Finish up the sentence of the Text. 

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Finish up the sentence of the Text.

1. The four parts of the UK are ….

2. The two main islands are ….

3. The west coast of the country is washed by ….

4. The east coast of the country is washed by ….

5. Geographically Great Britain is divided into ….

6. Great Britain is not very rich in ….

7. Summers are ….

8. The Severn is ….

9. The Thames is ….

10. Big cities of Great Britain are….

11. The centres of steel industry of Great Britain are ….

12. The centres of machine-building industry are ….

13. The centres of ship-building industry are ….

14. The centre of the cotton industry is ….

15. The British Parliament consists of ….


What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?

A.: Where does the UK lie?

B.: ….

A.: What are the two main islands separated from the continent by?

B.: ….

A.: What is the population of the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What do Lowland Britain and Highland Britain comprise?

B.: ….

A.: What is the highest mountain in the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What can you say about the flora and fauna of the country?

B.: ….

A.: Where are the deposits of coal and iron ore situated?

B.: ….

A.: What is the climate of the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What influences the weather of the British Isles?

B.: ….

A.: What are the main rivers in the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What industries are developed in the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What is the capital of the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What is the political system of the UK?

B.: ….

A.: What are the powers of the British Queen limited by?

B.: ….

A.: What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

Make up the presentation of culture, geography or history facts of Great Britain. Use different sources of information.

Text 2. The USA

Active vocabulary to remember

to adopt принимать
approximate приблизительный
dense densely populated плотный, густойгустонаселенный
to be famous for smth. славиться чем-либо
to include заключать, включать, содержать
to lay out планировать
to possess обладать, владеть
to produce a product производить, вырабатыватьпродукция, изделие
to provide снабжать, обеспечивать
to raise 1) поднимать; 2) выращивать, разводить
to settle поселиться, обосноваться
to stretch тянуть(ся), растягивать(ся)
trade to carry on trade торговлявести торговлю
urban suburb suburban городскойпригород, предместья, окрестностипригородный
to vary variety менять(ся), изменять(ся)разнообразие, многообразие, множество

The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. Its territory stretches from the Atlantic seaboard, across the central plains, over the Rocky Mountains to the densely populated west coast and then to the island state of Hawaii.

America is a land of physical contrasts including the weather. It possesses every variety of climates, from that of the tropics, to that of the Arctic regions. The United States is also a land of rivers and lakes. The Northern state of Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes. The broad Mississippi River is the world’s third river after the Nile and the Amazon.

American farmers plant wheat on the western plains. They raise corn, wheat and fine beef cattle in the midwest. Florida and California are famous for their vegetables and fruit production, and the Northern States are known for apples, pears, berries and vegetables.

A wealth of minerals provides a solid base for American industry.

The United States of America was founded in 1776. The Constitution was adopted in 1787. 26 amendments have been introduced since then. The Constitution operates today and sets the basic forms for the US government. The United States of America is a federation of 50 states.

The USA is largely an urban nation. Approximately two-thirds of the population live in urban areas.

At present the population of the USA is about two hundred and thirty nine million. The USA is called "the nation of immigrants". The country was settled, built and developed by generations of immigrants and their children.

The language of Americans is somewhat different from English spoken in Great Britain. Its grammar and structure are the same but there are new meanings in its vocabulary. There is also marked difference in pronunciation.

There are a lot of big cities in the USA, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Dallas, San Francisco and others.

New York is the largest city in the United States. It is in the south eastern New York State at the mouth of the Hudson River. It is a financial centre of the country, the headquarters of the clothing industry and the publishing business. It has a lot of schools and libraries, and some of the finest art galleries and museums in the world.

Two hundred miles south of New York is the city of Washington, the capital of the United States of America. It is the largest metropolitan area in the country. Laid out by the French architect in the late eighteenth century, it was the world's first city especially planned as a centre of government.

Chicago is the second largest city in the United States. It was built on the shore of Lake Michigan and is a busy inland port. Chicago is the centre of the meat packing industry. The city is famous for its stores and museums. It is a gigantic industrial and economic centre.

San Francisco, on the Pacific Coast in California, is considered to be the most beautiful city in the United States. It has a fine natural harbor; it carries on the trade with other countries.

Los Angeles in southwestern California is famous for Hollywood, where both movie and TV shows are produced, and its world-famous Disneyland in the nearby suburb (Anaheim).

Philadelphia is the centre of culture, education and science as well as business and industry.

The United States of America became the world leading country at the beginning of the twentieth century.


Indicate one of the meanings in which the given word is used in the Text. The paragraph number is given in brackets.

1. to stretch - растягиваться, удлиняться, простираться
2. plain - ясный, равнина, простой
3. to possess - удерживать, овладевать, обладать, владеть
4. variety - множество, сорт, разнообразие
5. plant - завод, сажать, основывать
6. to raise - поднимать, воздвигать, выращивать
7. to provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять, снабжать
8. to adopt - усыновлять, перенимать, принимать
9. to set - класть, устанавливать, затвердевать
10. to settle - регулировать, оседать, поселиться
11. a mouth - рот, горлышко, устье, вход
12. headquarters - главное управление, штаб, центр
13. to lay out - выкладывать, планировать, выставлять
14. busy - занятой, деятельный, оживленный
15. a store -запас, склад, имущество, магазин, универмаг
16. to carry on - продолжать, вести, совершать
17. to produce - предъявлять, представлять, производить

Choose the synonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one.

1. a seaboard 2. densely populated 3. including 4. broad 5. cattle 6. to be famous for 7. a wealth 8. to be founded 9. an amendment 10. to operate 11. urban 12. approximately 13. somewhat 14. pronunciation 15. metropolitan 16. a harbour 17. a movie 18. nearby 19. a suburb 20. as well as a) to be well-known b) city c) a change d) a little e) a film f) of or in capital city g) about h) a coast region i) saying j) wide k) a port l) close by m) outskirts n) having as a part o) riches p) in addition of q) livestock, cows r) to work s) thickly inhabited t)to be established

Finish up the sentences of the Text.

1. America is a land of ….

2. American farmers plant ….

3. The Constitution operates ….

4. About two-thirds of the population live ….

5. The USA is called ….

6. The language of Americans is ….

7. New York is a financial ….

8. Washington was laid out by ….

9. Chicago is famous for ….

10. San Francisco is considered to be ….

11. Los Angeles in southwestern California is famous …

12. Movie and TV shows are produced in ….

13. Philadelphia is the centre of culture, education and science …

14. The United States of America became ….



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