Функциональный анализ как метод обработки научной информации. 

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Функциональный анализ как метод обработки научной информации.

Functional analysis is a branch of mathematical analysis, the core of which is formed by the study of vector spaces endowed with some kind of limit-related structure (e.g. inner product, norm, topology, etc.) and the linear operators acting upon these spaces and respecting these structures in a suitable sense. The historical roots of functional analysis lie in the study of spaces of functions and the formulation of properties of transformations of functions such as the Fourier transform as transformations defining continuous, unitary etc. operators between function spaces. This point of view turned out to be particularly useful for the study of differential and integral equations.

The usage of the word functional goes back to the calculus of variations, implying a function whose argument is a function and the name was first used in Hadamard's 1910 book on that subject. However, the general concept of a functional had previously been introduced in 1887 by the Italian mathematician and physicist Vito Volterra. The theory of nonlinear functionals was continued by students of Hadamard, in particular Fréchet and Lévy. Hadamard also founded the modern school of linear functional analysis further developed by Riesz and the group of Polish mathematicians around Stefan Banach.

In modern introductory texts to functional analysis, the subject is seen as the study of vector spaces endowed with a topology, in particular infinite dimensional spaces. In contrast, linear algebra deals mostly with finite dimensional spaces, and does not use topology. An important part of functional analysis is the extension of the theory of measure, integration, and probability to infinite dimensional spaces, also known as infinite dimensional analysis.

Relate the features of patent research. Расскажите об особенностях патентных исследований.

Patents - a way to secure the right to make the invention by which excluded the possibility of its use by others. Patent protection is a serious stimulus to invention and progress in those cases where the use of a trade secret of the Institute does not provide adequate protection.

Patent - is costly for society institute legal protection.

Patent research is aimed at achieving the following goals:

- Definition of the technical level of development or product that is supposed to supply the market that determines its consumer properties, as well as the development trends in this field;

- Assessment of the competitiveness of products: if the product is characterized by low technical level, it is likely that it will be difficult to implement at a reasonable price in a competitive environment;

- Check for infringement, ie the identification of external threats related to the presence of competitors for similar products security documents that can block the output of your products on the market;

- The patentability of your design, if you decide to patent it.

Patent Research carried out at:

- The development of scientific and technological forecasts;

- Develop plans for the development of science and technology;

- Creating objects of art;

- Exploration and production;

- Determining whether exports of industrial products and it is exposed to samples at international exhibitions and fairs;

- Sale and purchase of licenses;

- When deciding on the patenting of industrial property created by and for other purposes.

Work on conducting patent research carried out in the following sequence:

1) Development of reference for the study of the patent;

2) the establishment of rules of search;

3) Search and selection of patent and other scientific and technical information, including opportunistic and economic;

4) systematization and analysis of selected information;

5) The summary of the results and report on patent research.

Patent research workers can conduct patent services, as well as having experience of workers. If necessary patent research can be ordered patent attorney or a specialized consulting and engineering firms.

Consider the sequence of work in the conducting of patent research. Рассмотрите последовательность работы при проведении патентных исследований.

Patent research is information and analytical studies conducted during the creation, development and implementation of industrial products in order to ensure a high level and competitiveness of these products, as well as reduce the cost of creating the product by eliminating duplication of research and development

The process of conducting patent research includes the following stages:

development specification for patent research;

the establishment of rules of search;

Search and selection of patent and other scientific, technical and technical information according to the approved regulations;

approved regulations;

systematization and the analysis of the selected information;

drawing up the search report;

processing, systematization and analysis of selected information;

generalization of the results and report on patent research

Patent research is conducted on the basis of analysis of the sources of patent information involving other kinds of scientific, technical and economic information advertising containing information about the latest scientific and technological developments related to the development of industrial products, on the state and prospects of development of the market of products of this type of

Patent research conducted at all stages of the life cycle of industrial products and, in particular, in the preparation of terms of reference (TOR) for the establishment of new or upgraded products during the research and development in the creation of new products, as well as in the process of commercialization of the domestic and / or foreign markets until it is withdrawn from the production, when this production is losing its competitiveness

Consider the process of implementing of the research work and its stages.

Рассмотрите процесс реализации научно-исследовательской работы и ее этапов.

Implementation of completed research in the final stage of the production of research

The process of implementation consists of two phases: development and implementation of serial production introduction (the introduction of science, new technology, new technology)

No matter how carefully conducted research work in research institutions, yet they can not fully take into account the different and often random factors acting in a production environment Therefore, the scientific development of the first phase of implementation requires experimental testing in a production environment

Proposal for the complete research work is considered on scientific and technical advice, and in the case of particularly valuable suggestions - on board of the Ministry, and sent to production for practical application.

After pilot testing new materials production, construction, technology, advice, techniques embedded in the mass production of the elements of the new technology. At this second stage of the research organizations do not participate in the implementation They may, at the request of implementing agencies to advise or assist a minor scientific and technical assistance

After the introduction of scientific achievements in production is an explanatory note, to which was attached acts of implementation and performance tests, cost efficiency, information on the annual volume of introduction for inclusion in a cost savings in terms of reducing costs, protocol equity organizations in the development and implementation, payroll calculation and other documents.

The introduction of science and technology funding organizations that carry it.



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