Read the text B and choose the most suitable title for the text. Explain the choice. 

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Read the text B and choose the most suitable title for the text. Explain the choice.


1. Manufacture of brown sugar. 2. The final step in sugar pro­duction. 3. Compression of moist white sugar. 4. Properties of unre­fined sugar.

Text B

The formation of crystals in the making of either cane or beet sugar is one of the important steps. The finer crystals the greater a loss of sugar in the syrup. Crystals, if allowed to form without stir­ring, may grow to a large size. Rather slow formation over a period of time also permits the formation of large crystals. Too large crys­tals are not desirable.

Most cane sugar is highly refined. If not we have brown sugar. All best sugar is refined; the unrefined sugar is bitter1 and has an unpleasant odour.2 White sugar is graded3 as to size of the crystals or granules. Loaf and cube sugars4 are made by compressing moist white sugar into desired shape and then drying.



1. bitter – горький

2. odour – запах

3. to grade – сортировать

4. loaf and cube sugars - сахар-рафинад в виде сахарных голов и кусковой сахар


Task to the Unit 3.

1. Sugar manufacture from the sugar cane.

2. Sugar manufacture from the sugar beet.

3. The final step in sugar production.




1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

Class, product, protein, energy, principally, chloroform, plastic, temperature, special, press, vitamin, tetrachloride, group.


2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

animal fat – животный жир

vegetable oil – растительный жир

edible oil – съедобный жир

sunflower – подсолнечник

cotton – хлопок

corn germ – зародыш кукурузы

tissue – ткань

rendering – вытопка

recover - получить


3. Name the part of speech from which these words are formed:

Requirement, principally, bakery, variety, importance, carrier, processing, pressing, extraction, combination, fatty, definition.


4. Translate the following word-combinations:

Food product; energy requirements, glyceride esters, fatty acids, organic solvents, carbon tetrachloride, bakery product, animal fat product, plant seeds, corn germ, fat-soluble vitamins, fatty tissue.

5. Read and translate the text:



One of three major classes of food products are fats and oils. Along with carbohydrates and proteins, fats and oilssupply the en­ergy requirements of man and animals. Fats are usually defined as soDd1 or plastic at ordinary temperatures. Oils are liquid2 at room temperatures. Fats and oils in the diet serve to increase palatability the flavour3 of foods. In a bakery product fat improves the texture.

The two major groups are animal fats and vegetable oils. Butter is a special animal-fat product from milk Ike pressed or extracted from a variety of plant seeds. Of primary importance as sources of edible oils are soybeans,5 seed, corn germ, olives, etc.

Fats and oils serve as carriers for the fat-soluble vitamins A and D and are the chief source of vitamin E.

Processing of oilseeds can be carried out by pressing, extraction with solvents' or a combination of the two.

Animal fats can be recovered from fatty tissue of the meat by the process of rendering.


1. flavor – вкус

2. soybeans – соевые бобы

3. solvent – растворитель



6. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word-combinations:

Жиры и масла, снабжать потребности, вкусовые качества, вкус и аромат, разнообразие, съедобные масла и жиры, первостепенное значение, переносчики жирорастворимых витаминов, главный источник, переработка производится, процесс вытопки.


7. Insert the words given below:

1. … and … are one of three major classes of food products. 2. … are usually solid at the room temperature. 3. … are usually liquid at room temperature. 4. Fats and oils enhance … of foods.5. A special animal-fat product from milk is …. 6. Different plant seeds contain …. 7. Processing of oilseeds is carried out by … or … with solvent. 8. … is used for recovering fat from fatty meat tissue.


1. Rendering; 2. Fats, oils; 3. The flavor; 4. Oils; 5. Fats; 6. Butter; 7. Pressing, extraction; 8. Oil.



8. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between fats and oils?

2. What edible oils do you know?

3. What is function of fats and oils in the diet?

4. How are oils produced

5. How are fats produced?

6. What is butter?

7. What fat-soluble vitamins are mentioned in the text?



9.Replace the modal verbs by their equivalents:

(can – to be able to; may – to be allowed to; must – should, to have to, to be to)

1. Sunflower seeds must be transported to the factory to further processing. 2. You may use either fat or oil in breadmaking. 3. Corn germ must be separated from the kernel. 4. In this case edible oils must be substituted for mineral ones. 5. Fat tissues of meat could be used for recovering fat. 6. Many plant seed can be used for oil production.


10.Read the text and try to understand its main contents:


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