Tests for Respiratory System 

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Tests for Respiratory System

Blood system tests


1. Complaints of B12-deficient anemia patients:

1. Pains in the right hypochondrium

2. Melena

3. +Burning of tongue, dysgeusia

4. Pains in bones

5. Epistaxis


2. Cause of a blood disease can be:

1. +Ionizing radiation

2. Bacteria

3. Stress

4. Overeating

5. Hypodynamia


3. Position of a patient during the spleen palpation:

1. Lying on the left side

2. Standing

3. +Lying on the right side

4. Sitting

5. Prone position


4. Pains in bones during blood diseases appear as a result of:

1. Hypoxia of tissues

2. Trophic disturbances

3. +Bone marrow hyperplasia

4. Inflammatory process

5. Bone marrow hypoplasia


5. Poikilocytosis is the modification of erythrocytes in:

1. Size

2. Mobility

3. Color

4. +Form

5. Number


6. Leukocytosis is the number of leukocytes in 1 µl blood:

1. Less than 4 * 10 х 9/l

2. 4-8 * 10 х 9/l

3. +More than 9 * 10 х 9/l

4. More than 7 * 10 х 9/l

5. Less than 7 * 10 х 9/l


7. Hemoglobin rates in a healthy person:

1. 40 – 60 g/l

2. 60 – 90 g/l

3. 100 – 110 g/l

4. +120 – 140 g/l

5. over 160 g/l


8. In leucosis diagnostics, will be performed the puncture of:

1. Cranial bones

2. +Sternal

3. Spinal

4. Hepatic

5. Splenic


9. What is koilonychias:

1. Cross striation of nails

2. Convexity of nails

3. +Spoon-like impression of nails

4. Nails fragility

5. Nails thickening


10. What is Hunter's glossitis?

1. Tongue is thickly furred with white incrustation, hyperemic papillae

2. Tongue is furred with yellowish incrustation, hyperemic papillae

3. Tongue is furred with brown incrustation, atrophied papillae

4. Edematous, enlarged tongue

5. +Ruddy smooth tongue, atrophied papillae


11. Globular value increase is observed in anemia:

1. Hypoplastic

2. +В12-deficient

3. Iron-deficient

4. Hemolitic

5. Iron-saturated


12. Necrotic angina is observed in in patients:

1. In chronic leucosis

2. In inflammation of tunica mucosa of mouth

3. In intensified hemolysis

4. In iron deficiency in the body

5. +In acute leucosis


13. In hemorrhagic syndrome diagnostics important is the examination of:

1. Leukogram

2. Hemogram

3. Coagulogram

4. Myelogram

5. Trepanobiopsy


14. Percutory spleen dimensions according to Kurlov:

1. 3-5 cm

2. 4-6 cm

3. 5-7 cm

4. +6-8 cm

5. 7-9 cm


15. Main complaints of patients with hematopoietic organs pathology:

1. increased appetite

2. thirst

3. increased weight

4. edemas

5. +pains in bones


16. Clinical sign of lymphproliferation syndrome:

1. +painless, enlarged lymph nodes

2. joints deformation

3. hepatomegaly without splenomegaly

4. decreased body temperature

5. koilonychias


17. Main complaints for anemic syndrome:

1. pains in epigastric region

2. pains in the right hypochondrium

3. gingival hemorrhage

4. +dizziness, tinnitus

5. pains in the left hypochondrium


18. A female patient has heaviness in the right and left hypochondria, fever, enlarged cervical nodes, splenomegaly, leukocytosis in blood, lymphoblasts, ESR increase. Which examination needs to be performed additionally:

1. biochemical blood examination

2. X-ray examination

3. liver biopsy

4. +trepanobiopsy

5. urine examination


19. Which factors form the base of acute leucosis development:

1. +radiation factors, chemical factors

2. supercooling

3. bad habits

4. metabolic processes disturbance

5. allergic factor


20. Which laboratory symptom is decisive in the diagnosis of acute leucosis:

1. anemia

2. leukopenia

3. thrombocytopenia

4. ESR acceleration

5. +blastemia


21. Which is the most frequent clinical symptom of chronic myeloleukemia:

1. fever

2. bleeding sickness

3. lymph nodes enlargement

4. liver enlargement

5. +spleen enlargement


22. Which method is most informative for confirmation if lymph-proliferative syndrome in chronic lymphatic leukemia:

1. blood leukogram

2. liver biopsy

3. spleen puncture

4. +lymph node biopsy

5. liver puncture


23. Presence of which indicator is important for diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia:

1. hematocrit decrease

2. erythrocytosis

3. +hemoglobin decrease

4. decreased number of leukocytes

5. hyperbilirubinemia


24. A 32-year old male patient went to physician due to weakness, heaviness in the left hypochondrium. Enlarged spleen (longitudinal axis 16 cm). Blood count: L-120*109 with formula shift to promyelocytes, increased number of basophils and eosinophils; Hb level and thrombocytes in norm. Indicate a syndrome?

1. +Myeloproliferative

2. Lymphproliferative

3. Hemorrhagic

4. Anemic

5. Leukemic


25. A female patient, 35 years old, suffers from chronic enteritis. At the blood count, hypochromic anemia, hypoproteinemia were found. Serum iron is 5.6 mmol/l. Which type of anemia has this patient?

1. В12-deficient

2. Iron-saturated

3. +Iron-deficient

4. В12-saturated

5. Hemolytic


26. A 70-year old male patient was admitted in hospital with pneumonia having severe course. In the global blood count L-80*109/l with increase of lymphocytes up to 70%, Gumprecht's shadows were detected. Hb and ТР in normal range. Which syndrome was described?

1. Myeloproliferative

2. +Lymphproliferative

3. Hemorrhagic

4. Anemic

5. Leukemic


27. Female patient D., 60 years old, was admitted with complaints against sharply manifested general weakness, dizziness, and feeling of feeble feet. She is sick for 2 years. Examined: Puffiness of face, paleness of cutaneous coverings with icteric tint, sub-icteritiousness of sclera. Vesicular breathing, damped tones, systolic noise in all points. Papillae of tongue are smoothed, liver overhangs by 2 cm. TBC: НВ-50 g/l; Er-2.0*1012; Color index – 1.3; L – 2.5*109/l; Tr -70*109; Which anemia has patient?

1. Iron-deficiency

2. Hypoplastic

3. Sideroblastic

4. Hemolytic

5. +В12-deficient


28. Female patient G., 40 years old, went with complaints against hemorrhages on skin, occurring after minor mechanical influences, frequent epistaxis. She think that she is ill after suffered influenza. Examined: multiple subcutaneous punctuated hemorrhages and hematomas. Positice Konchalovsky symptom. Determine a leading symptom?

1. +Hemorrhagic

2. Anemic

3. Hypoplastic

4. Lymphproliferative

5. Myeloproliferative


29. Most frequent cause of iron-deficient anemia is:

1. +blood losses

2. helminthic invasion

3. hypovitaminosis

4. gastric resection

5. insufficient dietary iron intake


30. Most frequent cause of B12-deficient anemia is:

1. blood losses

2. helminthic invasion

3. +gastric glands atrophy

4. pregnancy

5. alimentary factor


31. Anysocytosis is the change of erythrocytes in:

1. +size

2. form

3. color

4. motility

5. number


32. Which change is typical for aplastic anemia?

1. Funicular myelosis

2. Koilonychias

3. Increased number of blood reticulocytes

4. Increased blood iron

5. +Absence of erythroblasts in the bone marrow



Tests CVS


1. Which of listed examination methods refers to main ones?

1. urine analysis

2. +questioning??

3. radiography

4. US

5. blood test


2. Main complaints of patients with heart pathology:

1. + dyspnea and feeling of “intermissions in heart function”

2. weakness and fatigability

3. increased appetite

4. irritability and sleep disturbance

5. pains in bones and gingival hemorrhage


3. Dyspnea in circulatory organs diseases is related mainly to:

1. +venous congestion in lesser circulation

2. spasm of pulmonary arteries

3. heart rhythm interruption

4. increased excitability of respiratory center

5. venous congestion in greater circulation


4. Occurrence of edemas in cardiovascular system pathology is conditioned by:

1. congestion in lesser circulation

2. +congestion in greater circulation

3. spasm of pulmonary vessels

4. spasm of coronary vessels

5. circulation disturbance in abdominal cavity organs


5. Haemoptysis in cardiac asthma is caused by:

1. congestion in greater circulation

2. +congestion in lesser circulation

3. spasm of pulmonary vessels

4. spasm of coronary vessels

5. shock lung


6. How the facial edema at pressing of upper cava is called:

1. Hydrothorax

2. Hydropericard

3. Ascites

4. Anasarca

5. +“Stokes’ collar”


7. Blue skin coloration in cardiac insufficiency is related to

1. +presence of suboxidated hemoglobin in blood

2. oxyhemoglobin

3. hemoglobin decay products

4. hemosiderin

5. reduced hemoglobin


8. Typical change of cutaneous coverings during cardiac insufficiency:

1. paleness of cutaneous coverings

2. icteriousness of cutaneous coverings

3. +cyanotic skin coloration (cyanosis)

4. presence of petechias

5. skin depigmentation


9. Cause of edemas in cardiac insufficiency is:

1. congestion in lesser circulation

2. +congestion in greater circulation

3. increased pressure in pulmonary arterioles

4. spasm of coronary arteries

5. disturbed circulation in abdominal cavity organs


10. Hydropic fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity during the cardiovascular system pathology is called:

1. hydrothorax

2. hydropericard

3. +ascites

4. anasarca

5. “Stokes’ collar”


11. “Cat’s purr” symptom in the cardiovascular system pathology will be detected using the method of:

1. questioning

2. examination

3. +palpation

4. percussion

5. auscultation


12. In a patient the diffuse, high, intensified, resistant apical thrust was found. Which heart change you have thought about?

1. right atrial hypertrophy

2. right ventricular hypertrophy

3. left atrial hypertrophy

4. +left ventricular hypertrophy

5. shift of the heart in front with mediastinal tumor


13. Which of signs in norm is typical for the apical thrust?

1. localization in 6th intercostal space 1 cm inside the middle-clavicular line

2. localization in 5th intercostal space 1 – 1.5 cm outside the middle-clavicular line

3. +in the position on left flank shift to the left by 4 cm;

4. occupies area of 2.5 – 3 cm

5. intensified and resistant


14. In a patient the dome-shaped apical thrust was found, accent of 2nd tone on aorta and AP = 160/100 mmHg. Which pulse will have a patient?

1. frequent, low

2. infrequent, soft

3. +intense, hard

4. empty, small

5. large and high


15. Indicate the correct determination of the idea of “cardiac impulse”:

1. pulsation at the right of xiphoid process

2. docal pulsation in the 3rd intercostal space at the left side of breastbone

3. diffuse pulsation of whole precardiac area

4. pulsation in the area of 4 – 6th intercostal space at the left

5. +pulsation in the area of absolute heart dullness


16. Pulsation at the left from breastbone on quite wide area, distributed on epigastric region, caused by contractions of enlarged right ventricle, is called:

1. apical thrust

2. +cardiac impulse

3. cardiac hump

4. “carotid shudder”

5. capillary impulse


17. Positive venous impulse can be in:

1. mitral valve insufficiency

2. pulmonary hypertension

3. + tricuspid insufficiency

4. aortal valve insufficiency

5. aortic stenosis


18. For which syndrome the frequent and high pulse is typical?

1. aortic stenosis

2. aortal valve insufficiency

3. +arterial hypertension

4. coronary insufficiency

5. heart insufficiency


19. Which pulse form is typical for aortic stenosis?

1. pulsus et altus

2. +pulsus tardus et parvus

3. pulsus dicroticus

4. pulsus paradoxsus

5. pulsus filiformis


20. Vascular fascicle diameter is:

1. 2 – 3 cm

2. 4 – 5 cm

3. + 5 – 6 cm

4. 6 – 7 cm

5. 7 – 8 cm


21. Diameter of relative dullness of heart in norm is:

1. 3 – 4 cm

2. 6 – 7 cm

3. 7 – 8 cm

4. 8 – 9 cm

5. +11 – 13 cm


22. Hepatomegaly in cardiac insufficiency is conditioned by:

1. + congestion in greater circulation

2. spasm of coronary vessels

3. circulation disturbance in abdominal cavity organs

4. spasm of mesenterial vessels

5. congestion in lesser circulation


23. Increased liver size in cardiovascular system pathology is conditioned by:

1. congestion in lesser circulation

2. spasm of pulmonary vessels

3. + venous congestion in greater circulation

4. spasm of coronary vessels

5. circulation disturbance in abdominal cavity organs


24. Presence of hydropic fluid in pericardium is called:

1. + hydropericardium

2. hydrothorax

3. “Stokes’ collar”

4. anasarca

5. ascites


25. Shift of borders of the relative heart dullness to the right is caused by:

1. low diaphragm

2. enlarged left atrium

3. aorta dilation

4. + dilation of the right atrium and right ventricle

5. enlargement of the cone of pulmonary trunk


26. Congestion in greater circulation is characterized by:

1. spleen enlargement

2. + liver enlargement

3. paleness of cutaneous coverings

4. asthmatic attack

5. haemoptysis


27. Main clinical method of pulse examination:

1. questioning

2. + palpation

3. percussion

4. auscultation

5. examination


28. Call the name of instrumental method of pulse determination:

1. electrocardiography

2. capillaroscopy

3. + sphygmography

4. phlebography

5. phonocardiography


29. What the pulse deficiency means:

1. soft pulse in one hand

2. pulse absence in other hand

3. difference in pulse filling in both hands

4. slow pulse filling in one hand

5. + difference between the pulse rate and cardiac rhythm


30. The place for best mitral valve auscultation is:

1. +apical thrust area

2. lower side of breast bone

3. second intercostal space at the left of breastbone

4. second intercostal space at the right of breastbone

5. at the left of breastbone in the place of III – IV ribs attachment


31. The place for best tricuspid valve auscultation is:

1. apical thrust area

2. + lower side of breast bone, at the base of xiphoid process

3. second intercostal space at the left of breastbone

4. second intercostal space at the right of breastbone

5. at the left of breastbone in the place of III – IV ribs attachment


32. The place for best pulmonary trunk valve auscultation is:

1. apical thrust area

2. lower side of breast bone, at the base of xiphoid process

3. + second intercostal space at the left of breastbone

4. second intercostal space at the right of breastbone

5. at the left of breastbone in the place of III – IV ribs attachment


33. II tone accent on aorta is observed in the case of:

1. overfilling of lesser circulation vessels by blood

2. narrowing of pulmonary artery bed

3. disturbed blood circulation in lungs

4. increased pressure in lesser circulation

5. + increased pressure in aorta


34. Heart tones sonority weakens in:

1. thin chest

2. + liquid accumulation in the left pleural cavity

3. large pulmonary cavern

4. large gas bubble in stomach

5. tumor in posterior mediastinum


35. 2nd tone bifurcation occurs in:

1. non-simultaneous closure of atrioventricular valves

2. intraventricular conduction disturbance

3. + non-simultaneous closure of aortal valve and pulmonary trunk valve

4. occurrence of opening tone

5. occurrence of additional tone


36. Mitral valve opening tone is better heard:

1. at cardiac base

2. + at cardiac apex

3. in Botkin-Erb’s point

4. at the base of xiphoid process

5. at the right of breastbone, on the place of 3rd rib attachment


37. In which of listed cases the weakening of both tones occurs?

1. hard physical work

2. excitement

3. + myxedema

4. anemia

5. Basedow’s disease


38. 2nd tone accent on aorta will be observed in:

1. + arterial hypertension

2. mitral defects

3. aortal defects

4. arterial pressure lowering

5. increased pressure in lesser circulation


39. 2nd tone accent on pulmonary artery appears:

1. + with increased pressure in lesser circulation

2. increased pressure on aorta

3. overfilling of lesser circulation vessels with blood

4. disturbed blood circulation in lungs

5. pulmonary artery bed narrowing


40. Causes of functional murmurs are:

1. + increased blood flow rate

2. increased blood viscosity

3. hypothermia

4. hypothyroidism

5. decreased blood flow rate


41. For systolic murmur is typical:

1. appears together with II tone

2. + coincides with the apical thrust and carotid pulse

3. appears after 2nd tone during the long pause

4. better heard in vertical position

5. more often heard on limited area


42. During the examination of patient О., 36 y.o., doctor found a murmur in the area of absolute heart dullness. Determine a reason?

1. tricuspid valve insufficiency

2. tricuspid valve stenosis

3. pleuropericardial murmur

4. pericardial murmur

5. pleural friction rub


43. Method of sound phenomena registration in the heart:

1. electrocardiography

2. capillaroscopy

3. sphygmography

4. phlebography

5. + phonocardiography


44. Patient А., 37 y.o., with the goal of employment passed the complete medical examination. Patient considers himself as healthy, has no complaints. But on ultra sound examination of heart aortal valve insufficiency was found; also physician detected moderate enlargement of left cardiac border together with apical thrust shift. Which will be confirming auscultative findings?

1. on the apex, systolic murmur, conducted into left axillary region

2. on the apex, limited diastolic murmur

3. in the 2nd auscultation point, diastolic murmur, conducted into neck vessels

4. + in the 2nd auscultation point, diastolic murmur, conducted into Botkin-Erb’s point

5. on aorta, limited systolic murmur


45. In the patient’s examination, purple-red coloration on cheeks, cyanotic lips and extremities were detected. For which defect named symptoms are typical?

1. aortal valve insufficiency

2. + stenosis of the left atrioventricular opening

3. mitral valve insufficiency

4. tricuspid valve insufficiency

5. aortal stenosis


46. Patient Т., 23 y.o., with complaints about dyspnoe and palpitation, occurred 2 weeks after suffered angina, visited a physician. During the examination, physician determined apical thrust and the left cardiac border in the 5th intercostal space on left middle clavicular line. On EchoCG was given a conclusion on mitral valve insufficiency. Which auscultative symptomatology should be expected by the physician?

1. diastolic murmur on aorta, conducted on neck vessels

2. + systolic murmur on apex, conducted into the left axillary region

3. limited diastolic murmur on aorta

4. limited diastolic murmur on apex

5. limited systolic murmur on apex


47. In a patient with aortal valve insufficiency, short, quiet diastolic murmur on the apex appeared. Which is its mechanism?

1. joining of relative mitral insufficiency

2. joining of left ventricle dilatation

3. joining of tricuspid valve insufficiency

4. joining of aortal stenosis

5. + joining of relative mitral stenosis


48. On the apex, diastolic murmur is heard, starting after short interval behind the 2nd tone, and continuing the whole diastole. The murmur has presystolic amplification, will be not conducted elsewhere. For which defect it is typical?

1. + mitral stenosis

2. mitral valve insufficiency

3. aortal stenosis

4. aortal valves insufficiency

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


49. In which of listed defects a flapping 1st tone on cardiac apex will be observed?

A. mitral valve insufficiency

B. tricuspid valve insufficiency

C. aortal valve insufficiency

D.+ left atrioventricular stenosis

E. aortal stenosis


50. Systolic murmur in aortal stenosis is characterized by:

1. irradiation into left axillary region

2. + irradiation into carotid arteries region

3. absence of any irradiation

4. amplification on the height of inhalation

5. amplification in the left lateral recumbent position


173. Kitaev’s reflex results from:

1. mitral regurgitation

2. + pulmonary veins dilatation

3. lowering of pressure gradient “left heart – left ventricle”

4. increased blood influx to the heart

5. increased pressure in ventricular cavity


51. Presystolic amplification of murmur in mitral stenosis is resulting from:

1. active atrial systole

2. mitral regurgitation

3. left atrium dilatation

4. +acceleration of blood flow from LA to LV

5. left ventricle dilatation


52. On the apex, 1st tone is equal to 2nd tone, 2nd tone on pulmonary artery is significantly accentuated. After 2nd tone in Botkin-Erbs’ and in 2nd intercostal space at the right – blowing intense murmur. In which syndrome it is possible?

1. mitral valve insufficiency

2. mitral valve stenosis

3. + aortal valve insufficiency

4. aortal stenosis

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


53. Doctor was visited by a patient with complaints about rapid fatigability, dyspnoe and rare periodic dry cough, appeared in the last time. He denies previous diseases, but remembers that in the childhood he was often sick with angina, and on military registration checkup he was told that he “has murmur in the heart”. At the examination: apical thrust is limited, and upper border of relative heart dullness is shifted upwards. Determine possible cause of upper border shift?

1. + left atrium enlargement

2. right atrium dilatation

3. aorta dilatation

4. left ventricle hypertrophy

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


54. After examination of patient B., 42 y.o., doctor diagnosed “mitral” configuration of heart. What causes development of this configuration?

1. right atrium hypertrophy

2. both atria hypertrophy

3. left ventricle dilatation

4. right ventricle dilatation

5. + left atrium dilatation


55. A patient has dyspnoe, asthmatic fits in the night. Apical thrust and the left border of relative heart dullness are determined in V intercostal space 2 cm outside the left middle-clavicular line. With what can these changes be related?

1. with right ventricle hypertrophy

2. with both ventricles hypertrophy

3. + with left ventricle hypertrophy

4. with heart aneurism

5. with left heart hypertrophy


56. Based on heart US, patient G, 39 y.o., was diagnosed with: “mitral insufficiency”. What should a doctor hear at heart auscultation?

1. amplified 1 tone on the apex

2. blowing diastolic murmur on the apex

3. +blowing systolic murmur on the apex

4. systolic murmur in the 2nd i/s at the left

5. diastolic murmur in the 2nd i/s at the left


57. In a patient on the apex will be determined the amplification of 1st tone, rough diastolic murmur and “quail’s” rhythm. For which defect it is typical?

1. mitral insufficiency

2. aortal insufficiency

3. aortic stenosis

4. + wing valve stenosis (митральный стеноз)

5. stenosis of pulmonary artery mouth


58. A 43 y.o. patient, bus driver, complaints about headache, dizziness, clatter in temples. At palpation will be determined diffuse, strengthened apical thrust and hard pulse. AP – 170/100 mm Hg. Pulse 70 bpm. Which changes are possible in heart auscultation:

1. amplification of 1st tone on the apex

2. + 2nd tone accent above aorta

3. weakening of 2nd tone above aorta

4. blowing diastolic murmur on the apex

5. on aorta, rough systolic murmur, conducted into carotid arteries


59. In which defect systolic hypertension and high pulse pressure will be observed?

1. mitral stenosis

2. + aortal valves insufficiency

3. aortal stenosis

4. tricuspid insufficiency

5. mitral insufficiency


60. A 42 y.o. patient complaints about dyspnoe in moderate physical exercise and nocturnal asthmatic fits. For 20 years he is suffering from rheumatism. At the examination: cyanosis of lips, tip of the nose, flush on cheeks with cyanotic tint, pastose shins. Which stage of circulation disturbance you should think about?

1. NK 0

2. NK 1

3. + NK II A




61. To earlier complaints of a patient with mitral stenosis belong:

1. + dyspnoe and palpitation

2. edemas, appearing in the evening

3. pains in bones

4. dry cough in the night

5. headaches, weakness


62. Diastolic murmur on the apex will be heard at:

1. aortal valve insufficiency

2. mitral valve insufficiency

3. aortic insufficiency

4. tricuspid valve insufficiency

5. + mitral stenosis


63. In a mitral stenosis patient on X-ray picture, congestion phenomena in lesser circulation were found. Which complaints he can have?

1. + dyspnoe and palpitation at significant physical exercise

2. burning pains in the lower third of breastbone

3. asthmatic fits with complicated exhalation

4. asthmatic attacks and dry cough

5. attack-like heart pains


64. Typical auscultation symptomatology of tricuspid valve stenosis:

1. weakening of I tone on the apex

2. accent of II tone on aorta

3. + tone of mitral valve opening and diastolic murmur on the apex

4. weakening of both tone

5. on the apex, soft, inconsistent systolic murmur


65. Patient Ch., 46 y.o., on US examination was diagnosed with tricuspid valve insufficiency. Which will be auscultative symptomatology, and where will be the best point for its auscultation?

1. systolic murmur on the apex of heart

2. diastolic murmur in the lower third of breastbone

3. + systolic murmur in the lower third of breastbone

4. diastolic murmur on the apex of heart

5. II tone accent in the second i/s at the right from the edge of breastbone


66. Patient with mitral insufficiency on ECG examination was diagnosed with left ventricle hypertrophy. Based on which ECG sign this conclusion was drawn?

1. low waves in R V5,V6

2. + increased amplitude of R wave V5,V6

3. increased amplitude of P wave V5,V6

4. shortened interval P – Q in V5,V6

5. appearance of Q wave in V5,V6


67. Evident auscultative symptomatology of mitral valve insufficiency:

1. weakened І tone and diastolic murmur in the first auscultation point

2. + weakened І tone and systolic murmur in the first auscultation point

3. І tone amplification and diastolic murmur in the first auscultation point

4. І tone amplification and systolic murmur in the first auscultation point

5. weakening of both tones and blowing systolic murmur on the apex


68. Typical auscultative symptom for left atrioventricular opening stenosis:

1. weakened І tone and diastolic murmur in the first auscultation point

2. weakened І tone and systolic murmur in the first auscultation point

3. + “quail’s rhythm” and diastolic murmur on the apex

4. weakened І tone and diastolic murmur on the apex

5. amplified І tone and systolic murmur on the apex


69. For which defect the systolic thrill symptom is typical, and where it will be determined?

1. on the apex, in mitral insufficiency

2. on the apex, in mitral valve stenosis =

3. in the second i/s at the right in aortic stenosis

4. at xiphoid process in tricuspid insufficiency

5. in the second i/s at the right in aortic valve insufficiency =


70. In a patient with left atrioventricular valve stenosis the doctor heard “quail’s rhythm”. Based on which sound phenomena and where the doctor heard this sound phenomenon?

1. І, ІІ tone and systolic murmur on the apex

2. + loud “flapping” I tone, II tone and mitral valve opening on the apex

3. on aorta, І, ІІ tone and diastolic murmur

4. on pulmonary artery, І, ІІ tone and systolic murmur

5. on the apex, І, ІІ and ІІІ tone


71. Which defect is the frequent cause of systolic murmur on the apex:

1. narrowing of left atrioventricular opening

2. aortal stenosis

3. pulmonary artery stenosis

4. + mitral valve insufficiency

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


72. Diastolic murmur on the apex is more often connected with:

1. tricuspid valve narrowing

2. + wing valve narrowing

3. narrowing of pulmonary trunk valve

4. aortal valve insufficiency

5. mitral valve insufficiency


73. Cause of rough systolic murmur, heard in the second auscultation point, and conducted in neck vessels, is following defect:

1. left atrioventricular valve stenosis

2. left atrioventricular valve insufficiency

3. aortal valve insufficiency

4. + aortal stenosis

5. right atrioventricular valve insufficiency


74. Soft, blowing diastolic murmur, heard in the second point and conducted in 5th auscultation point, can be in:

1. aortal stenosis

2. narrowing of left atrioventricular opening

3. + aortal valve insufficiency

4. narrowing of tricuspid valve

5. pulmonary artery valve insufficiency


75. To which defect are related such symptoms as “carotid shudder” and Musset’s sign:

1. mitral valve insufficiency

2. +aortal valve insufficiency

3. pulmonary artery insufficiency

4. narrowing of aorta

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


76. In which defect on the apex using the palpation, diastolic thrill will be determined (symptom of “feline purr”?

1. aortal valve insufficiency

2. aortic mouth narrowing

3. + mitral mouth narrowing

4. mitral valve insufficiency

5. tricuspid opening narrowing


77. During the patient’s examination, diffuse, shifted to the left and amplified apical thrust was detected; left border of absolute dullness will be determined in 5th i/s outside the left middle-clavicular line. At auscultation – systolic murmur and weakening of the I tone on the apex. In anamnesis the patient has rheumatism for many years. For which defect these changes are typical?

1. narrowing of mitral opening

2. + mitral valve insufficiency

3. right atrioventricular valve insufficiency

4. aortal mouth narrowing

5. aortal valves insufficiency


78. Patient is complaining about headaches, nausea, stabbing pains in heart region, tinnitus. At the examination: moderate facial hyperemia, apical thrust amplified diffuse, shifted to the left together with the shift of the left border of heart to the left; in the second auscultation point, II tone accent, on the apex short systolic murmur. For which syndrome these signs can be typical?

1. arterial hypotension

2. + arterial hypertension

3. aortic valve insufficiency

4. aortic valve stenosis

5. mitral valve insufficiency


79. In a patient R., 54 y.o., doctor detected arterial hypertension syndrome. Determine auscultative changes?

1. heart tones on the apex are amplified

2. heart tones on the base are amplified

3. 2 tone on pulmonary artery is amplified

4. + 2 tone on aorta is amplified

5. heart tones are amplified in all auscultative points


80. In a patient with complaints about dyspnoe, headaches, dizziness and “flickering flies” in eyes, during the eye ground examination, following changes were found: narrowing and sinuation of arteries and varicose veins, as well as hemorrhage into retina. In which syndrome these changes are possible?

1. chronic cardiac insufficiency

2. acute cardiac insufficiency

3. acute circulatory collapse

4. +arterial hypertension

5. arterial hypotension


81. Explain the mechanism of stenocardia pains occurrence in aortal defects:

1. +acute ischemia resulting from coronary circulation disturbance

2. relative coronary insufficiency, related to myocardial hypertrophy

3. atherosclerosis of aorta

4. coronariitis

5. arterial hypotension


216. The basis of pain syndrome in angina pectoris is:

1. coronariitis

2. chronic cardiac insufficiency

3. + myocardial ischemia

4. hormonal malfunctions

5. metabolic disturbances in myocardium


82. For the pain in angina pectoris most typical are:

1. + colic, localization and intensity

2. accompanied by cardiogenic shock

3. not relieved by nitroglycerine

4. intense, prolonged, strengthening at inhalation

5. accompanied by nausea and uncontrollable vomiting


83. Patient Е., 42 y.o., called family doctor with complaints about sudden colicky, constricting pains in the heart region and dyspnoe. For which of listed diseases this pain syndrome can be most typical?

А. rheumatism

B. + angina pectoris

C. myocarditis

D. aortic valve stenosis

E. aortic valve insufficiency


84. To patient P, 66 y.o., arrived to appointment with complaints about heart pains when walking upstairs, doctor gave following explanation of causes of his complaints. Which possible causeof pain declared the doctor?

1. +coronary arteries atherosclerosis

2. decreased coagulating features of blood

3. decreased activity of sympathoadrenal system

4. anomalies of coronary vessels development

5. aortal stenosis


85. In a patient V., 42 y.o., doctor diagnosed “arterial hypertension” syndrome. Doctor from patient’s life and medical history obtained following data. To which of below-mentioned factors the doctor should pay his special attention?

1.+ executive position

2. active physical exercises

3. limited table salt consumption

4. hypocholesterolemia

5. decreased coagulating blood features


86. Complication of myocardial infarction is:

1. aorta infiltration

2. +cardiac aneurism

3. coronary vessels narrowing

4. cardiopulmonary failure

5. arterial hypertension


87. Man, 40 y.o., is complaining about dyspnoe, weakness and severe, short-time, constricting retrosternal pains, appeared after excitation. About which syndrome you will think in the first line?

1. respiratory failure

2. +coronary insufficiency

3. acute circulatory collapse

4. cardiac insufficiency

5. acute cardiovascular collapse


88. Family doctor suspects in a 48-year old man with complaints about periodical stabbing man in the heart region the “chronic coronary insufficiency”. Which instrumental examination he should perform first:

1. echocardiography

2. +electrocardiography

3. phlebography

4. phonocardiography

5. sphygmography


89. In a 50-year old obese male patient, severe burning retrosternal pains, irradiating to the left half of his body and dyspnoe appeared. Pain lasts more than one hour. What do you think, which syndrome developed in a patient?

1. arterial hypertension

2. +acute coronary insufficiency

3. chronic coronary insufficiency

4. acute circulatory collapse

5. acute left ventricular insufficiency


88. Patient D., 42 y.o., went to family doctor with complaints about edemas on his feet and shins in the evening during a month. In anamnesis – one month ago he suffered influenza, treated himself independently with herbs. No other complaints. Which possible cause of edemas should a physician think about?

1. renal disease

2. allergic reaction

3. +cardiac failure

4. cardiopulmonary insufficiency

5. vascular failure


89. In a patient at night suddenly occurred cough with a small amount of mucoid sputum, asthma. In the examination by family doctor were detected: acrocyanosis, orthopnea, rough respiration, single dry, and in low-back parts moist non-sonorous murmurs. Which was a cause of development of such condition in a patient?

1. disturbed airway conductance syndrome

2. asthmatic status

3. +congestion in lesser circulation

4. inflammatory infiltration syndrome

5. syndrome of presence of a cavity in lung


90. District doctor at call in a patient, bothered by dyspnoe at rest, weakness. At the examination: position is orthopic, skin with icteric-cyanotic tint, ascites, edemas; marked jugular venous distention, enlarged liver. What you can think about?

1. liver cirrhosis

2. portal hypertension

3. respiratory failure syndrome

4. + chronic right ventricular failure syndrome

5. chronic left ventricular failure syndrome


91. A patient was treated due to arterial hypertension. Suddenly severe dyspnea, cough with heavily separated sputum, cold sweat, abrupt weakness appeared. At the examination – patient is standing, cutaneous coverings are pale and cyanotic. Over lungs is a lot of dry and moist murmurs. Heart tones are weakened, 2 tone on pulmonary artery is strengthened. Which syndrome developed in a patient?

1. acute respiratory failure syndrome

2. acute right ventricular insufficiency syndrome

3. bronchospasm syndrome

4. arterial hypertension crisis

5. +acute left ventricular insufficiency syndrome


92. Liquid accumulation in abdominal cavity during the cardiac failure is called:

1. “portal hypertension”

2. hydrothorax

3. hydropericardium

4. + ascites

5. anasarca


93. A patient has pronounced total cardiac failure. AP = 100/50 mmHg. How 1st tone on apex will change?

1. strengthening

2. + weakening

3. trinomial rhythm

4. no change

5. bifurcation


94. In coartaction of aorta, the change of pulse value is typical:

1. +significant decrease on lower extremities

2. increase on lower extremities

3. decrease on carotid arteries

4. decrease on arteries of upper extremities

5. increased pulsation on femoral artery


95. After pressing on carotid arteries, dizziness has appeared in a patient. Explain a mechanism of its appearance:

1. abrupt AP fall as a result of baroreceptors irritation

2. +abrupt AP fall as a result of carotid reflex

3. brain ischemia as a result of abrupt bradycardia

4. development of brain vessels thromboses

5. development of small hemorrhages


96. For respiratory arrhythmia is typical:

1. more infrequent pulse on inhalation

2. arrhythmia, occurring in the period of respiratory pause

3. + pulse acceleration on inhalation, more infrequent on exhalation

4. pulse acceleration on exhalation, more infrequent on inhalation

5. more infrequent pulse only on inhalation


97. Examination of heart rhythm disturbances will be performed by methods of:

1. pulse palpation

2. heart tones auscultation

3. ECG examination

4. + palpation, auscultation and ECG

5. palpation and ECG


98. In a patient, sharp bradycardia was detected (pulse 38 bpm). Which subjective feelings can he have?

1. + dizziness and syncopes

2. heart pains

3. tinnitus

4. dry cough

5. chill and increased temperature


99. Most typical clinical sign of syncope is:

1. acute retrosternal pain and weakness

2. collapse

3. increased pulse frequency up to 160 – 200 and more in min.

4. pulse rhythm disturbance

5. +sudden syncope?


100. In a patient D., 37 y.o., suffering from chronic airways disease with obstructive syndrome, a pulmonologist determined abrupt decrease of absolute heart dullness area. Call a possible cause of this change?

1. + lung emphysema

2. dilated red ventricular cavity

3. lungs shrinkage

4. liquid accumulation in pericardium

5. shift of the heart with mediastinal tumor in front


101. Pulse characterization in arterial hypertension syndrome:

1. filiformis

2. mollis

3. + durus

4. irregularis

5. deficiens


102. Initial and typical symptom of cardiac failure:

1. + heart pain

2. dyspnoe

3. haemoptysis

4. marked edemas on legs

5. moderate facial edemas


103. A patient is bothered by severe constricting pains in heart area, dumbness of two last fingers on left hand and dyspnoe. Pains are bothering periodically during one hour, not discontinuing on coronarolytics. At the examination: patient is inactive, face is pale, tachycardia, heart tones are weakened, AP 140/85 mmHg. In complete blood count is neutrophilic leukocytosis; ESR unchanged. In biochemical analysis – activity of KPK, AST, LDG 1.5 increased. About which syndrome is necessary to think about?

1. acute cardiac failure

2. + acute coronary insufficiency

3. acute circulatory collapse

4. arterial hypertension

5. chronic coronary insufficiency


104. A patient has complaints about dyspnoe, night cough and asthmatic fits during the night. In anamnesis, there is arterial hypertension during 15 years. Explain a cause of above-mentioned complaints:

1. bronchial asthma development

2. +cardiac asthma development

3. chronic right ventricular insufficiency syndrome

4. chronic left ventricular insufficiency syndrome

5. total cardiac insufficiency syndrome


105. Diastolic murmur on the apex is heard in:

1. Aortal valve insufficiency

2. Mitral valve insufficiency

3. Aortic stenosis

4. Tricuspid valve insufficiency

5. + Mitral stenosis


106. Doctor was visited by a patient with complaints about rapid fatigability, dyspnoe and rare periodic dry cough, appeared in the last time. He denies previous diseases, but remembers that in the childhood he was often sick with angina, and on military registration checkup he was told that he “has murmur in the heart”. At the examination: apical thrust is limited, and upper border of relative heart dullness is shifted upwards. Determine possible cause of upper border shift?

1. + left atrium enlargement

2. right atrium dilatation

3. aorta dilatation

4. left ventricle hypertrophy

5. tricuspid valve insufficiency


107. Blue complexion during cardiac failure is related to

6. + presence of suboxidated hemoglobin in blood

7. oxyhemoglobin

8. hemoglobin decay products

9. hemosiderin

10. reduced hemoglobin


108. “Cat’s purr” symptom in the cardiovascular system pathology will be detected using the method of:

1. questioning

2. examination

3. + palpation

4. percussion

5. auscultation



Lungs dilatation

11. Inspiratory dyspnea is:

1. +++complicated inhalation

2. complicated exhalation

3. complicated inhalation and exhalation

4. tachypnea

5. bradypnoea


12. In expiratory dyspnea will be observed

1. complicated inhalation

2. +++complicated exhalation

3. complicated inhalation and exhalation

4. bradypnoea

5. disturbed breathing rhythm


13. Pathologically quickened breathing is called:

1. bradypnoea

2. apnea

3. +++tachypnea

4. tachycardia

5. bradycardia


14. Downshift of lower lung borders will be determined at:

1. obturator atelectasis

2. +++lungs emphysema

3. presence of air in pleural cavity

4. inflammatory pulmonary infiltration

5. bronchial dilatation


15. Performing the lungs percussion in the interscapular region, the finger plessimeter will be put:

1. +++vertically

2. horizontally

3. aslant

4. on intercostal region

5. on the backbone


16. In norm the height of apexes of lungs behind will be determined:

1. 1 – 2 cm above the spine of scapula

2. 2 – 3 cm above the spine of scapula

3. +++on the level of spinous processes of VII cervical vertebra

4. on the level of spinous processes of VI cervical vertebra

5. on the level of spinous processes of I thoracic vertebra


17. The goal of topographic percussion of lungs is:

1. determination of thorax elasticity

2. determination of vocal tremor

3. +++determination of lower borders of lungs

4. determination of tenderness

5. thorax form determination


18. Pathologic dullness of percutory sound over lungs is conditioned by:

1. +++decreased air content in the part of lung

2. presence of large smooth-wall cavity

3. filling of pleural cavity by air

4. increased airiness of lung tissue

5. bronchospasm


19. Best patient position for lungs auscultation:

1. right lateral position

2. left lateral position

3. supine position

4. prone position

5. +++sitting with hands lying on knees


20. Places of best lungs auscultation:

1. VI intercostal space at right

2. III – IV intercostal space at left

3. +++at front, under II intercostal space

4. over the shoulder blade

5. apex of lung


21. Cause of moist rales occurrence is:

1. fibrin deposition on leafs of pleura

2. narrowing of bronchial lumen as a result of mucosal edema

3. pulmonary collapse

4. spasm of bronchioles

5. +++accumulation of liquid sputum in the bronchial lumen


22. Vesicular breathing is occurring as a result of:

1. air passage through the glottis

2. +++oscillations of alveoli walls in the inhalation phase

3. accumulation of sputum in the bronchial lumen

4. spasm of large bronchi

5. spasm of small bronchi


23. Bronchial breathing is occurring as a result of:

1. bronchospasm

2. +++air passage through the glottis

3. oscillation of elastic components of alveoli walls in the inhalation phase

4. accumulation of a small amount of liquid secretion in the alveolar lumen

5. accumulation of sputum in the bronchial lumen


24. Condition of crepitation formation is:

1. air passage through the glottis

2. oscillation of elastic components of alveoli walls in the inhalation phase

3. +++accumulation of inflammatory secretion in the alveolar lumen

4. bronchospasm

5. accumulation of sputum in the bronchial lumen


25. Condition of pleural friction rub formation is:

1. air passage through the vocal cords

2. oscillation of elastic components of alveoli walls in the inhalation phase

3. accumulation of sputum in the bronchial lumen

4. +++fibrin deposition on pleura during inflammation

5. bronchospasm


26. Amphoric breath sounds is occurring as a result of:

1. small bronchi spasm

2. air passage through the glottis

3. oscillation of alveoli walls in the inhalation phase

4. +++presence of a large smooth-walls cavity, communicating with a large bronchus

5. large bronchi spasm


27. Distinctive signs of rales is that in auscultation they are:

1. heard only in the inhalation phase

2. heard only in the exhalation phase

3. +++heard both in the inhalation and the exhalation phase

4. strengthened when pressing on the thorax with stethoscope

5. amount of rales is not changed after cough


28. Auscultative sign of pleural friction rub is that it is:

1. heard only in the inhalation phase

2. heard only in the exhalation phase

3. +++strengthened when pressing on the thorax with stethoscope

4. strengthened after cough

5. disappears after cough


29. Typical sign of crepitation is:

1. it is heard only in the exhalation phase

2. +++it is heard only at inhalation height

3. strengthened when pressing on the thorax with stethoscope

4. strengthened after cough

5. disappears after cough


30. Cause of strengthened bronchophony is:

1. bronchospasm

2. lungs dilatation

3. +++pulmonary tissue thickening

4. liquid secretion accumulation in bronchi

5. presence of air in the pleural cavity


31. Main complaint in the syndrome of presence of liquid in the pleural cavity is:

1. hemoptysis

2. cough with purulent sputum

3. +++dyspnea

4. fever

5. retrosternal pains


32. In which of under-mentioned syndromes in the sputum will be excreted elastic fibers:

1. inflammatory infiltration of pulmonary tissue

2. +++ presence of a cavity in lungs

3. presence of liquid in the pleural cavity

4. disturbed bronchial patency

5. presence of air in the pleural cavity


33. In which syndrome during respiratory organs pathology in the sputum, Kurshman’s spirals will be detected:

1. increased lungs airiness

2. inflammatory lungs infiltration

3. +++bronchospasm

4. presence of liquid in pleural cavity

5. bronchiectasis


34. Patient K. 47 y.o. Complaints: dyspnoe, heavily separated viscous sputum. In the examination – barrel chest, in the respiration act participate additional muscles. Percussion – bandbox resonance. Auscultation – strengthened vesicular breathing with prolonged exhalation, dry whistling rales. For which syndrome is typical this clinical finding:

1. infiltrative pulmonary tissue inflammation

2. atelectasis

3. liquid accumulation in pleural cavity

4. bronchiectasis

5. +++bronchospasm


35. During sputum examination following was found: amount of sputum is insignificant, it has viscous consistency. At microscopy eosinophils, Kurshman’s spirals and Sharko-Leyden’s crystals were found. For which syndrome these signs are typical:

1. bronchiectasis

2. inflammatory pulmonary infiltration

3. +++bronchospasm

4. presence of a cavity in lung

5. presence of liquid in pleural cavity


36. During the patient’s examination, chest asymmetry due to increase of its right half, lag of the right half in the act of breathing and percutory dull sound will be determined. For which syndrome it is typical:

1. dilatation of bronchi (bronchiectasis)

2. inflammatory infiltration of lungs

3. presence of a cavity in lung

4. +++presence of liquid in pleural cavity

5. bronchospasm


37. Auscultative data at liquid accumulation in pleural cavity:

1. dry rales

2. amphoric breathing

3. clear vesicular breathing

4. +++breathing is absent

5. bronchial breathing


38. Which auscultative data are typical for syndrome of lung tissue inflammatory infiltration:

1. clear, vesicular breathing

2. +++weakened vesicular breathing

3. strengthened vesicular breathing

4. amphoric breathing

5. dry whistling rales


39. Which complaint is typical to the syndrome of presence of a cavity in lung:

1. dry cough

2. +++cough with excretion of purulent, stinking sputum

3. cough with heavily separable viscous sputum

4. forced exhalation

5. feeling of heaviness in the chest


40. In syndrome of inflammatory infiltration of the lung tissue in the sputum will be found:

1. +++macrophages

2. Kurshman’s spirals

3. Sharko-Leyden’s spirals

4. elastic fibers

5. eosinophils in large amounts


41. Which auscultative data are typical in the syndrome of presence of a cavity in lung:

1. clear vesicular breathing

2. +++amphoric breathing

3. dry whistling rales

4. crepitation

5. pleural friction rub


42. Changes of bronchophony in unilateral liquid accumulation in pleural cavity:

1. strengthening at both sides

2. strengthening at affected side

3. strengthening at opposite side

4. bronchophony is not changed

5. +++at affected side bronchophony will be not detected


43. At X-ray examination, for the syndrome of air presence in the lung is typical:

1. non-homogenous darkening

2. round enlightenment with the level of liquid

3. intense darkening with slant upper border

4. intense darkening with horizontal upper border

5. +++absence of lung pattern and shadow from collapsed lung at the root


44. In a patient, cough with “rusty” sputum, fever, dyspnea, pain in the right half of thorax, at the same place the strengthening of vocal tremor and bronchophony as well as bronchial breathing will be found. For which syndrome these signs are typical:

1. presence of liquid in pleural cavity

2. bronchospasm

3. +++inflammatory infiltration of lungs

4. bronchiectasis

5. lung emphysema


45. In a patient with dyspnea, dry cough, thoracic pains at the examination will be determined thorax asymmetry with extrusion of intercostal spaces at the left, lag of the left part of thorax in the act of breathing, percutory dull sound. At the same place breathing is not heard. At X-ray imaging of chest organs at the left, homogenous darkening with slant position of higher border is detected. For which syndrome this clinical pattern is typical:

1. bronchospasm

2. presence of air in pleural cavity

3. +++presence of liquid in pleural cavity

4. inflammatory infiltration of lungs

5. bronchi dilatation


46. Auscultative data in syndrome of air presence in pleural cavity:

1. clear vesicular breathing

2. strengthened vesicular breathing

3. +++sharply weakened vesicular breathing

4. amphoric breathing

5. dry rales


47. In a patient with pathology of respiratory organs, in the morning, the sputum with unpleasant odor is secreted, which after standing separates in three layers. For which syndrome this clinical pattern is typical:

1. +++bronchi dilatation

2. bronchospasm

3. lung tissue inflammatory infiltration

4. lungs dilatation

5. atelectasis


48. A patient has complaints of complicated exhalation. At the examination, barrel chest with dilated intercostal spaces was found, participation of auxiliary muscles in the act of respiration; at auscultation – evenly weakened vesicular breathing. For which syndrome in respiratory organs pathology this clinical pattern is typical:

1. bronchictasia

2. lung tissue thickening

3. +++lung emphysema

4. lungs shrinkage

5. pleura thickening


49. For differential diagnostic by exudate and transsudate the most informative method is:

1. chest organs radioscopy

2. chest organs X-ray imaging

3. +++laboratory examination

4. bronchoscopy

5. US


50. Stinking odor of freshly secreted sputum is typical for a syndrome:

1. lung tissue inflammatory infiltration

2. presence of air in pleural cavity

3. presence of liquid in pleural cavity

4. lungs dilatation (emphysema)

5. +++bronchial dilatation (bronchiectasis)


51. In which syndrome the largest diagnostic importance has the sputum examination:

1. +++presence of cavity in lung

2. presence of air in pleural cavity

3. presence of liquid in pleural cavity

4. compression atelectasis

5. lungs dilatation


52. Which examination method has diagnostic significance to detect the syndrome of the presence of liquid in pleural cavity:

1. sputum examination

2. bronchoscopy

3. +++X-ray analysis

4. blood gases determination

5. peak flowmetry


53. Patient on X-ray examination was diagnosed with “lung abscess”. Which changes can be found in the sputum analysis?

1. Kurshman’s spirals

2. macrophages

3. eosinophils

4. Sharko-Leyden’s crystals

5. +++elastic fibers


54. Complaints in syndrome of inflammatory infiltration of lungs:

1. +++cough with “rusty” sputum

2. dry cough

3. purulent stinking sputum

4. dyspnea with complicated expiration

5. viscous heavily separable sputum



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