V. Выразите несогласие с утверждениями. 

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V. Выразите несогласие с утверждениями.

Example. He is learning to read. (to write) – He isn’t learning to read. He is

learning to write.


1. They are drinking tea. (coffee)

2. He is going to the cinema. (the swimming pool)

3. I’m playing football. (tennis)

4. Mark is having lunch in the office. (a café)

5. He is wearing a jumper. (jeans)

6. George is reading a book. (a newspaper)

7. Lucy is cooking dinner. (breakfast)

8. My father is driving to work. (walk)

9. Lisa is watching a film on TV. (a fashion show)

10. She is putting on a yellow dress. (grey)

11. Jake is talking to his parents. (the teacher)

12. I am waiting for my friend. (my sister)

13. Pete is going by train. (by bus)

14. We are staying in a hotel. (a hostel)

15. My sister is learning Spanish. (French)

16. Jill is eating a hamburger. (cheese)


VI. A. Прочитайте тексты.



“On Saturday mornings I usually get up late and do the housework. Then I meet some friends in town for lunch, and I go shopping in the afternoon.”

But this Saturday is different! Today Isabel is getting married. She’s in church with all her family and friends. She’s wearing a white dress, and her husband is standing next to her.



“On my birthday I sometimes go out with friends, or I go out to a restaurant with my family. My Mum usually makes me a birthday cake.”

But this birthday is different! It’s Leo’s eighteenth birthday, so now he’s an adult. Now he’s having a big party with all his friends. They’re dancing and drinking beer. Leo’s wearing a blue jumper.



“On Christmas Day we usually all go to my parents’ house. We open our presents, then have a big lunch at about 2.00 in the afternoon.”

But this Christmas is different! Mark and his wife are in Australia. They’re visiting friends. Now they’re having a barbecue next to the swimming pool. It’s hot and they’re wearing swimsuits.



“I usually hate Sunday evenings because I don’t like Mondays. I do my homework and get ready for school.”

But this Sunday evening is different! Becca’s getting ready to go on a skiing holiday tomorrow. Now she’s packing her bags. She’s trying on her ski clothes. She’s enjoying this Sunday evening.


Б. Ответьте на вопросы по каждому тексту.


1. What does he/she usually do on this day?

2. Why is today different?

3. What is he/she doing?

4. What is he/she wearing?


В. Расспросите друг друга и расскажите о том, как обычно проходит ваш выходной день (день рождения) и как это происходит сегодня.

Г. Принесите свою фотографию или фотографию друга. Расскажите, кого мы видим на фотографии, где вы находитесь, чем занимаетесь, какая на вас одежда.



VII. Дополните предложения, используя am (‘m not), is (isn’t), are (aren’t), do (don’t), does (doesn’t).


1. … you like pizza? – Yes, I ….

2. What … you doing? – I … reading.

3. … she drive to work? – No, she walks.

4. Where … you live? – In London.

5. Look! He … wearing yellow trousers!

6. … he like skiing? – Yes, he ….

7. George … like cheese.

8. This film is terrible! We … enjoying it.

9. … Luke cooking dinner? – No, he ….

10. They … go out in the evening. They always stay at home.

11. I … going to work today because it’s Sunday.

12. She has a dog, but she … have a cat.

13. … he learning English? – No, he …. He … learning Spanish.

14. … they play tennis at the weekend? – Yes, they ….

15. What … they usually do in the evening? – They usually work but this evening they … watching TV.

16. I … wear jeans.



VIII. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, какое действие обозначают выделенные глаголы: настоящее (Present) или будущее (Future).

Example. I’ m going to the cinema tomorrow. (Future)

Where is Jack? Is he working? (Present)


1. Look! He’ s wearing a red and green shirt.

2. What are you doing tomorrow?

3. I’ m really enjoying this meal. The fish is delicious.

4. Where are you going on Tuesday?

5. What’s the weather like? – The sun’ s shining, but it’s a bit cold.

6. Where’s Joe? – He’ s watching TV in the living room.

7. Next weekend they’ re staying at home.

8. Are you going out tonight?

9. I’ m seeing John on Wednesday.

10. Anna’ s starting school on Monday.

11. He’ s making some chairs for the garden.

12. We’ re getting a new car next week.

13. My parents are coming to stay with me this weekend.

14. She’ s learning French and Italian at school.



IX. Дополните предложения глаголами в Present Continuous для обозначения будущих действий.

Example. … Debbie tonight? (You/meet) – Are you meeting Debbie tonight?


1. I … to class tomorrow. (not/come)

2. … to work next week? (you/go)

3. My cousin … us on Saturday. (visit)

4. I … a special meal tonight. (make)

5. … on Friday? (they/learn)

6. … at home this weekend? (you/stay)

7. We … my niece on holiday with us. (take)

8. I … a birthday party this year. (not/have)

9. I … work at 6 o’clock. (finish)

10. … to London? (they/move)

11. We … home tonight. (not/go)

12. Ian … the train at 12 o’clock. (catch)

13. They … tonight. (not/come)

14. He … Jim on Monday. (meet)

15. She … next Friday. (leave)

16. We … a party next Saturday. (have)



X. Друзья думают о том, как они проведут каникулы. Дополните предложения, используя оборот be going to в нужной форме и подходящие по смыслу глаголы, чтобы рассказать о планах и намерениях друзей.


travel teach read stay walk lie play do cycle swim


1. I … in bed all day.

2. We … the gardening.

3. I … lots of books.

4. I … in the sun.

5. We … round the world.

6. I … to Brighton on my new bike.

7. I … lots of sport.

8. We … English in a summer school.

9. I … in the sea every day.

10. I … in the mountains.


XI. А. Прочитайте текст.


I’m going on holiday to Mexico next Friday, so next week is very busy. On Monday I’m collecting my tickets from the travel agent. I’m going on holiday with my friends Ed and Lucy, so on Tuesday I’m meeting them after work and we’re going shopping. On Wednesday I’m seeing the doctor at eleven o’clock, then I’m having lunch with mum.

On Thursday I’m leaving work early and I’m packing. I’m taking just a bag and a rucksack. Then it’s Friday. Friday’s the big day! At six thirty in the morning I’m going by taxi to the airport. I’m meeting Ed and Lucy there and at nine thirty we’re flying to Mexico City. I’m very excited!


Б. Дополните предложения о планах Элли.


On Monday she’s collecting her … from the travel agent.

On Tuesday she’s meeting Ed and Lucy after … and they’re going ….

On Wednesday she’s seeing the … at 11 o’clock, then she’s … lunch with her mother.

On Thursday she’s … work early and she’s … her bags.

On Friday at 6.30 in the morning she’s going by … to the airport and she’s … Ed and Lucy there. At 9.30 they’re … to Mexico.


В. Сейчас понедельник, Элли на работе. Анна расспрашивает ее о поездке. Дополните диалог вопросительными словами what when where how who why.


A n n a.… are you doing?

E l l i e. I’m reading about Mexico.

A n n a.…?

E l l i e. Because I’m going there on holiday soon.

A n n a. Oh lovely! … are you leaving?

E l l i e. We’re leaving next Friday.

A n n a. … are you going with?

E l l i e. My friends Ed and Lucy.

A n n a. … are you traveling?

E l l i e. We’re traveling by plane to Mexico City, then by bus and train around the country.

A n n a. … are you staying?

E l l i e. We’re staying in small hotels and hostels.

A n n a. You’re so lucky! Have a good time!

E l l i e. Thanks very much.


Г. Расскажите о своих планах на следующую неделю.

XII. Переведите предложения.


1. Завтра мои друзья едут в Рим. 2. Что ты делаешь в следующую пятницу? 3. Когда они собираются купить новый телевизор? 4. Почему он остается дома сегодня вечером? 5. – Где дети? – Они играют в футбол. 6. – Ты делаешь домашнюю работу сейчас? – Нет. Я читаю книгу. 7. Сейчас у них вечеринка. Они танцуют, веселятся (хорошо проводят время). 8. – Чем занимается Джейн? – Она учительница, но она не преподает в данный момент. 9. – Что делает Кейт? – Она пишет письмо родителям. Она пишет им каждую неделю. 10. Обычно Эллис носит джинсы и джемпер, сегодня на ней серое платье. 11. Ты собираешься учить английский или французский? 12. Где они собираются остановиться? 13. Марк не идет в кино, он готовится к экзамену. 14. Я обычно еду на работу автобусом, сегодня я собираюсь взять такси. 15. На следующей неделе я встречаю родителей Дэвида. 16. – Ты идешь за покупками? – Нет, я занята. Я готовлю завтрак. 17. Каждое утро он пьет кофе, но сегодня он пьет чай.




Прочитайте диалоги


Lunch on the grass


B e n. Is lunch ready?

A n n e. Yes. Let’s eat lunch in the garden.

B e n. Shall we sit on this seat?

A n n e. Let’s sit on this mat on the grass.

B e n. Is it fish and chips for lunch?

A n n e. No. It’s ham and eggs.

B e n. Have you any buns and ham?

A n n e. Yes. And cups of tea and apple tart.



Helen’s kitchen


H e l e n. And this is the kitchen.

B o b. It’s very nice.

H e l e n. Well, it’s not very big, but there are a lot of cupboards. And there’s a

new fridge, and a cooker. That’s new, too.

B o b. But what’s in all these cupboards?

H e l e n. Well, not a lot. There are some cups, but there aren’t any plates. And I

have some knives and forks, but I don’t have any spoons!

B o b. Do you have any glasses?

H e l e n. No. Sorry.

B o b. Never mind. We can drink this champagne from those cups! Cheers!



At a party


A l e s s a n d r a. Hello. I’m Alessandra.

W o o d y. Hi, Alessandra. I’m Woody. Woody Bates.

A l e s s a n d r a. Do you live here in London, Woody?

W o o d y. No, I don’t. I work in London but I live in Brighton.

A l e s s a n d r a. What’s your job?

W o o d y. I’m an actor. What’s your job?

A l e s s a n d r a. I work in a hotel.

W o o d y. You aren’t English, but you speak English very well. Where do

you come from?

A l e s s a n d r a. I’m Italian. I come from Verona.

W o o d y. Oh, I love Italy.

A l e s s a n d r a. Really?

W o o d y. Oh, yes. I like the food and the wine very much.



Guests in August


C r a i g. I’ve just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg.

C a r o l. Are they coming to England again?

C r a i g. Yes. At the beginning of August.

C a r o l. Good. We can all get together again.

C r a i g. I’m glad they’re coming in August. We can take the dog and go for

walks together.

C a r o l. Yes. And we can give a garden party.

C r a i g. And Margaret can play her guitar in the garden and sing Greek songs


C a r o l. Yes. August is a good time to come to England.



At the butcher’s shop


B u t c h e r.Good morning, Mrs Church.

M r s C h u r c h. Good morning, Mr Cheshire. I’d like some chops for the

children’s lunch.

B u t c h e r. Chump chops or shoulder chops, Mrs Church?

M r s C h u r c h. I’ll have four shoulder chops, and I want a small chicken.

B u t c h e r. Would you like to choose a chicken, Mrs Church?

M r s C h u r c h. Which one is cheaper?

B u t c h e r. This one’s the cheapest. It’s a delicious chicken.

M r s C h u r c h. How much is all that? I haven’t got cash. Can I pay by


B u t c h e r. Of course, Mrs Church.



A special washing machine


M r s M a r s h. Does this shop sell washing machines?

M r S h a w. Yes. This is the newest washing machine, madam.

M r s M a r s h. Is it Swedish?

M r S h a w. No, madam. It’s English.

M r s M a r s h. Please show me how it washes.

M r S h a w. Shall I give you a demonstration? Here are some sheets and

shirts. You put them in the machine. You shut the door. And

you push this button.

M r s M a r s h. The machine shouldn’t shake like that, should it?

M r S h a w. Washing machines always shake, madam. Ah! It’s finished


M r s M a r s h. But the sheets have shrunk, and so have the shirts.

M r S h a w. Do you wish to buy this machine, madam?

M r s M a r s h. I’m not sure.



A proud parent


M r s R a n d a l. Are all the children grown up now, Ruth?

M r s R e e d. Oh, yes. Laura is the cleverest one. She’s a librarian in the

public library.

M r s R a n d a l. Very interesting. And what about Rita?

M r s R e e d. She’s a secretary at the railway station.

M r s R a n d a l. And what about Rosemary? She was always a very pretty


M r s R e e d. Rosemary is a waitress in a restaurant in Paris. She’s married

to an electrician.

M r s R a n d a l. And what about Jerry and Roland?

M r s R e e d. Jerry drives a lorry. He drives everywhere in Europe.

M r s R a n d a l. Really? Which countries does he drive to?

M r s R e e d. France and Austria and Greece and Russia.

M r s R a n d a l. And does Roland drive a lorry too?

M r s R e e d. Oh, no. Roland is a pilot.

M r s R a n d a l. Really? Which countries does he fly to?

M r s R e e d. Australia and America.



8. I love it here!


G u y.This is a very beautiful house.

C e l i n e. Thank you. I like it very much, too.

G u y. Celine, you’re American. Why do you live here in London?

C e l i n e. Because I just love it here! The people are fantastic! I love them!

And of course, my husband, Charles, is English, and I love him,


G u y. That’s a very nice photo. Who are they?

C e l i n e. My sons. That’s Matt, and that’s Jack. They go to school here. My

daughter’s at school in the US. Her name’s Lisa-Marie.

G u y. Why does Lisa-Marie go to school in the US?

C e l i n e. Because she lives with her father. My first husband, you know, the

actor Dan Brat. I hate him and all his movies. I never watch them.

G u y. I see. And does Lisa-Marie visit you?

C e l i n e. Oh, yes. She visits me every vacation. She’s here with me now.

G u y. And is this a photo of you and Charles?

C e l i n e.Oh yes. It’s us in Hawaii. It’s out wedding. We’re so happy




Who’s at the party?


O l i v e r. Oh dear! Monica, I don’t know any of these people. Who are they?

M o n i c a. Don’t worry Oliver. They’re all very nice. Can you see that man

over there? He’s sitting down. That’s Harry. He’s a musician. He

works in LA.

O l i v e r. Sorry, where?

M o n i c a. You know, LA. Los Angeles.

O l i v e r. Oh yeah.

M o n i c a. And he’s talking to Mandy. She’s wearing a red dress. She’s very

nice and very rich! She lives in a beautiful old house in the country.

O l i v e r. Rich, eh?

M o n i c a. Yes. Rich and married! Next to her is Fiona. She’s drinking a glass

of red wine. Fiona’s my oldest friend, she and I were at school


O l i v e r. And what does Fiona do?

M o n i c a. She’s a writer. She writes children’s stories – they’re not very good

but … anyway, she’s talking to George. He’s laughing and smoking

a cigar. He’s a pilot. He travels the world, thousands of miles every


O l i v e r. And who are those two over there? They’re dancing. They know

each other very well.

M o n i c a. Oh, that’s Roz and Sam. They’re married. They live in the flat


O l i v e r. So … that’s Harry and Mandy and … it’s no good, I can’t remember

all those names.





T e s s a. Can you use a computer, Josh?

J o s h. Yes, of course I can. All my friends can. I use a computer at school

and at home.

T e s s a. That’s very good. What other things can you do?

J o s h. Well, I can run fast, very fast, and I can draw a bit. I can draw planes

and cars very well but I can’t drive a car of course. When I’m big I

want to be a farmer and drive a tractor.

T e s s a. And I know you can speak French.

J o s h. Yes, I can. I can speak French very well because my dad’s French.

We sometimes speak French at home.

T e s s a. Can you speak any other languages?

J o s h. No, I can’t. I can’t speak German or Spanish, just French – and

English of course! And I can cook! I can make cakes. My grandma

makes lovely cakes and I sometimes help her. Yesterday we made a

big chocolate cake.



Прочитайте тексты




I come from South America, from Argentina, but now I live and work in England, in London. I can speak four languages – Spanish, of course, French, German, and English. I can speak English very well now but in the beginning it was very difficult for me. I can drive a car and I can ride a horse – I don’t ride in London but when I’m back home in Argentina I ride. I can’t ski and I can’t cook very well and I can’t play the piano – but I can play the guitar.



Lena’s schooldays


Well, on schooldays I get up at seven forty-five. I have breakfast at eight and I go to school at eight thirty. I have lunch in school with my friends, that’s at twelve fifteen – it’s early in our school. I leave school at three thirty in the afternoon and I walk home with my friends. I get home at four thirty. I go to bed at eleven o’clock on schooldays, but not at the weekend.



Katya’s day


Katya is twenty-five. She’s an artist. She lives in a small house in the country. She usually gets up at ten o’clock in the morning. She never gets up early. She has coffee and toast for breakfast and then she goes for a walk with her dog. She gets home at eleven o’clock and she paints in her studio until seven o’clock in the evening. Then she cooks dinner and drinks a glass of wine. After dinner, she sometimes listens to music and she sometimes plays the piano. She usually goes to bed very late, at one or two o’clock in the morning.



Lucy and Nicolas


We live in a small, old house in Brighton. It has two bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen – and there’s a bathroom, of course!

In the living room there are two armchairs and a sofa. We also have a television, a video recorder, and a CD player. On the wall there are two pictures. It’s a very comfortable room, and in the evening we sit and watch television or listen to music.

In the dining room there is a table and four chairs. There are a lot of photographs of our families on the walls. The kitchen is new. We have breakfast in the kitchen, but we have lunch and dinner in the dining room.

We have a small garden and two cats. We are very happy in our house!




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