Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation, read them aloud and learn new words and phrases by heart. 

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Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation, read them aloud and learn new words and phrases by heart.

triangular prism   треугольная призма
pyramid   пирамида
rectangular prism   прямоугольный параллелепипед
cylinder   цилиндр
minaret   минарет
mosque   мечеть
steel building beam   стальная строительная балка
a steel channel   стальной швеллер желоб; выемка; паз, шпунт, двутавр
slab   панель, плита

NOTE!!! In architecture, shape is usually thought of as two dimensional and form as three dimensional. Thus form can be defined as a three-dimensional shape. However, the two terms are often used interchangeably.

Task 2. Look at these:


Here are some examples of basic forms:



  a hemisphere   a triangular prism  
a cube  
a pyramid   a rectangular prism    
a cylinder
a cone    


a hotel a minaret an Egyptian house   a mosque
a brick   an Arabic arch   a Roman arch   the structure of a factory
a church a power station a steel building beam a steel channel



Descriptive statements in the simple present:

Noun phrase + be + (shaped like + noun phrase/adjective + in shape/noun –shaped/adjective):

E.g. The brick is shaped like a rectangular prism.

The cross-section of a brick is rectangular in shape.

The minaret is pencil-shaped. The col­umn is solid.

Noun phrase + have + noun phrase:

E.g. The building has five flat external surfaces.

Statements of property:

Noun phrase + be + adjective:

E.g. Steel is elastic.

Noun phrase + have + the property of + noun phrase:

E.g. Steel has the property of high tensile strength.

Connectives used in comparing and contrasting: both... and; neither... nor; but, whereas, however, on the other hand

Phrases of restatement: this means; in other words; i.e.


Ex. 1. Look at this example:


The brick is shaped like a rectangular prism.


Now complete these sentences:

1. The hotel is shaped like a …

2. The top of the minaret ….

3. The dome of the Egyptian house ….

4. The column …

5. The slab …

6. The church ….

7. The power station building …


B. Look at this table of the adjectival form of the three dimensional shares:


cube cubic
hemisphere hemispheric
prism prismatic
pyramid pyramidal
cone conical
cylinder cylindrical


Use ex. 1 and make sentences like this: The brick is prismatic in shape


Task 3. Look at these drawings of two-dimensional shapes and guess the meanings of these words:




a square shape a circular shape a semi-circular shape
a rectangular shape a triangular shape  

Now look and read:


  The cross-section of a square prism is square in shape
  The longitudinal section of square prism is rectangular in shape.


Make sentences using this table:


The cross-section of the brick   is square     in shape.
hotel circular
The longitudinal section of the top of the minaret semi- circular
column rectangular
church triangular

Task 4. Answer these questions about the drawings in task 2:


1. Which building is pencil-shaped?

2. Which building component is I-shaped in cross-section?

3. Which building component is C-shaped in cross-section?

4. Which dome is egg-shaped?

5. Which arch is horseshoe-shaped?

6. Which building has diamond-shaped windows?

Task 5. Look, read and try to guess the meanings of italicized words.

a tube is hollow a rod is solid a curved surface flat surface projecting
recessed flush   convex
    e.g. The power station is hollow. It has five flat external surfaces.


A. Describe these buildings and components in a similar way:


1. The church

2. The slab

3. The column

4. The mosque

5. The steel beam


Note!!! Some building materials are formless. For example the powders such as cement and liquids such as paint.

Look at the table and say what materials are formed and what are formless.


Formed materials Formless materials
Natural stone Precast concrete Clay (dried, fired) Metal Wood Vegetable and animal materials: fiber building board paper grasses hessian bark, cork hair, wool, leather Inorganic fibers: glass wool/ fibers asbestos wool/ fibers carbon fibers Rubber Plastics Glass Aggregates: crushed stones gravel sand Lime and cement blinders Mortars Concretes Gypsum plasters Bituminous materials: asphalt bitumen tar pitch Paints Adhesives Preservatives Water Cleaning materials Gases


B. Describe the shapes of buildings in Task 2 and compare them with the buildings around you.



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