Работа. Местоимения some, any, no и их производные 

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Работа. Местоимения some, any, no и их производные

Цель – совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.

Краткие теоретические сведения

В повествовательных предложениях используется some (кроме «would you like …» и т.д.).

В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях – any и no (кроме any в значении «любой»).

Местоимение some

При употреблении с исчисляемыми существительными означает «несколько», «некоторый».

Some people in our town are very generous. – Некоторые люди в нашем городе очень щедрые.

Some relatives came to help me to pack. – Несколько родственников пришли, чтобы помочь мне собрать вещи.


В предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными значит «немного».

He lent me some money. – Он одолжил мне немного денег.


Some используется в вопросительных предложениях, если там есть просьба.

Can I make some milkshake for myself? – Можно мне сделать молочный коктейль для себя?

Местоимение any

Неопределенное местоимение any выполняет функции some в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

У меня есть немного денег – I have some money.

У меня нет денег – I don’t have any money.

У вас есть деньги? – Do you have any money?

Any может использоваться утвердительном предложении, но в таких случаях его значение будет «любой, какой угодно, всякий».

Any person wants to be happy. – Любой человек желает счастья.


Местоимение no

Отрицательное или неопределенное местоимение no может сочетаться с любыми существительными независимо от их числа, если выступает в отрицательном предложении как определение, и обозначает отсутствие чего-либо.

There are no mistakes in your dictation. – В вашем диктанте нет (никаких) ошибок

I have no problems. – У меня нет никаких проблем


Отрицание может выражаться сочетанием «not any» или местоимением «no».

There is not anybody in the street — There is nobody in the street.


Таблица 14.1– Производные неопределенных местоимений

  -body -one -where -thing
Some- Somebody Кто-то Someone Кто-то Somewhere Где-то Something Что-то
No- Nobody Никто No one Никто Nowhere Нигде Nothing Ничто
Any- Anybody Кто угодно Anyone Кто угодно Anywhere Куда угодно Anything Что угодно

Порядок выполнения

Задание 1 Прочтите и переведите текст.

The working of marshalling yards

Marshalling yards are necessary for assembling single wagons into trains. The wagons are known to start from the yard or they may be received in the form of trains from other yards. This indicates two functions of a marshalling yard:

1) the forming into trains the wagons sorted in the yard itself;

2) the reforming into trains the wagons received from loading centres.

The fact that marshalling yards serve the interests of through traffic makes their location an exceedingly difficult problem. If a large industrial centre does not have a marshalling yard in the vicinity, all the traffic has to be dispatched to a yard some distance away. Marshalling yards must be located near a locomotive depot.

Marshalling yards can be either flat yards or hump ones.

Hump yards are of two types:

1) there is a slight throughout the whole yard;

2) a hump yard in which wagons are propelled over a hump to run down a steep slope into sorting sidings.

In a hump yard different types of retarders are used. A retarder is a device, which checks the speed of the train during humping operations.

Trains arriving at a marshalling yard are placed in reception sidings, which may be parallel to sorting sidings.

Задание 2 Подтвердите (true) или опровергните (false) утверждения, исправив неправильный вариант:


Вариант 1

1 Marshalling yards are necessary for assembling the trains.

2 The wagons, are known, to start from another yard or they may be received in the form of trains from this yard.

3 Their location is an exceedingly difficult problem.


Вариант 2

1 Marshalling yards must be located far away a locomotive depot.

2 A retarder is a device, which checks the speed of the train during humping operations.

3 Trains arriving at a marshaling yard are placed in departure sidings.

Задание 3 Вставьте неопределённые местоимения some, any, no, перепишите и переведите предложения.


Вариант 1

1 There is … milk in the cup, but it is very cold.

2 There is … bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.

3 Are there … oranges in the bag?

4 There isn’t … cheese in the fridge.

5 There are … flowers in the vase. They are red.

6 There are … carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.

7 There is … coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.

8 Is there … cheese in the fridge?

9 There isn’t … juice in the glass.

10There are … grapes on the plate. They are green.

11They’ve got … buns in this shop.

12 I’d like … potatoes, please.


Вариант 2

1 Have you got … ice-cream?

2 There aren’t … boys in the team!

3 There are … video shops in the town!

4 This is a terrible party. There isn’t … good music!

5 I’ve got … posters of Ricky Martin.

6 Have you got … posters of Britney Spears?

7 “Sit down, please.” “But there aren’t … chairs!”

8 There is … milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ….

9 I can see … tomatoes in the bag. Let’s make … salad.

10 There aren’t … cucumbers in the fridge.

11 Would you like … tea?

12 Is there … cheese on the shelf?

Задание 4 Прослушайте текст «Exploration for oil» (урок 20, СD дорожка 20). Выберите правильные варианты ответов. Режим доступа https://www.biblio-online.ru/book/

1 What constructions are used to extract oil?

A 4 floating production platforms.

B 3 floating and 1 stable platforms.

C 4 concrete stable platforms.

D 4 stable production platforms.


2 Where is oil?

A By the sea, on the coast.

B Floating on the sea surface.

C Trapped between the rocks in the sea.

D Lying under water like a swimming pool.


3 To get much oil it is necessary to ­­___

A drill one deep hole.

B drill a series of holes.

C drill many holes going straight down.

D drill a hole at an angle from the platform.


4 What is not true about the life of oilmen?

A Working hours are long.

B Living quarters are luxurious.

C The noise is constant.

D There is much good food.


Задание 5 Соотнесите английские и русские эквиваленты.

first of all если

then поскольку, так как

worst of all в то время как

since слишком

while затем

if хуже всего

too прежде всего


Задание 6 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слово that.

1 The advantages of that car should be studied properly.

2 The inte­rior of modern cars is more pleasant than that of old cars.

3 One of the most important advantages of modern cars is the fact that they have an enclosed vestibule. 4 That today’s cars look very nice is a well-known fact.

5 Everybody must know that the first sleeping cars were invented in the USA.

6 The cars that are built today become more and more com­fortable.


Содержание отчета

1 Тема и цель занятия.

2 Выполненное задание 3.

3 Выполненное задание 4.

4 Вывод о проделанной работе.


Контрольные вопросы и задания

1 Расскажите об особенностях употребления неопределённых местоимений: some, any, no.

2 Исправьте ошибки в предложениях: Are there any milk in the fridge? There is no tomatoes in the salad. Is there some sugar in this coffee? There are some hamburger on the menu. I’d like any potatoes, please. There are some jam on the bread.

Практическое занятие №15


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