Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject) 

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Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject)

Конструкция «субъектный инфинитивный оборот» состоит из:

· подлежащего,

· «вводящего» глагола в функции сказуемого и

· инфинитива.

В предложении эта конструкция выполняет функцию сложного подлежащего (Complex Subject).


All prospective solicitors are supposed to take the Legal Practice Course. Предполагается, что все будущие солиситоры проходят курс адвокатской практики.


Некоторые «вводящие» глаголы употребляются в действительном залоге (например, to seem казаться, to appear/to prove оказываться, to happen случаться), однако большинство из них употребляются в форме страдательного залога. В любом случае сказуемое обычно переводится на русский язык вводным словом или вводным неопределенно-личным предложением.

The prosecutor is reported to have dropped the fraud charges. Сообщают, что прокурор снял обвинения в мошенничестве.
Shedoesn’t seem to be interested in criminal law. Кажется, она не интересуется уголовным правом.

Обратите внимание на перевод следующих слов и выражений в конструкции Complex Subject.


(he) is alleged to... (he) is believed to... (he) is considered to.. (he) is expected to... (he) is heard to... (he) is felt to... (he) is known to... (he) is reported to... (he) is said to... (he) is supposed to... (he) is thought to... (he) is understood to...   (he) is sure (certain) to... (he) is likely to... (he) is unlikely to... (he) appears to... (he) seems to... (he) happens/happened to... (he) proves/ turns out to... говорят/считают, что (он) якобы … полагают/считают, что (он) … считают/считается, что (он) … ожидается/предполагается, что (он) … имеются сведения, что (он) … считают, что (он)… известно, что (он)… передают/сообщают/сообщается, что (он)... говорят, что (он) … предполагается, что (он) … думают/считают, что (он) … по имеющимся сведениям (он) … / согласно договоренности (он) … (он) обязательно/определенно/наверняка … по-видимому/по всей вероятности/вероятно, (он) … маловероятно, что (чтобы)/вряд ли (он) … по-видимому (он) … кажется, что (он) … случайно (он) … /случилось так, что (он) … оказывается, что (он) …



Choose the appropriate translation.
1. The investigation is expected to be completed before the end of the month. а) будет завершено б) завершается с) завершилось
2. This judge is reported to have imposed the largest number of death sentences in the state. а) выносит б) вынес с) будет выносить
3. They are likely to change their plans. а) изменяют б) изменяли с) изменят
4. The professor is sure to take part in our discussion. а) принимает б) принял с) примет
5. The concept of an ideal society is known to have attracted people’s attention since the oldest times. а) привлекает б) привлекала с) привлечет




Point out the complex subject with the infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian.

A. 1. The system seems to be functioning well. 2. The public are not expected to attend this meeting. 3. Her parents were thought to have been killed in an air crash when she was only five. 4. This case proved to be an exception to the rule. 5. The new method of research is believed to have produced good results. 6. The girl was seen to leave the house at about 10 p.m. 7. The fire is reported to have destroyed most of the building. 8. I was made to come to the meeting. 9. The boat was believed to disappear about two miles south of the island. 10. He turned out to know a lot about the history of that place. 11. The weather is not likely to change. 12. We happened to be near there on that evening.

B. 1. Judges are considered to have the central role in the criminal justice process. 2.The defence is heard to be preparing an unpleasant surprise to the prosecutor. 3. Mild sentences are said to have more effect on some criminals. 4. The judicial reform was reported to be carried out in six large cities of England. 5. At the arraignment, defendants are told what crime or crimes they are alleged to have committed. 6. The trial was understood to start the next week. 7. Her solicitor’s advice happened to be very good and save her a lot of money. 8. The jury is certain to find him guilty. 9. The defence strategy has proved to be rather effective. 10. Seventy-five per cent of Americans are reported to believe that judges are generally fair and honest in deciding each case. 11. The new federal government program is considered to have reduced street crime. 12. The accused is unlikely to be released on bail until trial. 13. Women are known to make up about 50 per cent of the total number of solicitors in England and Wales.



Put the words in the correct order, underline the complex subject and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. alleged / The defendant / to have committed / three serious crimes / is

2. The suspect / seen / on Saturday morning / to leave / was / the building

3. are reported / The police / to have / over 14 million arrests / made / last year

4. next year / is / to be spent / expected / on the / Over £26 million / court reform

5. supposed / Solicitors in private firms / per week / are / to work /45 to 50 hours

6. to find / The court / guilty / is / her / likely

7. working on / to be / a very serious / He / case / is known

8. seems / to have / The judge / an important decision / made



What is the work like?

Barristers give specialist legal advice and represent individuals or organisations in the courts, where they are referred to as counsel. Traditionally, barristers' clients were solicitors because until recently it was not normally possible for members of the public to go directly to a barrister. As the law has become more complex, barristers normally specialise in particular areas, such as personal injury, criminal, family or commercial law.

A barrister’s main work is to represent clients in court by presenting the facts of the case to the judge and jury, examining and cross-examining witnesses and summing up. When preparing for court cases barristers take instructions from clients and their solicitors, read briefs, law reports and witness statements as well as research similar examples of case law. Barristers also give written legal opinions on whether a case would be successful if taken to court.


Organisation and salary

Most barristers are self-employed. Some work in government departments and agencies such as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Government Legal Service. Others may work for voluntary organisations or charities.

Most barristers work in offices called chambers or sets. In London, most chambers are located in the Inns of Court. In other towns and cities they are near to court buildings.

Barristers generally work long hours including evenings and weekends. They may have to prepare a case or a written opinion at short notice[39]. They may also have to attend evening court sessions. Barristers may spend a lot of time travelling between offices and courts. For some court cases barristers wear a wig[40] and gown[41].

The salary during training (pupillage) is at least £10,000 a year. The majority of qualified, self-employed barristers earn between £25,000 and £300,000 a year. However, earnings vary considerably depending on experience and reputation and some may earn much more than this. In the CPS, income may vary between £29,000 and £80,000.

There are about 12,000 practising self-employed barristers in England and Wales, with about 8,000 in London. Around 3,000 barristers work as salaried employees for large organisations such as specialist commercial law firms and investment or finance companies, and around 1,300 work in government bodies.



Prospective barristers need a qualifying law degree, e.g. Bachelor Laws (LLB), or GDL/CPE.

The vocational stage involves taking the Bar Vocational Course (BVC) which is one year full time or two years part time. The course is mainly practical and includes interviewing, legal research, opinion writing, case preparation and advocacy (court work) as well as legal knowledge.

In order to study for the BVC a trainee has to become a member of one of the four Inns of Court – Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn – that have the exclusive right of admission to the Bar.

After the BVC, the final stage of training is pupillage, a year spent working and training with an experienced barrister. Trainees spend time shadowing[42] and observing their pupil supervisor, gradually taking on cases as they gain experience.

Training to become a barrister is a very competitive and often costly process. At each stage there are more applicants than places. Once qualified, it may be hard to get a permanent place (known as a tenancy) in chambers.

Career development

When a junior barrister has practised at the Bar for 10 to 15 years, it’s possible to apply to become a senior barrister, or Queen's Counsel (QC) taking on more serious or complex cases. Some barristers may become a High Court judge. Some move into senior positions in government, industry or commerce.




Translate the text into Russian using the LEGAL VOCABULARY.


advocacy искусство выступать в суде
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) бакалавр юридических наук
Bar to be/practise at the Bar to call to the bar   admission to the Bar адвокатура, коллегия барристеров быть/работать барристером принять в коллегию барристеров; присвоить звание барристера прием в коллегию барристеров
Bar Vocational Course (BVC) курс подготовки барристера
brief краткое письменное изложение дела
chamber syn. set (of chambers) адвокатская контора
counsel участвующий в деле адвокат; барристер
cross-examine подвергать перекрестному допросу
examine a witness допрашивать свидетеля
Inns of Court "Судебные инны", четыре юридические корпорации в Лондоне, готовящие барристеров
junior barrister младший барристер (не имеющий звания королевского адвоката)
law report судебное решение
legal opinion экспертное заключение юриста
pupillage стажировка
Queen's Counsel (QC) syn. senior barrister королевский адвокат (высшее адвокатское звание) старший барристер
self-employed занимающийся собственным бизнесом
tenancy членство в адвокатской конторе
vocational профессиональный  


Read the text again to answer the questions.

1. Who can be a barrister’s client? 2. What do barristers do in the courts? 3. What do barristers do outside the court? 4. How do barristers organize their work? 5. Describe a barrister’s work routine. 6. What does barristers’ income depend on? 7. What is the approximate total number of barristers in practice in England and Wales? 8. Can a non-law graduate become a barrister? 9. What does the Bar Vocational Course (BVC) teach? 10. What is the final stage of training to be a barrister? 11. What career opportunities do barristers have?






Match the two parts of the definitions.


  Someone who works for his or herself is Arepresent a client. Bpractise at the Bar. Cthe BVC Dthe Bar Eself-employed. Fa brief. Gpupilage. Hchambers or sets.
  If you speak on behalf of clients in court, you
  The document containing all the facts and points of law of a case is known as
  The period spent by a newly called barrister in the chambers is called
  The set of rooms occupied by barristers where clients are interviewed is called
  When you work as a barrister you
  The stage between the degree and pupilage is
  The barristers’ branch of the legal profession is often informally called



Complete the extracts from a pupil barrister describing her professional life.

I took a first (1) _____ in Modern History, and then did the (2) _______ ______ in law at City University, which was much harder. I then completed the (3) _____ ______ _____ at the Inns of Court School of Law. I was called to the (4) ______ just eight months ago.



Most days I am expected to be present in (5) _______ from about 8.45 am to 7 pm, working most of the time in my (6) _______ _______’s room. During that time I (7) _______ his professional life completely.



Although all (8) ________ are for twelve months, if they think that you have no prospect of finding a (9) ________ in the chambers, after six months you would be told tactfully.
When I’ve practiced for more than ten years, I’d be interested in being appointed as a (10) ________ ________, with a specialist (11) _______ such as employment or family law.




Формы неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

  быть be was, were been
  становиться become became become
  начинать(ся) begin began begun
  ломать break broke broken
  приносить bring brought brought
  строить build built built
  покупать buy bought bought
  выбирать choose chose chosen
  приходить come came come
  резать cut cut cut
  делать do did done
  пить drink drank drunk
  ехать (в машине) drive drove driven
  есть eat ate eaten
  падать fall fell fallen
  чувствовать feel felt felt
  находить find found found
  летать fly flew flown
  забывать forget forgot forgotten
  прощать forgive forgave forgiven
  получать get got got
  давать give gave given
  идти; ехать go went gone
  расти; выращивать grow grew grown
  иметь have had had
  слышать hear heard heard
  проводить hold held held
  знать know knew known
  учиться; изучать learn learnt learnt
  покидать; уезжать leave left left
  давать взаймы lend lent lent
  терять; проигрывать lose lost lost
  делать; производить make made made
  встречать(ся) meet met met
  платить pay paid paid
  класть put put put
  читать read read read
  звенеть; звонить ring rang rung
  бежать run ran run
  говорить say said said
  видеть see saw seen
  продавать sell sold sold
  посылать; отправлять send sent sent
  показывать show showed shown
  сидеть sit sat sat
  спать sleep slept slept
  говорить speak spoke spoken
  тратить spend spent spent
  стоять stand stood stood
  красть steal stole stolen
  плавать swim swam swum
  брать take took taken
  учить; обучать teach taught taught
  сказать; рассказывать tell told told
  думать think thought thought
  понимать understand understood understood
  будить; просыпаться wake woke woken
  носить (одежду) wear wore worn
  выигрывать win won won
  писать write wrote written



[1]This information was correct for April 2009.

[2] assess – оценивать, давать оценку

[3] transport – транспортировать (ссылать за моря в порядке уголовного наказания)

[4] irons – кандалы, оковы

[5] whipping – порка

[6] juvenile court – суд по делам несовершеннолетних

[7] welfare – благополучие

[8] care proceedings – дела об опеке

[9] dual – двойной

[10] authorization - предоставление полномочий

[11] subject matter jurisdiction – предметная подсудность

[12] county – округ (в США)

[13] interrelated – взаимосвязанные

[14] appear – выступать в суде

[15] request – просить

[16] double jeopardy — вторичное привлечение к уголовной ответственности за одно и то же преступление

[17] bench trial – суд без участия присяжных

[18] burden of proving - бремя доказывания

[19] to take into account - учитывать, принимать во внимание

[20] demand – требовать

[21] preliminary hearing – предварительное слушание дела

[22] abolish – отменять, упразднять

[23] unanimous jurors – присяжные, пришедшие к единому мнению

[24] no true bill – нет оснований для обвинительного акта

[25] после этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

[26] отменять – to abolish

[27] double jeopardy – повторное привлечение к уголовной ответственности за одно и то же преступление

[28] manslaughter – непредумышленное убийство

[29] attempted murder – покушение на убийство

[30] choke – подавиться

[31] vomit – рвотная масса

[32] quash – аннулировать; отменять

[33] was determined – была полна решимости

[34] paralegal (officer/assistant) – помощник юриста

[35] retrial - пересмотр судебного дела; повторное слушание дела

[36] bad character evidence – показания, подтверждающие дурную репутацию подсудимого

[37] compelling – убедительный, неопровержимый

[38] failed to reach a verdict – не вынесли вердикт

[39] at short notice – в короткий срок

[40] wig – парик

[41] gown – мантия

[42] shadow – перенимать опыт у более опытного работника


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