Продовжіть ряд НО:

Second Congressional District; Third Reich; Eighteenth Dynasty; DIN standard; Model RHCN-1


Вправа 21


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