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Выберите правильную форму местоимения в скобках.

Article -артикль

· She bought... meat,... butter and... potatoes yesterday. She also bought... cake.... cake was very... tasty. We ate... cake with... tea.

· We have... large... family.

·... sky is grey today.

·... earth is... planet.

· This... boy is big. He is... student.

· Bill Robins was... very rich man. He was... richest man in... village.

· Several rivers run into... sea at... New York.... most important is... Hudson River which empties into... Atlantic Ocean. Besides... Hudson there are... two other rivers:... East Riv­er and... Harlem River.



Preposition (prep) -предлог

Pronoun (pro) - местоимение

Выберите правильную форму местоимения в скобках.

1. I want to visit (he, him) next Monday. 2. We know (she, her), but (we, us) can’t remember her name. 3. I want to see the missing girls’ photos. Please, give (they, them) to (I, me). 4. (They, them) studied in the same Law Institute. 5. (He, him) knows that (I, me) have an alibi. 6. I didn’t invite Jane to our party. Did you invite (she, her)? 7. Tom sits next to (I, me) at the lesson. 8. There are a lot of fingerprints here. We must collect (they, them). 9. Nick is lucky. (He, him) has a good job and earns much money. 10. She’s older than (I, me) am, but I’m taller than (she, her). 11. ‘I hate jazz.’ – ‘(I, me) too.’ 12. ‘John gave (I, me) a great idea.’ – ‘(He, him) is so inventive, isn’t (he, him)?’


Заполните пробелы, используя my, our, your, his, her, their, its.

1. I like … parents. 2. John is a policeman but … sister is a teacher. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are nice people, but … son is a criminal. 4. We called the police when we saw a stranger in … house. 5. You must keep … gun in a safe. 6. Julia is married. … husband is an FBI agent. 7. The Police Academy has several buildings. … main building is near the river. 8. Nina and Lucy are future civil lawyers but … boyfriends are future operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). 9. We are going to invite all … relatives to the party. 10. I need a typewriter. Can you give me … mother’s typewriter? 11. Each state has … own system of courts.



Ед. число Мн. число

thisэтот, эта, это theseэти

that – тот, та, то thoseте

Заполните пробелы нужной формой указательных местоимений.

1. Get me … box from the table. 2. What was … noise? 3. Who are … people over there? 4. Isn’t … weather great? 5. All … is very interesting. 6. Who were you talking to? - … was a friend of mine. 7. Do you see … bushes on the other side of the river? 8. … is what I want you to do. 9. Our house was next to … of June’s. 10. … are not easy questions to answer. 11. Was … David on the phone? 12. He is always complaining.... is why nobody likes him. 13. Most young people like … sort of music. 14. I am sure … coat belongs to … man over there. 15. She went to … doctor and to …, no result.


Заполните пробелы, используя some, any, no, every.

1. I bought …books. 2. Are there … books on your shelf? 3. There aren’t … banks in this part of the town. 4. I’m thirsty. Can I have … water, please? 5. There are … transport stops here. The road is closed. 6. I need … paper to write a dictation. 7. He didn’t give me … money. 8. You may come at … time. 9. Do you have … seminars or lectures today? 10. He never makes … mistakes. 11. Do you want … milk? 12. … people are very unfriendly. 13. In summer they go to the country … weekend. 14. You have much paper. Give me …. 15. ‘Which newspaper do you want?’ – … will do.


Прочитайте даты.

A) 1066 г.; 1206 г.; 1370 г.; 1400 г.; 1591 г.; 1609 г.; 1710 г.; 1799 г.; 1888 г.; 1900 г.; 1905 г.; 1990 г.; 1945 г.; 1993 г.; 2000 г.; 2003 г.; 2006 г.; 2010 г.;

В) January 7th; February 23d; 8th March; 1st April; 25th May; 6th June; July 24th; August 20th; 1st September; 4th October; 10th November; December 31st.

С) 15.11.2003; 8.12.2006; 9.02.1951; 10.08.1993; 7.09.1922; 12.04.1961; 31.06.1990; 1.01.2012, 15.05.2013.

Degrees of Comparison

Noun (n)-существительное

Переведите предложения.

1. Я первокурсник. Я в институте. 2. Моя сестра ученица. Она в школе. 3. Наши друзья не врачи. Они следователи. 4. Он не в школе. Он дома. 5. Твоя мама преподаватель? – Нет, она адвокат. 6. Их патрульная машина новая? 7. Где твой ноутбук? – В портфеле. 8. Ты почему такой счастливый? – Сегодня мой день рождения! 9. Многие мои однокурсники увлекаются плаванием. 10. Ты очень занят сейчас? 11. Откуда твои родители родом? 12. Моя родина – Южный Урал. 13. Который час? – 7.15 вечера.


Временные формы there/be

Вставьте There is, There are, There was, There were, There will be.

1. … a new ten-storied building in this street next year. 2. … 50 states in the USA. 3. … a party in the club last Friday but I didn’t go. 4. … somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow. 5. … some interesting articles in the newspaper yesterday. 6. At the previous lesson I got an excellent mark for the grammar test, because … no mistakes in my work. 7. … no Law Institute in this city 20 years ago. 8. … 2 concerts in the concert-hall next month. 9. … a bad accident this morning. One driver died, the other was badly injured. 10. … different classifications of crimes in Criminal Law.


Article -артикль

· She bought... meat,... butter and... potatoes yesterday. She also bought... cake.... cake was very... tasty. We ate... cake with... tea.

· We have... large... family.

·... sky is grey today.

·... earth is... planet.

· This... boy is big. He is... student.

· Bill Robins was... very rich man. He was... richest man in... village.

· Several rivers run into... sea at... New York.... most important is... Hudson River which empties into... Atlantic Ocean. Besides... Hudson there are... two other rivers:... East Riv­er and... Harlem River.



Preposition (prep) -предлог

Pronoun (pro) - местоимение

Выберите правильную форму местоимения в скобках.

1. I want to visit (he, him) next Monday. 2. We know (she, her), but (we, us) can’t remember her name. 3. I want to see the missing girls’ photos. Please, give (they, them) to (I, me). 4. (They, them) studied in the same Law Institute. 5. (He, him) knows that (I, me) have an alibi. 6. I didn’t invite Jane to our party. Did you invite (she, her)? 7. Tom sits next to (I, me) at the lesson. 8. There are a lot of fingerprints here. We must collect (they, them). 9. Nick is lucky. (He, him) has a good job and earns much money. 10. She’s older than (I, me) am, but I’m taller than (she, her). 11. ‘I hate jazz.’ – ‘(I, me) too.’ 12. ‘John gave (I, me) a great idea.’ – ‘(He, him) is so inventive, isn’t (he, him)?’


Заполните пробелы, используя my, our, your, his, her, their, its.

1. I like … parents. 2. John is a policeman but … sister is a teacher. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are nice people, but … son is a criminal. 4. We called the police when we saw a stranger in … house. 5. You must keep … gun in a safe. 6. Julia is married. … husband is an FBI agent. 7. The Police Academy has several buildings. … main building is near the river. 8. Nina and Lucy are future civil lawyers but … boyfriends are future operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). 9. We are going to invite all … relatives to the party. 10. I need a typewriter. Can you give me … mother’s typewriter? 11. Each state has … own system of courts.



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