Практичне заняття №4. Close of the conference. 

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Практичне заняття №4. Close of the conference.

1. General significance of the conference.

2. Satisfaction of the work of the conference.

3. Mutual understanding throughout the work of the conference.

4. Results of the conference.

5. Recommendations of the conference.


1. Борковская Н. Б. Пособие для научных роботников по развитию навыков устной речи. – Л.: Просвещение. – 1970.

2. Д. В. Бэдэрэу. Научная конференция. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи. – Кишинёв: Штиинца. – 1975.

3. Вигдорович Е. С. Oral Practice for Scientific Students. – М.: Высшая школа. – 1972.

4. Яблочкова Т.К. Conference Guide. – Высшая школа. – 1972.

5. М. Вавилова. Учимся читать быстрее. - М.: Высшая школа, 1994.

Практичне заняття №5. Contributed papers.

1. Registration postcards.

2. Abstracts of papers.

3. Contributed manuscripts.

4. Proceedings of the conference.


1. Ворончук А.П., Шабатіна К.М. Підручник англійської мови. - К.: Вища школа, 1998.

2. Борковская Н. Б. Пособие для научных роботников по развитию навыков устной речи. – Л.: Просвещение. – 1970.

3. Вигдорович Е. С. Oral Practice for Scientific Students. – М.: Высшая школа. – 1972.

4. Д. В. Бэдэрэу. Научная конференция. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи. – Кишинёв: Штиинца. – 1975.

5. Яблочкова Т.К. Conference Guide. – Высшая школа. – 1972.

Практичне заняття №6. Entertainment program.

1. Sightseeing.

2. Places of interest.

3. Customs and traditions of the English-speaking country you visited.


1. Бойко В. А. и др. Английский язык для пединститутов. – К.: Высшая школа, 1999.

2. Бурова З.И. Английский язык. Учебник для гуманитарных специальностей вузов. - М.: Высшая школа, 1987.

3. Покорна Л. М., Цоброва І. А., Валуєва І. В. та ін. Навчально методичний посібник з англійської мови як загальноосвітньої дисципліни «Закордонна подорож студента на наукову конференцію». Для студентів І – ІІІ курсів немовних факультетів. Херсон – 2002.

4. Горкун М.Г. Учебник английского языка для студентов неязыковых специальностей вузов. - К.: Вища школа, 2003.

5. Русанова С.В. Английский язык для гуманитарных спеціальностей педагогических вузов. - М.: Высшая школа, 1987.

Практичне заняття №7. The scientific investigation.

1. The theme of the research.

2. The problem investigation.

3. The actuality of the research.

4. The aim of investigation.

5. The theoretical value.

6. The practical importance.

7. The novelty of the investigation.


1. Ворончук А.П., Шабатіна К.М. Підручник англійської мови. - К.: Вища школа, 1998.

2. Вигдорович Е. С. Oral Practice for Scientific Students. – М.: Высшая школа. – 1972.

3. Зарубина З.В. и др. Продолжайте совершенствовать свой английский.: Учебное пособие./2-е изд.- М.: Высшая школа., 1988.

4. Яблочкова Т.К. Conference Guide. – Высшая школа. – 1972.

Практичне заняття №8. Reading according to qualification.

1. The problem of the text.

2. The theoretical value.

3. the practical importon.

4. The nivelty of the investigation.


1. Ворончук А.П., Шабатіна К.М. Підручник англійської мови. - К.: Вища школа, 1998.

2. Цоброва І. А. Навчально-методичний посібник з англійської мови як загальноосвітньої дисципліни для студентів І – ІІІ курсів заочної та екстернатної форми навчання. – Херсон: Видавництво ХДПУ, 2002. – 48 с.

3. Совершенствуйте свой английский: Учебное пособие для ин-тов и факультетов иностранных языков./ Э.П. Ельникова, З.В. Зарубина, Л.А.Кудрявцева, М.Ф. Ширманова. – 2-е изд. – М.: Высшая школа., 1988.

4. Зарубина З.В. и др. Продолжайте совершенствовать свой английский.: Учебное пособие./2-е изд.- М.: Высшая школа., 1988.

5. Яблочкова Т.К. Conference Guide. – Высшая школа. – 1972.

Завдання для самостійної роботи №2

Reading & translating of the text:

Models of announcements and letters about international conferences

International conference on coordination chemistry

St. Moritz-Bad, Switzerland

September 5 to September 9, 2000 Place

The Conference will be at St. Moritz-Bad, Switzerland, where the headquarters will be installed and all scientific sessions will be held. St Moritz is beautifully situated at an altitude of 1800 от above the sea-level and offers sufficient accommodations in early September. Temperatures in September are normally between 10 and 20 °С but may drop occasionally to the freezing point. Visitors are recommended to have appropriate clothing.

Scope and session

All contributions dealing with the coordination chemistry of metals will be

within the scope of the Conference. Since it is anticipated that the number of offered papers may far exceed the number that can conveniently be presented, a selection of offered papers may be necessary. This selection of about 150 papers will be made by the Executive Committee and the selected papers will be grouped according to their contents into 3 or 4 sections. For each paper 25 minutes will be available, including time for discussion.

Five or six plenary lectures will be held.

Scientific contributions

Those who wish to present a paper should give particulars (title, problem, method, results, etc.) on the enclosed form В and return it to the Secretary of IX I.C.C.C. before December 1, 1999. The selection of papers (see above) will be based on the information obtained.


Abstracts of the scientific contributions will be printed and the resulting

"Proceedings of IX I.C.C.C." mailed to the attendees of the Conference at least 2 weeks in advance free of charge. All participants will be asked to state to which address the Proceedings should be mailed. Plenary lectures will be published in the IUPAC Journal "Pure and Applied Chemistry".


The official language of the Executive Bodies is English. Although there is

no argument against the use of any other language, it is recommended that papers should be presented in English. Translation facilities are not available. Speakers in other languages are recommended to distribute a written text in English at the presentation of their contribution.


Persons desiring to receive the second circular and the final registration form

are asked to complete the enclosed preliminary registration form C by December 1, 1999. The Executive Committee will be grateful for the names and addresses of persons interested in attending the Conference who have not been reached by this circular.


St. Moritz-Bad and St. Moritz offer excellent and extensive hotel

accommodation in every price class.

Accommodation will be secured by returning the completed preliminary registration form C to the Secretary of the Executive Committee. Final registration forms will be sent with the 2nd circular.

Practical assignments: Read these items of information and interview the imaginary participant of the conference. Use the following expressions as introductions to your questions:

It is known that...

• It is a well-known fact that...

• It is believed that...

• It is assumed that...

• I've heard that...

• I'm told that...

•... in this connection...

•... concerning...

•... speaking about...

• I wonder...

• Could you tell me about...

• Could you speak on...

• Would you tell me about...

• I'd like to know...

Reading & translating of the text:


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