Important materials in your food 

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Important materials in your food

Foods contain different materials that help your body to stay strong and healthy. The most important of these are known to be proteins. They are absolutely necessary for building and repairing our bodies. Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements, such as phosphorus and sulphur. Proteins are built up of smaller units, the amino-acids* The richest sources of proteins are such animal foods as meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and such vegetable foods as soya beans, bread, peas.

Sugars and starches, known as carbohydrates, are digested2 rather quickly and supply energy for the body. They are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Foods rich in carbohydrates are fruit, honey, bread, cakes, potatoes, rice, macaroni.

fats are also made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fatty foods are considered to be good sources of energy,* but people who eat too much of them become overweight. Fats are found in butter, cream, milk, oily fish, meat, olive oil, sunflowerseed oil.

Your body also needs other materials called vitamins and minerals. They are present in small amounts but we know them to be extremely important for the proper functioning and growth of the body.


* Compare: 1 g of fat produces 9.3 calories; 1 g of sugar pro­duces only 4.1 calories.


5. Supply antonyms for the following words:

different, strong, healthy, important, known, necessary, small, rich, quickly, fat, good, much, overweight


6. Insert the words given below:

1. Foods contain … that help your body to stay strong and healthy. 2. Proteins ate built up of …, the amino-acids. 3. Sugar and starches … rather quickly and supply energy for the body. 4. Fatty foods are considered to be … of energy. 5. Your body also needs … called vitamins and minerals.

1) Small amounts; 2) smaller units; 3) good sources; 4) different materials; 5) other materials

7. Make up sentences:

  Carbohydrates Proteins Fats     consist of carbon nitrogen oxygen hydrogen sulphur phosphorus


8. Make up right statements, using the following words and word combinations:

  Foods rich in     proteins fats carbohydrates   are butter cream meat fish cheese eggs milk olive oil honey bread rice soya beans fruit


9. Answer the following questions:

1. What do foods contain?

2. What are the most important materials?

3. What are proteins necessary for?

4. What are proteins built up?

5. How are sugars and starches digested?

6. Where are fats found in?

7. Who becomes over weight?

8. What vitamins and minerals important for?

10. Give the forms of the Infinitives:

to change, to act, to involve, to take, to slow, to prevent, to keep, to load, to grow, to reduce.


11. Put in where necessary “to” before the Infinitive:

1. The variability in fat content makes it difficult … determine the average composition of fish flesh.

2. Don’t make them … defrost these fish now, it is too early.

3. The technologist ordered the gang … to dress all the delivered fish.

4. She came to the shop and could … see all the process of handling the fish.

5. Students have come to this fish processing factory … learn the sanitary rules of fish handling.

6. The fish should then … be check-weighted, labeled, brined and chilled immediately after packing.

7. Care must … exercised at each stage, from handling the raw material until the frozen product.


12. Define the forms and functions of the infinitive:

1. Minerals help to build up bones, brain, nervous system and muscles.

2. To know the routs of migration of fish is to get rich catches.

3. The humpback unloaded from the hold 2 is to be canned as soon as possible.

4. The role of fat is mainly to produce heat.

5. It is necessary to understand the way in which the changes take place in order to make the fullest use of chilling.

6. Bacteria begin to invade the tissues through the gills, along blood vessels, through the skin.

7. Heat can be used to destroy bacteria and stop enzymic activity in food.

8. Small fish with flesh of indifferent flavour are ordered to be processed into meal.

9. They seemed to be discussing the plan of fish preservation.

10. The fish to be dressed should be perfectly fresh.

11. To be able to use fish properly and process them efficiently one must know their properties.



13.Make up sentences using infinitive construction; translate sentences:

e.g. He is said to be a good student. – Говорят, что он хороший студент.

    Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Fatty foods     are said turned out are considered are known appear   to be digested quickly. to be the best sources of energy. to be the most important materials in food. to consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. to be built up of aminoacids.  


e.g. We know the word “salt” to mean many chemical compounds - мы знаем, что слово «соль» обозначает многие химические соединения.

    We know Nutritionists found We considered People believe Doctors noted Experiments showed     animal foods protein the richest sources of protein vitamins carbohydrates to be very important to be best sources of proteins to supply energy for the body to be meat, fish, milk, bread, peas to be body-builders to help our body to stay healthy


e.g. It was necessary for the device to be tested. – Необходимо, чтобы прибор был проверен.

    It is necessary   for body for fish for organism for man   to receive minerals and vitamins to be strong and healthy to be fresh to receive energy from

14. Translate the following sentences into English using the Complex Subject with the Infinitive:

1. Считается, что рыба должна быть охлаждена быстро и храниться охлажденной.

2. Известно, что охлаждение рыбы – процесс, при котором температура рыбы уменьшается почти до точки замерзания.

3. Известно, что методы, применяемые для охлаждения рыбы, очень разнообразны.

4. Оказалось, что новое оборудование выполняет работу лучше и более экономично, чем другие приборы.

5. Говорят, что наш университет вскоре получит новые современные компьютеры.

6. Оказывается, что химический состав значительно изменяется, не только у рыб одного и того же вида и внутри каждой отдельной рыбы.

7. Известно, что недавно опубликованная статья описывает методы замораживания и хранения сельди.

8. Оказалось много трудностей в решении этой проблемы.

9. Кажется маловероятным, что партия рыбы прибудет в конце недели.


15. Translate the following sentences into English, using Complex Object:

1. Я знаю, что он очень опытный преподаватель.

2. Мы знаем, что они достаточно опытны, чтобы сделать эту работу.

3. Когда вы ожидаете, что прибудет эта партия рыбы?

4. Мы находим, что эта выловленная рыба очень высокого качества.

5. Вы ожидаете, что контракт будет подписан завтра?

6. Мы знаем, что морская вода – это раствор многих солей и газов, а не просто вода в обычном понимании.

7. Ученые считают, что цвет морской воды – это лучший знак, есть ли в нем жизнь.

8. Я слышал, что их практика заканчивается через месяц.

9. Инспектор приказал остановить лов рыбы в этом промысловом районе.


16.Read the text and try to understand its contents:


There are more than 20 different minerals in the body. The hu­man body contains 65 per cent oxygen, 18 per cent carbon, 10 per cent hydrogen, 3 per cent nitrogen, about 2 per cent calcium and 1 per cent phosphorus. Then there are small quantities of sulphur, chlorine, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, zink and others.

Three of the most important minerals are calcium, phosphorus and iron. Calcium and phosphorus work together. The bones and teeth have 99 per cent of the calcium in the body, in the form of calcium phosphate. If people have enough calcium and phosphorus their bones and teeth will be strong and hard. In addition, their muscles, nerves and heart will work correctly. Milk and hard cheeses are the best sources of calcium. Calcium compounds are present in fruits, vegetables and fish, phosphates in eggs, meat and fish. In gen­eral, if one gets enough protein and calcium he will also get enough phosphorus.

The red colour of the blood is the colour of the hemoglobin, which contains one atom of iron among its ten thousand atoms. As iron carries oxygen, people who do not have enough iron do not get enough oxygen for their normal activities. Iron is found in kidney, liver, other meat products, some vegetables, dried fruits and bread.

A small quantity of iodine is also necessary for good nutri­tion - probably less than one ten-thousandth of a gramme daily. De­ficiency of iodine results in an overgrowth of the thyroid gland. Sea foods are rich in this element.

Fluorine is a constituent of the enamel of the teeth but it is ab­sent from most foods. So many cities now add traces of fluorine to the water supply, besides small amounts of fluorine are added to various toothpastes.


1. kidney – почка

2. liver –печень

3. thyroid gland - щитовидная железа

17. Define the sequence of the following statements according to the text:

1. The role of iron. 2. The importance of minerals. 3. Mineral content in the human body. 4. Characteristics of calcium and phosphorus. 5. Iodine and fluorine.

18. Make up statements corresponding to the information of the text:

1. If people have enough calcium and phosphorus, 2. If there is not enough iron the diet, 3. If people get enough protein and calcium,   1. their muscles, nerves and heart will work well. 2. they will also get enough phosphorus. 3. people will not get enough oxygen. 4. their bones and teeth will be strong and hard.


19. Read the text hard and make up table containing the following data:

Name of vitamin Its role for man body Main sources (products)




Nutritionists think there are 13 vitamins that humans need. Vi­tamins are important because they prevent diseases and help to con­trol body processes. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and eyes. People who do not have enough vitamin A may have night blindness.1 Some automobile accidents happen in the evening because people who lack2 vitamin A do not see the road well after they look at the bright headlights3 of a car. Vitamin A in the diet comes from deep yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, dark green leafy vegetables and milk, liver, cod-liver oil.4

When people have enough B vitamins, their appetite is good and their nerves are calm. B vitamins come from meat and vegeta­bles, milk, cheese and whole grain. When grain is processed it loses vitamins.

Vitamin C helps skin tissues5 to recover from cuts and burns. Vitamin C is supplied by tomatoes, citrus fruits like lemons and or­anges, by cabbage and green peppers. Rose-hip syrup and blackcur­rants also supply it.

Vitamin D is called the "sunshine" vitamin. When people are outside, ultraviolet rays from the sun change some fat in their skin to vitamin D. It is also in cod-liver oil, in the yellow of the eggs, milk and butter. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. It helps to build strong bones, and it prevents a disease in children that is called rickets.

Other vitamins (E, K, M, etc.) prevent other diseases, but all of them have a function in normal nutrition.


1. night blindness – «куриная слепота»

2. lack – не доставать, не иметь, отсутствие

3. headlight – фара

4. cod-liver oil – рыбий жир

5. tissue – ткань

6. rose-hip – ягода шиповника


15. Make up the table:

Food product Nutritive containing in this product





1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

bacon, salt, nitrite, nitrate, stability, mineral

2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

meat – мясо

flesh – мясо, мускульная часть

beef –говядина

veal – телятина

essential acids – незаменимая кислота

cattle – крупный рогатый скот

swine – свинья

pork – свинина

lard – топленое свиное сало

hide – шкура

to cure – солить

ham – ветчина, окорок

preservative – консервант

to can – консервировать

smoking – копчение

impregnation – пропитывание

vinegar – уксус


3. State what part of speech the following words are, translate them into Russian:

1. питание; 1) nutritions; 2) nutrition; 3) nutritionist

2. успешно; 1) success; 2) successful; 3) successfully

3. охлаждать; 1) refrigerate; 2) refrigerator; 3) refrigeration

4. сохранять; 1) preservation; 2) preservative; 3) preserve

5. переработчик; 1) processing; 2) processor; 3) process

6. устойчивый; 1) stable; 2) stability; 3) unstable

7. сбраживать; 1) ferment; 2) fermentation; 3) fermenter

8. сушка; 1) dry; 2) drying; 3) drier

9. копчение; 1) smoke; 2) smoker; 3) smoking


4. Read and translate the text:


The flesh from the cattle over 6 months of age is beef and from younger cattle is veal. Beef is a nutritious food having approximately 25% protein and rich in essential acids, B vitamins, and minerals.

The primary products of swine are pork, lard, hides, and innumerable by-products. Pork is more successfully cured and stored than any other meats.

Fresh red meats are refrigerated. Cured meats such as ham, ba­con, and sausage contain chemical preservatives (salt, nitrate, nitrite) but are, in addition, heat processed and stored under refrigeration. Fresh and cured meats are also canned. With severe heat processing a shelf-stable product is produced. In certain products stability is achieved In part through other processes: fermentation, drying, smoking and impregnation with vinegar.

The manufacture of meat products includes those processes which prepare the product for consumption and increase the stability, im­prove the texture, colour and appearance of various meat items. Various processes are employed depending upon the desired result. Various enzymatic agents and other additives are often used.


5. Find in the text antonyms to the following words, translate them into Russian:

up to, older, poor, substitutive, secondary, numerable, less, unsuccessfully, warm, cool, above, uncertain, decrease, seldom


6. Insert the words given below:

1. … is the flesh of the cattle. 2. The flеsh of young cattle is called … 3. Swine gives us … and …. 4. Pork successfully … and …. 5. Chemical preservatives are contained in …, …, …. 6. Fresh and … meats can be also …. 7. …, …, … are used to get stable products. 8. The manufacture of meat products improves …, …, …, increases ….

1) cured, canned; 2) beef; 3. Bacon, ham, sausages; 4) pork, lard; 5) drying, fermentation, smoking; 6) texture, flavor, appearance, stability; 7) veal; 8) cured, stored.



7. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

мясные продукты, субпродукты, питательный продукт богат минералами, незаменимые аминокислоты, свинина, ветчина, консервировать, брожение, сушка, копчение, потребление, желаемый результат

8. Answer the following questions:

1. What is beef?

2. What is veal?

3. What is beef rich in?

4. What are the primary products of swine?

5. What is stored and cured better, pork of beef?

6. How are cured meats stored?

7. What meats can be canned?

8. What processes are used for the manufacture of meat products?


9. Read the following text and try to understand its contents:



The manufactured meat products can be grouped as follows: cured and pickled, cured and smoked, tenderized fresh, frozen, and canned.

Cured and pickled meats. Cured meats are those items which have had combined with them salt, sodium or potassium nitrite. Sugar and spices are optional ingredients.

The salt functions as a preservative while the nitrite and nitrate combine with the meat pigments to form fairly stable coloured com­pounds.

Cured and smoked meats. In the category of cured, smoked and cooked meats is a broad line of sausage products such as frank­furters and bologna, which differ from cured and pickled meats in that they are prepared from finely chopped (or comminuted) meat to which salt, sugar, spices and flavourings have been added. They may also include such items as cereals, milk powders, protein hydrolysates, and other substances.

These products are not pickled since cure penetration is obtained during an extensive mincing or chopping procedure. To secure the low temperatures often necessary for stability during the heating pro­cess, suitable amounts of ice are incorporated during the chopping operation. Ice also introduces moisture and thus increases the accept­ability of the end product by assuring proper juiciness.

The products are usually heated in the smoke house to approxi­mate internal temperature of 65.6 - 76.7°C. Hardwood smoke is in­troduced, and the products are smoked for a length of time suffi­cient to impart the characteristic smoked flavour. This smoking op­eration further increases stability of the end products by depositing on the surface a certain quantity of bacteriostatic agents.




1. to pickle – мариновать

2. to tenderize – размягчать

3. optional ingredients – необязательные компоненты, компоненты по выбору

4. frankfurter - сосиска

5. bologna – болонская колбаса

6. to chop=to comminute = to mince – рубить, измельчать

7. spices – пряности

8. penetration - проникновение

9. to impact – придавать

10. to deposit –осаждать


10.Choose the statement corresponding to text contents:

1. Cured and pickled meats contain:

a) sugar, milk and oils; b) salt, sodium or potassium nitrate; c) flavourings

2. Sausage product belong to the group of …

a) pickled meals; b) frozen meats; c) cured, smoked and cooked meats.

3. … is used for the production of sausages and frankfurters.

a) finally chopped meat; b) tenderized whole meat pieces; c) canned meat

4. To obtain the end product with proper juiciness … is incorporated.

a) ice; b) salt; c) a number of spices

5. To impact the characteristic smoked flavor to the product … are introduced.

a) bacteriostatic agents; b) hardwood smoke; c) flavourings


11. Name the verbs corresponding to the following words:

cured, pickled, smoked, tenderized, frozen, canned, preparation, addition, penetration, heating




1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

proportion, grade, vitamin, protein, specific, substance, enzyme, metabolism, series, evolution, stimulate, appetite, regular

2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

value – ценность

foremost – передний, самый главный

grade – сорт, качество

nutrients – питательные вещества

to digest – переваривать

enzymes – ферменты, энзимы

dual – двойной

urea – мочевина

creatine – креатин

nitrogenous – азотный

oxidation – окисление

tissue - ткань

deprive - лишать

roe (s) – икра



3. State what part of speech the following words are, translate them into Russian:

1. зависeть; 1) dependence; 2) depend; 3) independence

2. высокий; 1) height; 2) higher; 3) high

3. производить; 1) generating; 2) generation; 3) generate

4. процесс; 1) process; 2) processor; 3) procession

5. преобразователь; 1) transform; 2) transformation; 3) transformer

6. стимулировать; 1) stimulator; 2) stimulate; 3) stimulation

7. регулирование; 1) regulation; 2) regulator; 3) regulate

8. использовать; 1) user; 2) usage; 3) use

9. редко; 1) rarity; 2) rare; 3) rarely


4. Read and translate the following text:


The food value of fish depends first and foremost on whether it contains a large proportion of high grade proteins with all the (nonconvertible) amino acids essential for health. The other nutrients in fish – fat, vitamins and minerals are likewise important. When proteins are digested, they break up giving amino acids which eventually serve to build up the specific protein substances, enzymes, and hormones peculiar to man. At the same time the amino acids taking part in metabolism, go through a series of changes which are accompanied by the evolution on energy as vital heat. Hence proteins play the dual role of building and heat generating material. The end products of their breakdown in the body are urea, creatine, ammonia, carbon, dioxide and water.

The small amount of non-protein (extractive) nitrogenous substances in fish plays an important part in the digestive process, stimulating gastric juices and appetite.

The role of fat is mainly to produce heat. Being transformed into carbon dioxide and water as a result of hydrolysis and oxidation, fat becomes the main source of the body heat essential for physical and mental work.

The vitamins in fish are assimilated by man and serve to regular metabolism. Vitamins A and D are particularly valuable. Minerals help to build up the bones, brain, nervous system, muscles and covering tissues of man. If man is deprived of an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, his metabolism is upset, and serious illness result.

The whole fish is not usually used for food, but only such edible parts as the body muscles (and sometimes milts, roes, liver and head muscle). To make a proper assessment of fish as food it is necessary to know its relative content of edible material, as well as proportion and quality of the nitrogenous compounds, fat, vitamins and mineral salts.

Poisonous fishes. Not all fishes are edible. Some, and some parts of others, are unfit for food because they contain certain peculiar compounds with toxic properties. Poisonous material occurs comparatively rarely in the muscular tissue, but is more frequently present in the internal organs (gonads liver, peritoneum) and in the head. The toxic matter is sometimes present at certain times (usually during the breeding period), and then disappears.

Poisonous fishes live mainly in tropical waters and include the following: globifish, surgeon fishes, puffers, ilisha, some types of mullet, barracuda and other species. The poisonous fishes are the Baekhash marinka, Issyk Kulosman (poisonous roe and peritoneum) and the barbell and khramula (poisonous roe).



value - ценность

foremost - передний, самый главный

grade - сорт, качество

protein - протеин, белок

nutrients - питательные вещества

to digest - переваривать(ся)

enzymes - ферменты, энзимы

peculiar - характерный

dual - двойной

urea - мочевина

creatine - креатин

nitrogenous - азотный

oxidation - окисление

assimilate - ассимилировать(ся), усваивать

tissues - ткани

deprive - лишать

roe(s) - икра


5. Give antonyms for the following words:

value, large, convertible, essential, to build up, heat, end, breakdown, main, to help, whole, necessary, edible, rarely.

6. Finish the following sentences:

1. When proteins are digested they…

2. The small amount of non-protein substances in fish plays…

3. The end products of their breakdown in the body are…

4. The role of fat is …

5. The vitamins in fish are assimilated by man’ and…

6. Minerals help to build up…

7. The whole fish is not usually used for food, but…

8. Poisonous fish live mainly in …

9. The toxic matter is sometimes present in…


7. Translate the following word combinations:

Пищевая ценность, питательные вещества, серия изменений, конечный продукт, процесс пищеварения, желудочный сок, основной источник, покрывающие ткани, использовать для пищи, соответствующая оценка, съедобный, ядовитые рыбы.

8. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the food value of fish depend on?

2. What nutrients in fish are important?

3. What do amino acids eventually serve for?

4. What are the end products of proteins breakdown in the body?

5. What role does the small amount of non-protein nitrogenous substances in fish play?

6. What is the role of fat?

7. Does fat become the main source of the body heat essential for physical and mental work?

8. What is result if man is deprived of an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals?



9. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. Пищевая ценность рыбы зависит, прежде всего от количества содержащегося в ней высококачественного белка и всех аминокислот, существенных для здоровья.

2. Другие питательные вещества в рыбе – это жир, витамины и минеральные соли, которые также важны.

3. Белки играют двойную роль – создание и производство теплового материала.

4. Роль жира, в основном, производить тепло.

5. Витамины в рыбе, потребляемые человеком, служат для регулирования обмена веществ.

6. Витамины А и Д особенно ценны.

7. Минералы способствуют укреплению костей, нервной системы, мышц и тканей человека.

8. Если человек лишается соответствующих витаминов и минеральных солей, процесс обмена веществ отсутствует, что ведет к серьезным заболеваниям.

9. Целая рыба обычно не употребляется в пищу.

10. Не все рыбы съедобны.

11. Некоторые части рыбы непригодны для пищи, т.к. они содержат определенные вещества с токсичными свойствами.

12. Ядовитые вещества более часто встречаются во внутренних органах и в голове.

13. Иногда токсичные вещества присутствуют в определенные периоды (обычно во время размножения), а затем исчезают.



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