Find the other example in the text and highlight it. 

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Find the other example in the text and highlight it.


ǃ Discourse markers

Discourse means ‘pieces of language longer than a sentence’. Some words and expressions are used to show how discourse is constructed. They can show the connection between what the speaker is saying and what has already been said or what is going to be said; they can help to make clear the structure of what is being said; they can indicate what speakers think about what they are saying or what others have said. There a very large number of them. Here a few most common examples. Some of these words and expressions have more than one use; for more information, look in a good dictionary. Some discourse markers are used mostly in informal speech or writing; others are more common in a formal style. Note that a discourse marker usually comes at the beginning of a clause.

To balance two contrasting facts or ideas we use on the other hand, while, whereas.

To emphasise a contrast we use however, nevertheless.

To point that the main point is as follows we use anyway, anyhow, at least.

To show the structure of what we are saying we use first(ly), first of all, second(ly), third(ly) etc; lastly, finally, to begin/start with; in the first/second/third place.

When you want to add something you say moreover (very formal), in addition, another thing is, besides, in any case.

To generalize things use on the whole, in general, generally speaking=virtuallyl.

To give examples use for instance, for example, e.g., in particular.

To show logical consequence use therefore, as a result, consequently, so, then.

To persuade use after all, no doubt.

To sum up the ideas use in conclusion, to sum up, briefly, in short.

2. Look through the text, find and underline the markers. Translate the sentences.


ǃ Look at the sentence from the article. The effects of drinking alcohol in the form of alcoholism are wide-spread as well as extremely damag ing.

As well as has a similar meaning to ‘not only…but also’. Usually it introduces information which is already known to the listener/reader; The rest of the sentence gives new information.

When we put a verb after as well as, we most often use the –ing form. After an infinitive in the main clause, an infinitive without to is possible, but not the difference in the meaning and translation. We usually translate it into Russian as так же как, как…так и…, e.g.

Drinking parents must think about their health as well as looking after their children.—Пьющие родители должны подумать как о своем здоровье, так и о своих детях (т.е. и о здоровье, и о детях).

Drinking parents must think about their health as well as look after their children.—Пьющие родители должны думать о своем здоровье так же как о своих детях (т.е.в равной степени).

ǃ Look at the sentence from the article. For instance, once the individual has had the first drink, he or she can no longer control what will happen, even though the intention might have been to have only one or two drinks.

We can use even to talk about surprising extremes – when people do more than we expect, or go too far, for example. Even most often goes in mid-position. (auxiliary verb +even; be + even).Even is not used as a conjunction, but we can use even before if and though. Also is not used to talk about surprising extremes.

ǃ Look at the sentence from the article. After taking the first drink, the alcoholic typically lost all control and would then continue drinking

The modal verb would is used here to say that the situation is probable. If it has a negative form it means weak probability.


Think about other examples to the given rule.

4. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1)biphasic effect a)
2)mental confusion b)
3)nameless fears c)
4)impaired thinking d)
5)excessive drinking e)
6)mild euphoria f)
7)alcohol abuse g)
8) vitamin deficiencies h)
9)long-term problem i)
10) debilitating disease j)

5. Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) сердечнососудистые проблемы k)
2) серьезный недостаток витамина B1 l)
3) доброкачественная опухоль m)
4) вредить зародышу n)
5) воспаление пищеварительной системы o)
6) сбои в работе органов p)
7) внушающий ужас q)
8) подавляющий; превосходящий (по количеству, качеству, влиянию) r)
9) сниженная способность к обучению s)
10) обезвоживание t)

Translate the following passage from English into Russian.


Indeed, the effects of alcohol on the body and the effects of alcohol on the brain manifest themselves in an incredible number of diseases, drinking problems, and medical conditions that are suffered by the alcoholic.

In fact, it is almost overwhelming when first looking at the number, variety, and the seriousness of the damaging effects of alcohol related illnesses and ailments that are caused by abusive and hazardous drinking. After the alcohol consumption effects are examined more closely, however, the alcohol health effects, the destructive drinking problems, and the medical consequences of alcoholism become less awe-inspiring and more logical.

More explicitly, over time, alcoholism progressively breaks down the proper functioning of the body's main organs and systems.

In addition, the problem drinker cannot replenish the vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients his or her body requires because of poor eating habits and, perhaps more significantly, because the body's malfunctioning organs and systems prevent the proper absorption, digestion, utilization, and metabolism of the nutrients necessary for growth, repair, and general maintenance.

Thus, over time, the alcoholic, because of the alcohol effects on the body and on the brain, gradually kills himself or herself by his or her alcoholic behavior.

Over to you

1. Do a drinking/smoking survey of the students in your group.

2. Drinking alcohol is an accepted social practice in most world countries. But in Libya, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries, alcohol is illegal. Make a list of pros and cons about alcohol.

3. Prepare a presentation on the topic being discussed.



You work for an advertising agency, and you have to create a campaign against Drinking and Driving (driving a car being drunk). In groups, prepare a poster – with a picture and a slogan. Compare your work with other groups and vote for the best campaign.




2. Match the words with their definitions:

1) analgesic (adj.) [ˌænəl'ʤiːzɪk] a) is used to produce hemp fibre and as a psychotropic drug
2) barbiturate (n.) [bɑː'bɪtjurət] b) an infusion of one thing into another
3) remedy ['remədɪ] c) the leaves of an Arabian shrub, which are chewed (or drunk as an infusion) as a stimulant
4) rite (n.) [raɪt] d) a synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant
5)medicinal (adj.) [mə'dɪs(ə)n(ə)l] e)make excessive and habitual use of
6) cannabis (n.) ['kænəbɪs] f) a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
7) solvent (n.) ['sɔlvənt] g) having healing properties
8) khat (n.) [kɑːt] h) a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger
9) amphetamine (n.) [æm'fetəmiːn] i) a religious or other solemn ceremony or act
10) injection (n.) [ɪn'ʤekʃ(ə)n] j)a liquid, typically one other than water, used for dissolving other substances
11) menace (n.) ['menɪs ], ['menəs] k) a drug which people take to make them calm or to help them to sleep
12) abuse (v.) [ə'bjuːs] l) acting to relieve pain

Listening & Watching



Watch the clip and say what it is about. Discuss in groups your attitude to what you’ve seen.

Before you listen, think about heroin. It is derived from opium and is in the same family of drugs as morphine. What is the medical use of these drugs? Do you know anything about heroin addiction?

Now listen to Mike talking about being a heroin addict, and answer these questions.

a) How does Mike take the drug?

b) How did he use to take it?

c) How long has he been taking it?

Why did he start taking heroin? The words in brackets will help you.

a) (social)

b) (attitude to adults)

c) (school/job)

d) feeling about himself

Why is it hard for Mike to give up?

a) (physical)

b) (social)

c) (daily life)



Before you read

1. You are going to read an article written by a mental health consultant. He was former Regional Adviser in Mental Health for WHO (World Health Organization) in Alexandria. What do you know you about drugs?


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